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My First Gun/Shopping Tips


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Old July 4th, 2009, 03:42   #1
MrSmiley's Avatar
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My First Gun/Shopping Tips

Hey everyone. I'd like to start out by saying I'm very happy to be part of the ASC community, I can already see this is opening up new doors for me, so thank you all for that.

Now I know it's common for newbies to ask "WHAT GUN SHOULD I BUY", but I've done my best. and with the knowledge I have, to take down as much info as possible on my way through the Canadian sites. I can't get a gun that's too expensive as I haven't found anyone in my town that plays yet so I might have to buy a couple for my friend and myself(he's not nearly as interested as I am), BUT enought chit chat.

My price range is about $150-$250MAX(better make that $350 lol). I've been looking on the site's 'high grade' guns page (
and am torn between a few models, MP5, MP5-J, Sig (Ihear great things about the MP5 Tactical). I'm not huge on the look if one performs better than the other. I'm also looking at ability for upgrades, I'd hate to buy a gun and find out I can't change anything on it. If anyone has any suggestions or tips for shopping around, as I've been told the FPS isn't a direct indicator of the quality of the gun, or you know of a very cost effective gun please share. I understand I'll need money for my kit too but I'll worry about that later and build it around my weapon. As the gun is the most important component, I would greatly appreciate any and all help. Thanks again

Also if you'd like, check this AK and MP7 I found on another site for a little less cash

Kraken AK-47


*After thought question*
How can I tell if the gear box is a version 1, 2, or 3 as the website overviews often don't tell me

Last edited by MrSmiley; July 4th, 2009 at 04:18..
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Old July 4th, 2009, 03:48   #2
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Umm, first thing I would not recommend buying from, if your looking for a decent gun then $150-250 would get you a pistol. Here are a couple of websites that people use to get guns from:

Hope this helps
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Old July 4th, 2009, 09:17   #3
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For your price range, I'd say the Kraken is your best bet. A tiny bit of tweaking in the beginning and you'll have a serviceable gun . In the long run, reviews on ASC will tell you which parts are compatible for upgrading. To be honest though, I'd get Age Verified on ASC, save up another hundred or two and just buy a used gun from the classifieds. For the price of a G & G Cansoft (Clear or smoked lower) you can get a used full metal gun if you patient enough.
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Old July 4th, 2009, 11:38   #4
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Team page for Ontario. Find a team and contact them. You can usually tag along for a game and get a loaner gun then see what you like. You can also get AV'ed if the team has an AV rep or if you go to a larger (20+ person) game.

Keep in mind though that there was one incident of a guy getting turned off of airsoft cause he tagged along with a WWI/II re-enactors team and the guys playing were kind of "elitist" in the requirements of kit and whatnot. If you do like that kind of thing then it's all good but each team has a different goal/purpose. Some may be milsim oriented, some are a "boys Friday night out" type of dynamics, some may be re-enactors of Vietnam/WWI/WWII/etc. down to the socks and shoelaces.
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Old July 4th, 2009, 17:31   #5
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Getting Age Verified is definatly on my 'to do' list, I need to have my health card reissued though I lost my old one, and I bike I don't drive (probably a good idea to get my licence too but I've never needed to drive anywhere I couldn't bike). The classified section was the first place I wanted to go and yes I'm going to need to dish out at least $400 (which I'm cool which as long as I'm getting what I pay for) but I'm a little sketchy cuz buy off people is of course buying different from buy form a company. Is there a waiver or something or is there a method of preventing getting ripped off? ( I read the section about trouble with retailers but I didn't see individuals, I may have not looked hard enough). Also, while I've got your attention is there a sniper rifle anyone would suggest that's not too expensive(I'll pay a little more if I know it'll last and shoot straight) but I see the WELL L96 pack for about 300. I'm gunna guess that it doesn't get much cheaper than that.

