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Replica guns should be licensed: safety council



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Old February 23rd, 2010, 13:17   #16
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if it was licensed like how it is in the UK, where after registering the guns, i can obtain any airsoft gun i want at the asian market value, im all for that. however, that is most likely NOT the case. Knowing Canada, they may impose stupid rules such as a FPS limit, or a no FA rule, or god forbid, a mag restriction. Either way, no good can come from registering replicas, unless of course common sense is used, but of course, when it comes to Canada and anything even remotely similar to a firearm, common sense is never used.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:44   #17
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I'm not against being required to get a license to own and buy replicas. Registering them though... Hmm... that's just a bad idea for all the reasons already mentioned. All we need is another money pit gun registry that does absolutely nothing to keep the items in question out of the hands of those who misuse them.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 14:48   #18
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If this goes down I'm moving to Miramachi
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:01   #19
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The fuck is wrong with liberal twats. I'm seriously getting close to considering rooftop voting come next elections.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:31   #20
The Lettonian
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I just wrote out a giant post, then re-read what scarecrow wrote and realized the point was moot...I even drank a boss-fighting potion and put on my flame suit I apologize for the seemingly useless part of this post, but it seemed such a waste of work to write all that out for naught.

On topic, I'm not sure about licensing replica previously stated, any law that came into effect would most assuredly result in REALLY stupid stipulations for replica owners. Not to mention swamp the government and it's citizens with yet more bureaucracy. Besides, there really are more pressing concerns in the country, although perhaps the sensational nature of "OH NOES! GUNZ!!" may overwhelm issues such as drugs, the economy, how drugs support the economy, etc. As for gun crime...I'm still waiting to see whether violent crime and poverty are correlational or causational - you really don't here about white collar car jackings. One could say that eliminating poverty would put a big damper on many of the criminal issues we face - but that's another utopian conversation for another time.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:43   #21
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Originally Posted by ex View Post
Read the comments posted by readers... Once again Canadian Journalism at its best. This is a non starter from the beginning.
random fact --> infuriatingly stupid article --> readers' comments --> profit
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 15:49   #22
a.k.a. Egria
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I agree that this will solve nothing. It's a useless proposal for people who know nothing about what goes on in the real world to feel "safe".
What's next? A bicycle registry?


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Old February 23rd, 2010, 16:07   #23
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Originally Posted by FNG_13 View Post
On topic, I'm not sure about licensing replica previously stated, any law that came into effect would most assuredly result in REALLY stupid stipulations for replica owners.
Once again, these are not Replica Firearms, the people behind the article do not know their laws or are being lazy with their legal terms. The guns in the article are airguns which falls under a special subset of Firearms based on s.84(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

There will almost certainly never, ever be a licence for Replica Firearms, because we're not suppose to get them. That was the purpose of having them fall under Prohibited Devices and a pseudo form of Grandfathering. I say pseudo because real Grandfathering is explicitly provided in the Firearms Act and permits transfer of the Grandfathered item. You can only keep Replica Firearms you have from before 1998, you cannot pass it down as you would be a legally owned Prohibited Firearm.

Thus, having a civilian licence for Replica Firearms means more Replica Firearms in the hands of the people, not less. This would not address the concerns of the people in the article.

It is possible, though requiring significant legal amendments to the Criminal Code, the Firearms Act and at least one existing supporting regulation, and probably the creation of a new regulation, to licence air weapons. People who clamor for this outcome should heed this warning: the changes required would make it far easier to ban airguns in Canada. I am generally not a fan of the slippery slope argument, but if there was ever a situation where the slippery slope argument held any real truth, this would be it.

In addition, the only way that such a new licence would apply to airsoft is if airsoft was the same classification as pellet guns and paintball guns. Otherwise, any new licence for airguns are meaningless to airsoft. Firearms and Replica Firearms are the polar opposite of each other in Canadian law.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 16:17   #24
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LOL lets spend another 2 billion on a fake gun registery LOLOL
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 16:22   #25
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I loved listening to the police chief make the statement to the effect that he didn't see what purpose it served for any citizen or consumer to step out and be able to purchase a replica firearm. I know lots of people that use their airsoft guns for the purpose of training in law enforcement.

Personally I'd be fine with being required to have a license to purchase an airsoft gun, I just wouldn't want to be limited on what I'm able to purchase.
I could see them trying to do some stupid registry though, it would just be another class idea from the suits to line pockets.

Is it just me though or is Canada the only country that has this effed up skewed perspective on airsoft/replica firearms?
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 16:26   #26
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Originally Posted by pancakedestroyer View Post
Is it just me though or is Canada the only country that has this effed up skewed perspective on airsoft/replica firearms?
There are and always will be people like that everywhere.

The key is to not let them make the important decisions.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 16:51   #27
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The Canada Safety Council has approached police to push for gun replicas to be regulated under the federal Firearms Act, said council president Emile Thérien. That would require them to be licensed and registered.
Guys anyone remember this dude? The dude that think we should register firearm magazines? He post alot of totally wrong stats (Even for Coalition for Gun Control standard...which is bad already)

I stop reading there,

Honestly, what more do you need? Criminal Code Section 2 STATES CLEARLY anyone firearm imitation used in commission of a crime IS A FIREARM. You get a water gun painted black and point at the cop, its only natural that you get shot. sigh....Why is Canadians getting worse than Americans? Our laws states clearly if it looks like one, then it is one. FYI Firearm in Criminal Code is a weapon, not a tool. Its considered as a weapon.
In U.S. replica gun are not treated as a firearm in commission of a crime if I remember.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 16:52   #28
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Originally Posted by pancakedestroyer View Post
I loved listening to the police chief make the statement to the effect that he didn't see what purpose it served for any citizen or consumer to step out and be able to purchase a replica firearm.
And here is the fundamental problem. He is using his position to put forth a political opinion first, and second, who is he to tell me what I should or should not own based on his opinion? And who authorized him to speak like this as a municipal civil servant? I elected my counsellor, mayor and MPP to speak to these issues, not him. This is rampant in Canada, beaurocrates and civil servants (CBSA anyone?) either not doing their job such as to be enforcing the laws as they are written and/or intended, or, using extralegal interpretation to bend those law such that they are interpreted in an unintended fashion, conveniently aligned with their social or political views. Its simply wrong. Talk about the tail wagging the dog, this tail wags without any dog.


Here is one you'll all like - I am trying to get some t-shirts printed for TAC10. After spending a day and a half getting a quote from a rush company, they send me an email back telling me, "oh we have a policy, we don't print guns on t-shirts." The printer "Sandy" is referring to the BB Bastard LOGO. Thanks to this company I probably got fucked over for having nice shirts for my booth staff for the weekend (so if you're in the t-shirt printing business and can do fast turn around, PM me please). I was agast, and I don't appreciate the clear discrimination she was practicing as I am also a registered gun owner and would be sure to pass on to my friends their company name so they could boycott it as well.

So, if you ever need T-Shirts printed, DON'T call these people:

416 364-6177

I've sent her a link to this page so she can be sure to read it.
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 16:57   #29
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Watch out! Lawdog's going through a suit because of something far worse that what you just did lol
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Old February 23rd, 2010, 17:04   #30
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Originally Posted by Acid_Snake View Post
Watch out! Lawdog's going through a suit because of something far worse that what you just did lol
I looked it carefully and its nothing but stating facts. She's welcome to dispute any part of it.
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