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Old February 7th, 2010, 20:31   #1
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A story- Discuss

Passing this on from the REDuser forums. In the context of the REDuser forum, this story applies to that although someone can aquire a high-quality camera, can they really use it?

Well, after years as a sound mixer/filmmaker, I have decided to make a change. I am going to become a race car driver. The problem is I need a little help. The only car I have is a 1979 Ford Maverick, but I’m sure if I buy a few really cheap accessories I can make it run like a formula one. Do any of you guys know where I can get a motor like a real race car has for less than $100? I am sure B and H has them somewhere but I can’t find them on their website. I am also going to get a RedLettusRock25 brand spoiler, I am assured that this will make my car look and run like a new one. My cousin knew a guy that did this and he is rich now.
I am going to race in all the biggest races, so if you help me now you are getting in on the ground floor. I will remember you when I am standing in that winner’s circle. You and old what’s-his-name (?) that gave me the free tires. Anyway, as I said I am going to race in all the biggest races and I am going to need some crew. I am going to find some mechanics who can’t afford mechanic school yet but who REALLY want to work on a real race car, and I am going to let them fix up my car. After that first race I will be able to give them more than a cool T-shirt I designed with my name on it and cold pizza. Better yet, maybe I can find some new mechanic-school graduates who can’t get a job yet and want to hone their craft a bit. At least they will probably have their own tools I can borrow.
Someone told me I might need insurance for this, but I didn’t budget for that so we’ll get it on the next one.
Do you guys know if the $1.99 fuel boost additive works just as well as the $6 bottle?
So that’s my plan, can any of you guys out there who’ve done this give me any pointers? I can’t afford school right now and I don’t have time to read the 5 million posts on the race car driver board and 800,000 pages of advice already out there on the internet, so can all you veteran race car drivers just please tell me how and help me or something? I’m really committed to this and I’m really good at it, all my friends say so.
So get on board soon and answer my questions, I am in a hurry because I heard that there is a big race in Indianapolis coming up soon and want to enter it. Did I mention I was going to all the biggest races?
I also need some red paint, I hear that all the best race cars are red now, and I want a red one, too.
Also, does anybody know when the DMV is open?
I have to get that little book that will help me study for my driver’s license.
Original REDuser thread here

Of course this can also apply to airsoft as well. Just curious on what people think, as this stirs up thoughts on Elitism, clearsoft/cansoft/highquality debate, and various other issues. Does having high quality guns limit your capacity as an airsoft player - of course not. Does it make you better at what you do - Potentially. The use of a high quality gun is lost on a poor player. Alternately, putting a poor quality gun in the hands of a good shot wastes their effectivness. Can we judge a player's skills based upon their attitude on a forum? Can an attitude on a forum relfect their gameplay?

Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old February 7th, 2010, 21:23   #2
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I skimmed that, but honestly anyone who knows anything about racing knows that guy is spewing pipedreamage. Can you do some illegal street drag in the industrial district with the setup he mentions? Sure. You might even win a few, specially if you're a good driver and the other guy isn't. But if you're competing with professionals? When the difference between winning and losing is measured in 1/10ths of a second, everything counts. Teams with budgets do better, that's a fact. Sure a shitty driver can blow all that away in a split second, but if you have a good driver in a good car your team will do well. But even a great driver in a not-so-good car will have a hard time scoring points, let alone getting a podium.

And you're right, the same IS true for airsoft. But the perceived "elitism" isn't so. And here again, we have a lot of people who've learned the hard way, buying a cheap gun and trying to bring it up to par ends up being expensive and usually yields sub-par results anyway. Some people bought good guns, but the people with the best guns built them up themselves and that's never cheap. Does it make you a better player? No. But a crappy gun will most definitely limit and frustrate you, no matter how good you are.

Not blowing your money on junk isn't elitism, it's common sense.
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Old February 7th, 2010, 21:41   #3
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wow, the first thing I thought of as I was reading that was the people comming on here and wanting to get guns for $100-$200 and when we tell them that is not possible, they whine and complain about it. however for the general cost to what they are asking, this would be closer to someone asking for a PTW for $14.99 after shipping.
either way, as has been said, even the best driver out there would not be able to do well in the race, they would do better than this guy, but the car is too much of a bottle neck in this case.
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Old February 7th, 2010, 22:08   #4
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Just so you know, the person who wrote this doesnt exist, rather it was written to show the attitude of some new people towards, literally almost any sport, hobby, or profession.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old February 7th, 2010, 23:22   #5
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You know what I wanna do now is become a patissier. I know I can become the head station manager right off the bat, but what's the cheapest school to go to for pastry studies? I don't want to spend more than $2000 learning how to be a patissier, how hard can it be? All it is, is just making desserts and breads.

Seriously though, I'm planning on taking a few pastry courses (not to the level that a head station patissier would need, maybe just a pastry/baking apprentice) once I graduate and although my career will likely be in GIS, knowing how to make awesome desserts and being able to eat them is still cool (I have a sweet tooth).
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