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Old September 23rd, 2009, 14:40   #16
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
lol you seem to post that a lot but again, technically no*- any gun that is TM for example (or is close enough to real looking to be a replica) is listed as a prohibited weapon (unless you owned it at the time the law changed).

Wrong, the law says "may" be a replica .. until a court judges it so it's not a replica.

Regardless .. even if they are replicas.. its still legal to posses

"Canadian Legal" is nothing more than a marketing ploy

Importers , to import any commerically viable volume must be able to get their wares past CBSA .. currently the only slick way to do that is to have the restricted parts clear so that they are not likely to be considered replicas by CBSA .. which has a looser definition of what is or is not a replica than the Criminal code does.

Now they have to be able to sell these wares in a market where Full metal so called "black guns" do exist and can be purchased.

They do this by touting them as "Canadian Legal" and playing off the general ignorance of the law ( or flawed interpritations of that law) that exists within the airsoft market. ( and are often perpetuated by people who rely on hearsay to get their legal advice )

Notwithstanding... plenty of clear receiver guns are of good quality and very reliable.. and a very good starting point for a first purchase.. in use .. on the field .. no one can tell if they are shot with a full metal $2000 gun or a $350 "canadian legal" clear receiver gun.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
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Last edited by Brian McIlmoyle; September 23rd, 2009 at 14:44..
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 15:16   #17
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However, as an individual, you cannot import or acquire a replica firearm.
its straight form section 3 Brian lol- just like last time

lol and we've covered this before Brian- the law currently lists ALL TM guns and guns of TM clones as replica standard for example. So the law is clear and if you recall in a thread last year I posted it with all the links and proved it and you had to grudgingly admit that the law was clear but enforcement was not (simply put you wont get arrested for simply owning one even though legally you may not own one). Shortly thereafter you were on that TV program if you recall- if not its all the same as this old argument prolly wont ever die lol.

I respect you and what you have done so dont take my 'opinion' for more than it is... (we disagree) but the fact is that so long as people on ASC keep putting myths like this forward about replica status airsoft guns being legal to own we can expect a lot of 'grey area' talk.

It does a disservice to the merchants who are operating legally here on ASC (you know, legally, like as in say a business license for a start lol). Personally I dont mind access to the black guns (I have my own 'illegal' airsoft guns as well as my Cansoft legal ones) but I draw the line when I see people who are smuggling black guns in to Canada dump on the guys who import them legally and claim that their guns are imported just as legally. We all know thats a big lie as there is no way to do so with most of the black receiver guns currently posted here on ASC.

My point is that the clear receivers are in fact legal and non-clear ones are clearly listed as not- people can 'logic' it however they want and avoid reading the posted laws but for the ASC community to allow people to keep these myths going is not really doing the sport a favour.

Last edited by MillerBRo; September 23rd, 2009 at 15:22..
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 15:27   #18
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Regardless .. even if they are replicas.. its still legal to posses

"Canadian Legal" is nothing more than a marketing ploy
I think the emphasis made by the retailers is on selling and buying.

Forget any greyness about what is a replica or isn't, court ruling, etc. Hell, even forget importing for the moment. Let's say 1:1 scale black airsoft guns are straight up replicas and thus prohibited devices. Even though replica firearms as prohibited devices are legal to own, their transfer was restricted (by providing no legal permission for transfer) from businesses to civilians, and between civilians. Replica was excused from the restrictions on prohibited devices for possession, not transfer.

With that in mind, one can excuse retailers for monikers like "Canadian legal". I don't like the term, but I can understand it.
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 15:41   #19
Brian McIlmoyle
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you persist in mixing CBSA regulations with the criminal code

I agree you can't buy a replica legally but I can buy all the imitation firearms I want ..

You or me or anyone is not qualified to define what is or is not a replica firearm.. that is a point of FACT to be TESTED in court

ALL airsoft guns clear or otherwise are imitation firearms .. SOME airsoft guns have been found to be Replicas by the court.. However the Court has NOT defined airsoft guns as replicas..

