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Old February 21st, 2010, 20:54   #16
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Originally Posted by Sportco View Post
You might want to consider a tm m4a1 (some guy is selling one for 350$ on AC)... use it for one year and if you dont like it, you can sell it and get your money back... if you like it, truck loads of aftermarket parts available and they grow old gracefully...

For an AR-15 variant, I would STRONGLY recommend against buying TM.

It is by far their weakest model.

CA or G&P would be the brands to look for.
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Last edited by theguy; February 21st, 2010 at 20:57..
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Old February 21st, 2010, 20:56   #17
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Pusangani my price for the TM MP5 has some reserch put into it and is not just based on speculation scroll down to the second chart there are 2 TM MP5's for sale one for 500 used with battery and extra mags and one BNIB with red dot and battery for 800.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old February 21st, 2010, 21:15   #18
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Originally Posted by theguy View Post
For an AR-15 variant, I would STRONGLY recommend against buying TM.

It is by far their weakest model.

CA or G&P would be the brands to look for.
I've heard this a couple times now, I plan to steer clear

G&P's selection is quite nice, as far as prices in Canada how much do their M4's go for NIB?

My budget isn't rock solid and can changed based on if I find something real nice
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Old February 21st, 2010, 22:05   #19
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A lot of the guys around here have CA m15a4's as their platform guns. I haven't heard a single complaint from any of them regarding their CA's. Mine has yet to go down on me (unless I screw with it... I have to stop doing that)
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Old February 21st, 2010, 22:29   #20
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If you want to compete in "CAPS" (Basically airsoft IPSC) a TM 4.3 or 5.1 will probably be what you're aiming for and you can make it look exactly like any racegun you want. Be warned though some of these raceguns can get pretty pricey once you start to dabble but you should know that being a real steel IPSC shooter.

As for the AEG it's your choice. Take a peruse (in the proper definition sense: to look closely and intently at) through the classifieds for guns that match your budget. Buy local as well since you can hold the gun in your hands and check it out.

If you want an MP5 that's great, lots of internal parts available for it and it's somewhat common so external parts and accessories shouldn't be that hard to find. I have no experience with MP5's and the brands.
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Old February 21st, 2010, 23:02   #21
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
speculating about prices is helpful how? granted yes, he has held a TM Mp5 and the SVI, so that was useful input but I don't care for noobs calling me a dumbass tho so I could care less if he feels raw about it.
Actually, his estimations weren't far off and just because he isn't AV'ed doesn't mean he's talking out of his ass 100% of the time. Theres a couple really knowledgeable non-av'ed people who (dare I say) might know more than you

Also saying you "could care less" implies that you do care to a degree and are implying that theres a lower level of caring you could have. You "couldn't care less" means you don't give a shit

To the OP's questions, the CA has improved over the last year or two as when I first started people kept saying they were wrought with problems (namely the cylinder) but word has it that they have been improving over time and now don't have nearly as many gremlins as before. As with ANY airsoft gun though be prepared to keep spending money even after you buy the gun. Upgrades and replacement parts will be a constant for you. I'd recommend a G&P over the CA though, even though it may be a bit more initially than you mentioned you wanted to spend, it will save you money in the long run. Plus its got better externals and better internals.
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Originally Posted by Pliskin View Post
This is the equivalent to knocking on deaths door and blowing his head off with a shotgun.
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Old February 21st, 2010, 23:15   #22
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Originally Posted by Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw View Post
Also saying you "could care less" implies that you do care to a degree and are implying that theres a lower level of caring you could have. You "couldn't care less" means you don't give a shit
Way off topic but +1 to that. I never understood why people say that instead of couldn't.
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Old February 21st, 2010, 23:43   #23
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hehehehehhe my apologies, I couldn't care less about noobs' feelings, happy now?
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Old February 21st, 2010, 23:58   #24
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I have a TM Mp5. Its amazing. Mines an old version, and still kicks ass. Hasn't bit the dust. I owned a TM Deagle before the mp5 too. Which was also the old version, and it still was amazing. TM Guns last, and last.

(I got my TM Deagle for $200. Traded it and $150 for a TM Mp5 with tac-light, battery and pirahna smart charger. Great deal.)
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old February 22nd, 2010, 00:46   #25
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TM mp5's in the classfied used are around 300-400$ ... not 500$ ... The 400$+ ones , no one even bothers to look at them unless they are fully upgraded. It's just an Mp5 if you know what i mean. G&G's one is decent enough. MP5's are not that loved and appreciated once you get to choose other black / full metal guns. I mean ... i have seen a few MP5's and i personally think that the G&G's one for 300$ does the job lol. I woulnt pour more money for that gun.
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Old February 22nd, 2010, 01:08   #26
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I like the reliability of the TM parts. Plus, I love Mp5's. Great for CQC/indoors. (Especially the low fps. Like, I see alot of clearsoft MP5's with like an fps thats ~350. 350 is usually maximum for indoors. Risky)
Currently modding AK.

Loadout 1:
Yugoslavian M76/Maadi RML Alternative (Kraken)
CYMA Glock 18C

Loadout 2:
TM MP5 w/ flashlight
CYMA Glock 18C

Both Loadouts have Marpat Uniform, PASGT Helmet w/ Flecktarn, and Flecktarn chest rig.
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Old February 22nd, 2010, 21:47   #27
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If you want something short for CQB and your not sold on an MP5 (acquired taste really), then look for an LR300 or G36C.
Both good carbines with folding stocks. Just don't succumb to the idea of throwing a folder on an M4 platform just because you can in this make believe universe.

I'm not sold on the idea that you need a folding stock for CQB (especially in the real world). But after gaming my LR300 (which is probably going off the chopping block I love it that much) I'm starting to take a liking to them.

Honestly your first AEG is all a learning process. You will either get real serious and buy something else (either replace or supplement the original) or you will decide this game isn't for you and resell for little loss.

Ultimately if you've come from the other shooting sports like I did before airsoft, all this stuff is pretty cheap in comparison. Especially to a high-volume pistol shooter.

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Old February 22nd, 2010, 21:50   #28
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Good to see you joined kertef! now get AV'd chop chop
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Old February 22nd, 2010, 22:18   #29
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...he is AV'd
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Old February 22nd, 2010, 22:29   #30
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Weak how...

Originally Posted by theguy View Post
For an AR-15 variant, I would STRONGLY recommend against buying TM.

It is by far their weakest model.

CA or G&P would be the brands to look for.
Interesting point... for the sake of discution...

weakest model... Ok weak how... I see guys spending a grand (and then some) on a gun because it's.... better... Ok fair enought

But, please tell me what problem on the TM cant be adressed or modified...

When I purchased my ICS m4a1... being maintenance oriented I loved the split gearbox ( go from indoor to outdoors in 15sec flat... plus the ware is split on two gearbox)

I had "old timers" telling me that I would have nothing but grief... well about 30,000 rounds later playing inside and outside ...i'm still waiting....

Sure had to do maintenance on it... no cost ... part of the fun...
Sure had to realign the front part (hard it)... barrel wobble... fixed... no cost
Complete maintenance on gears done in 30 minutes... not hours
so for less then 400$ taxe in...

you might have a problem convincing me that spending a 1000$ would have made my life better + you have to add the purchase of the indoors gun because I dont went to operate on the thing every other week CA, TM, WA its still steel screws in aluminium.

So again... buy a descent weapon... use it for a year... then decide what you need... I the mean time remember you are not getting paid to play airsoft

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