I had looked into one of those WWII groups last night funny you mentioned that and triedto sign up but had some problems with the registration. So I might be getting a little ahead of myself asking this but, how many mags on average would full CO2 pistol go through. I know they vary but like what's the best and what's the worst. I saw a review and the dude said it goes through about 4 and a half mags before gasing up again, I don't know whether he was really off or just a back gun, or maybe that's how it is who knows.

Thank you for the advice thus far it's shaping the outcome for sure. Right now I'm thinking an H&K system just cuz everyone has an M4 or M16, I've still got lots of specs to go through though, I don't want to spend 450 dollars on something I'm not gunna enjoy. Like my Xbox 360..

I'm kiddin I like it, just wish there were more exclusives. LOST PLANET 2 will be sick though

Last edited by MrSmiley; July 4th, 2009 at 19:25..
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Old July 4th, 2009, 19:12   #6
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Safest way to do a deal is in-person, that way you get to meet the person.

If that's not possible because the item needs to be shipped, then Paypal.

Paypal offers both buyer and seller protection policies as long as you meet the requirements.

Ie. Sellers get protection if they mail to the verified address of the buyer
Ie. Buyers get protection if there's no proof of tracking.

ASC has the Trader Rating system which allows you to see who's safe to deal with, keep in mind this isn't like eBay so even one negative can raise some flags. But make sure you read the feedback and perhaps ask other members of the forum what the issue may have been about since alot of time unfair negative feedback gets left and the mods don't get notified about it.

You think it's not safe for customers to buy from 'retailers' or other individuals off this board? The retailers undergo more risk as they usually require several contacts to get airsoft into the country, there have been many occasions that retailers have been screwed by the importer or by their suppliers overseas.
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Old July 4th, 2009, 21:24   #7
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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For 350 you can get a G&G =D.
I would say take the G&G over a JG, and then just spray the reciever. Also, it looks like the G&G has much nicer internals than the old version of JGs (the newest ones have some better parts and some worse)
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.

Last edited by yuhaoyang; July 4th, 2009 at 21:31..
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Old July 4th, 2009, 21:41   #8
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You can get a CAS Smoked G&G with a metal upper for $308+tax... once CAS gets more of them

Thats a pretty solid starter AEG.

Also, if you want something thats not an AR-15(M4, M16) consider the CAS G&G Full stock MP5.
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Old July 5th, 2009, 16:07   #9
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Ok so I've got a pretty solid idea of the set up I'd like, TM FAMAS, G&G UMG.

I've been told the FAMAS, becasue of it's longer barrel shoots pretty straight. And although it's a Ver. 1, I've also been told that it's stood the test of time with many players.

The UMG seems as though it can keep up with some of the better MP5 systems, and I do really love the look. Parts, like the FAMAS, are hard to come by and I understand, that's the price you pay when dealing with a less popular, or under produced model. (I don't know which of the 2 these guns would fall under)

If anyone wants to tell me why else I might not want to combine these 2, or why this is a good idea I'm all for it. Thanks
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Old July 5th, 2009, 21:17   #10
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Hi, I'm also looking for a gun around the price range from $200 - $350 and I don't know what gun I should get since I'm just starting out. My friend offered me a Tokyo Maui MP5 (I think that's how you spell it haha) for $250. Would this be a good choice?
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Old July 5th, 2009, 21:19   #11
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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that's a very good deal.(if your in Canada
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old July 5th, 2009, 21:21   #12
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Yes I live in Canada haha
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Old July 5th, 2009, 23:39   #13
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$250 for a TM, even if it needs work is a very good price, Consider taking it to a gundoc once you first get it for a look-over
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Old July 6th, 2009, 18:31   #14
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If the internals are crap, a TM isn't worth $250.

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Old July 6th, 2009, 20:46   #15
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My friend first bought his TM brand new for $475 and has only used it 3 times ever since. He was planning to sell it for around $300 to $350, but since I was asking him, he offered it to me for $250.
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