CBSA however HAS taken the position that all airsoft guns ARE replicas but then the ones with clear receivers have been recognized as NOT meeting the test of a replica in most cases... but they could change their mind any time they want to.

I own quite a number of airsoft guns.. NONE of then are Replicas .. all of them are Imitation firearms clearly because I purchased them all legally ..

Regardless Possession of Replica firearms is 100% legal regardless of when or how you cane into possession of them.. Its not illegal for me to have them even if they are replicas.. If they are .. it is illegal for me to sell them or you to buy them.. though the current enforcement regime ignores transactions between individuals unless there are other offences involved.

As Saint says the clear receivers is all about import and sales .. it has nothing to do with the legality of posession

Originally Posted by MillerBRo View Post
its straight form section 3 Brian lol- just like last time

lol and we've covered this before Brian- the law currently lists ALL TM guns and guns of TM clones as replica standard for example. So the law is clear and if you recall in a thread last year I posted it with all the links and proved it and you had to grudgingly admit that the law was clear but enforcement was not (simply put you wont get arrested for simply owning one even though legally you may not own one). Shortly thereafter you were on that TV program if you recall- if not its all the same as this old argument prolly wont ever die lol.

I respect you and what you have done so dont take my 'opinion' for more than it is... (we disagree) but the fact is that so long as people on ASC keep putting myths like this forward about replica status airsoft guns being legal to own we can expect a lot of 'grey area' talk.

It does a disservice to the merchants who are operating legally here on ASC (you know, legally, like as in say a business license for a start lol). Personally I dont mind access to the black guns (I have my own 'illegal' airsoft guns as well as my Cansoft legal ones) but I draw the line when I see people who are smuggling black guns in to Canada dump on the guys who import them legally and claim that their guns are imported just as legally. We all know thats a big lie as there is no way to do so with most of the black receiver guns currently posted here on ASC.

My point is that the clear receivers are in fact legal and non-clear ones are clearly listed as not- people can 'logic' it however they want and avoid reading the posted laws but for the ASC community to allow people to keep these myths going is not really doing the sport a favour.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 18:59   #20
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I know G&G is canadian legal but some ppl buy extremely good G&G rifles from the clasified
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 22:02   #21
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I know that both the guns are canadian legal so can u please stop bugging me about it and i was asking what one was better
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 22:30   #22
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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I'd buy the JG, maybe not better quality, but comparible, but for the PRICE, the VA JGs are hands down the winner

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Originally Posted by Kid View Post
The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old September 23rd, 2009, 22:49   #23
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Yeah, and from the in depth reviews, it appears that out of the box G&G has problems with compression due to a poor piston head design, whereas from T7's thread, it appears that the JG's version 2 mechbox (at least for the HK416) has a piston head that has teeth made out of metal. So it certainly appears the JG is better material.

G&G and JG are quite similar, for the price, I'd do VA just because of the package they offer and the fact its a JG.
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Old September 24th, 2009, 01:04   #24
Con Murder
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Also velocity arms has free shipping, that made me get a JG even though many people told me not too and past product was of a different stock. I am well pleased and it puts my buddies to shame (also JG but metal upper and abs black lower, from local retailer $500) with its performance. Only problem is it needs a sorbo pad (remember I got the A version 400 fps +) and I am lazy and have not done it so it sounds weird. The G&G that I seen really do have great performance as well, based on performance it really is to close to call for me. BUT the S-system is the only m4 variant I will game, hands down sexy and hands down bad ass!
Con Murder
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Old September 24th, 2009, 16:52   #25
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plus those Velocity Arms lowers look to be darn near unbreakable

Brain- I can see your point for sure (like I said I have my own black plastic). I dont think we'll ever make any progress towards a middle ground by splitting hairs since like you say it really only comes into play when one of the guys selling the black plastic gets raided and goes to court or an idiot uses his guns in a public location.

Still for people in the Newb Tank to blindly declare that black plastic airsoft guns are just as legal as the clear ones sure doesnt seem to be helping to educate players as to the exact problems with our sport and 'replicas'. The RCMP has in fact determined that all TM guns are prohibited weapons as they are replicas for example- it is not the just CBSA importation laws.

