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Sniper Rifle Contradiction?


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Old February 16th, 2010, 17:36   #1
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Sniper Rifle Contradiction?

I've been reading around and i see that MANY people say if your a noob, DO NOT GET A SNIPER RIFLE. Some say it because the gun is too powerful and only trusted players use them so they dont shoot the wrong person. Others say its because the rifle does not shoot hard enough to begin with and A LOT of money and time are needed to actually "snipe" with it. Do these points not contradict each other? Just a thought that popped into my head, and I thought maybe someone could shed some light on the confusion.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 17:39   #2
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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No, because a stock sniper rifle is not gamable.
Well, you can use it at game, but you will be in the same ballgame as a player using a sprigner pistol.

Also, it's not a good weapon platform to start playing and learn the dynamic of the game.

To be an effective sniper, you need a very good comprehention of the game and the tactics, as well and the effectiveness of AEGs.

That experience come after one or 2 years of playing.

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Old February 16th, 2010, 17:41   #3
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no it is not that they need a lot of money to shoot "hard enough" it is the money needed to put into them to shoot straight and consistent even highend BA rifles used by vet snipers in airsoft will have a ton of money in aftermarket parts to help with accuracy and shot consistently. And the playing experience Fox mentioned is most of the time a must for fields with some fields requiring a course to certify you to use one.


Last edited by Tex; February 16th, 2010 at 17:44..
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Old February 16th, 2010, 17:41   #4
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well using a gun that shoots hot means you have to get proper training, and we don't want new people shooting others with 500 fps from 30 feet away. The upgrading and investing alot of money on a sniper rifle is all up to you, when i got my vsr10 it was shooting 283 fps, and i had more kills then with my aeg, because it was quite and accurate. Shooting hot means you have a MED , medium engagement distance, can't shoot anyone closer then 200 feet if im not mistaken. Someone plz correct me if im wrong on any of these, To have a great sniper rifle you will need to invest alot of time and money

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Old February 16th, 2010, 17:42   #5
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It's not that they don't shoot hard enough. Power doesn't equal accuracy. Stock airsoft sniper rifles generally shoot fairly hot (chinese ones usually), and are either less or equally as accurate as an AEG. The upgrading to make it accurate and consistent is the terribly expensive part.

EDIT: Sweet Jesus everybody jumped on this one like noob-hungry wolves didn't they?
The war between the sexes is over. We won the second women started doing pole dancing for exercise.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 17:44   #6
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The main reason NOT to start with a SR is that you have NOT established your gaming style. A sniper is a very defined style of play and also requires a certain amount of discipline and developed specialized skills. Most noobs think it would be cool to play sniper boy.....but get bored when they are actually required to sit and wait for maybe one or 2 shots. Most noobs want to be where the action is....and also tend to expire a disproportionate of rounds relative to targets achieved (not very sniper like).
Start with an M4 (which you can bling to death)....figure out how you like to play(maybe if you like tons of rounds down might like the role of SAW gunner) and go from there.....
Playing sniper boy can be very rewarding.....and sometimes very boring......and you definitely shoot way less!
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Old February 16th, 2010, 17:56   #7
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by Grinch23 View Post
Shooting hot means you have a MED , medium engagement distance, can't shoot anyone closer then 200 feet if im not mistaken. Someone plz correct me if im wrong on any of these, To have a great sniper rifle you will need to invest alot of time and money
MED for 450fps is 45 fts
MED for 600fps is close to 95fts

MED are mesured to have 1 joule at impact. Using heavyer BBs play with the MED a bit, but not enough to change the standard.

1 joule feel like being hit point blank with a stock gun.
So you understand that it hurt like a bitch and can make you a nice welt. It's a general concensus that a 1 joule impact should not break the skin, thus deemed "safe" for the gaming purpose.

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Last edited by FOX_111; February 16th, 2010 at 18:03..
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Old February 16th, 2010, 17:58   #8
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i like to keep it at higher med, 75 ft is pretty dam close with 600 fps but depends on you trainer and your feild right?

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Old February 16th, 2010, 18:00   #9
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I spent several thousands of dollars to get my VSR-10 to shoot 390 FPS
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Old February 16th, 2010, 18:05   #10
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by Grinch23 View Post
i like to keep it at higher med, 75 ft is pretty dam close with 600 fps but depends on you trainer and your feild right?
My mistake, it's 95fts. I used the wrong colum.
That's using .36g BBs, wich are the optimal weight for this fps.

So anyway, a noob will quickly see, by reading this thread, that there is much more to sniping that having a cool rifle and shooting it well.

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Old February 16th, 2010, 18:07   #11
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i got my first sniper rifle after about 5 months into the sport, but ive talk to sha do alot about it and realized i wanted to snipe. and now im working on the gun and my kit

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Old February 16th, 2010, 18:32   #12
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I think you mean these; The TM VSR-10 is 260-280 FPS, the Tanaka and maruzen rifles are under 1J too, but if you get an ACM clone such as a well mb03 or something, they shoot at like 475... Neither is very good, although I'm kind of considering getting a TM VSR to run stock as a bolt action rifle.
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 19:29   #13
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Stock VSR-10's are awesome aslong as there's no heavy vegetation lol
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Old February 16th, 2010, 21:16   #14
Sha Do
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Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded View Post
......EDIT: Sweet Jesus everybody jumped on this one like noob-hungry wolves didn't they?
ROFLMFAO!! It is apparently so. All of the responses are very accurate and true. But the big thing is that if you go to a game with only a sniper rifle and the wind is to gusty, or the field vegetation is to thick to safely snipe, you may end up having to pack up you rifle for the day. Safety for your fellow players is the big concern in the sport, especially when it comes to using a hot BA. So it's best for a new player to start with a typical AEG, and then if they want to pursue sniping, you can buy a BA and always have a back up AEG for those days when the conditions make sniping unsafe.
I have packed my APS2EX back into the truck at several events, and on a couple of those occasions, I've run with just my pistol and the rest of my sniper kit (silly me had made arrangements to loan out my SR for the day to another player). I usually end with many more kills than if I had run my BA, and I have had days where I ended up with more kills than any of the other guys running AEGs.

Just don't perceive any of this as us trying to convince you not to snipe, we're just saying not to jump in with both feet first.

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Old February 16th, 2010, 22:00   #15
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Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
No, because a stock sniper rifle is not gamable.
Well, you can use it at game, but you will be in the same ballgame as a player using a sprigner pistol.

Also, it's not a good weapon platform to start playing and learn the dynamic of the game.

To be an effective sniper, you need a very good comprehention of the game and the tactics, as well and the effectiveness of AEGs.

That experience come after one or 2 years of playing.
No, a stock springer rifle is gameable, it just needs a completely set of tactics and mindset based more upon stealth and deception rather then firepower.

I used my stock TM VSR10 in Edmonton more then once and came away with a decent number of kills. My favorite moment though came from when a small squad of 4 came across a 200 meter clearing towards the treeline myself and one other were hiding in. Normally I would've ran and hid but they had already detected us and the treeline was exceedingly thin so hiding places were quite lacking. Instead I set up on the treeline itself in a semi covered position behind a really really thin tree and scope all of them out. Not one of them dare approach closer then 100 yards; each time one got close I made sure he saw that I had my rifle pointed straight at him. Held that position for a good 30 minutes before they all decided that a two guys wasn't worth the effort and left.

It's interesting to play with a stock BA springer. You'll run often into situations where you'll wish you had an AEG but moments that you learn how to outwit an entire enemy squad is well worth the effort and occasional frustration.
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