Like Saint I think that giving the retailers who try to make airsoft a viable business and a growing sport props by legally importing guns is a good thing.

Last edited by MillerBRo; September 24th, 2009 at 16:54..
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Old September 24th, 2009, 17:00   #26
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I believe they were deemed replicas because of there Fps was deemed insufiecient to cause bodily harm.

Now if someone brought in a brand of gun that shot over 407fps and under 500 there would be a chance of it being allowed in after testing.

But its not even worth it to import costing time and money for testing , you might not even get it back.

Im definatly going to grab the s system unless they have them in the classifieds NIB the full metal preupgraded version for a small bit more the about something around 300-350 shipped .

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old September 24th, 2009, 17:25   #27
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Thank you for what i asked for.
now everyone else telling me about what is legal in canada i know all that through extencive research so u just wasted ur time telling me about it
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Old September 24th, 2009, 17:48   #28
Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
I believe they were deemed replicas because of there Fps was deemed insufiecient to cause bodily harm.

Now if someone brought in a brand of gun that shot over 407fps and under 500 there would be a chance of it being allowed in after testing.

But its not even worth it to import costing time and money for testing , you might not even get it back.

Im definatly going to grab the s system unless they have them in the classifieds NIB the full metal preupgraded version for a small bit more the about something around 300-350 shipped .
Try $150-$200 higher than that for a quality AEG. Airsoft is not cheap and shouldn't be seen with a no frills attitude. Try taking up cocaine, its cheaper and less addictive than airsoft.

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My trust is in whiskey, in weed and in Slayer, its GODDAMN ELECTRIC - Pantera

Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old September 24th, 2009, 17:59   #29
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
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OK I'm tired of reading this crap.

Anything ...any device made to resemble a firearm with NEAR precision.

That means it's 1:1 scale and close in appearance is deemed by the CBSA as a replica firearm.

CBSA doesn't care if it was designed as a signal gun/flare gun/airsoft gun/pellet gun

If it looks like a real gun its a replica.

The only reason why Tokyo Marui is mentioned is because at the time Tokyo Marui guns were pretty much the only guns being imported since nobody else was making anything worth importing.

Anyways now to get back on topic.

Do a readup or Google about Jing Gong AEGs nothing but stellar good reports about their products. Now Karnage has broken his piggy bank to get these custom made guns with these awesome polycarbonate lower receivers for us all.

The bodies aren't weak like G&G, I've seen G&Gs that crack near where the body pins go in.
Hell some of these new VA rifles weigh the same if not more than the G&Gs, these things are rugged just like the black JG rifles are.

For starters, this is the best M4 you can buy, for an MP5 get a G&G, AK a Kraken wouldn't hurt.
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Old September 24th, 2009, 18:43   #30
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Originally Posted by fleuryfighter View Post
Thank you for what i asked for.
now everyone else telling me about what is legal in canada i know all that through extencive research so u just wasted ur time telling me about it
lol yeah sorry to hijack it a bit (its and old and worn out topic to be sure). Keep in mind that the Newb tank is pretty much here for exactly that reason though- to rehash old topics that the experienced airsoft players dont want to see anywhere else anymore My advice is to never put the words 'Canada Legal' into any thread if you dont want to see the back and forth about what is legal and what is not.

Most of my guns have been Jing Gong and there have been little complaints from me (the only major one being a defect in the G3 mag springs where the metal is brittle). In fact the majority of guns used at our field now are JG and G&G and the G&G still seem to have more NIB errors and breakdowns than the JG clones do.

Seeing what Karnage at VA has done really got me stoked as for the longest time people were against the brittle plastic that came with clear guns- now with those sturdy lowers I cant see any reason why I wouldnt be looking at his line of JG M4s. I just wish there were more variants available but I can see how funding G3s or even MP5 lowers would be pretty costly and not as marketable as the M4s

Last edited by MillerBRo; September 24th, 2009 at 18:50..
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