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Flakers a Rant by ex



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Old March 24th, 2010, 21:21   #1
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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Flakers a Rant by ex

This is a Rant, it will be brief and to the point.

1. Before committing to buy anything do your research! Find out if you're willing to pay what your committing to.

2. DO NOT Commit to buy if you do not intend to buy it or if you think you might have second thoughts.

3. DO NOT Commit to buy if you are just going to ask for extensions and substitutions in your deal if you are just going to flake in the end anyway.

4. DO NOT waste my fucking time. IF you want it buy it,I will be as flexible and accommodating as possible. If not fuck off and have a nice day. Again don't waste my time and yours.

5. DO NOT act offended when I question you about why you are flaking. I have a right to be pissed. You snuck a quick one in and didn't give me a reach around.

6. Refer back to #4


Last edited by ex; March 24th, 2010 at 21:27..
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Old March 24th, 2010, 22:04   #2
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Never really got the whole 'bug someone about buying something, then fuck off and not buy it' deal. If I see something that interests me, i'll sit there for a little while asking myself "Do I really want this? Is this what I'm looking for? Is this what I need currently for my build/rig/pile in the corner?" Then I'll send the person a PM saying I'll definitely buy it...and then buy it!

Could understand if you settled on a deal, and then suddenly Oh no! I've been robbed have no cash. But stuff like "Yea, I know I said I'd buy it, but now I don't want to" is kinda bullshit.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 22:26   #3
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ASC buy and sell is not a place to window shop nor are the ad's contained herein for your leasure. they are to facilitate the sale and trade of the tools of our sport, treat the buyers and sellers with respect but above all remember we are not businesses and as such we are not here to fluff every potential sale. If you have the money availiable and you wish to buy something say something.

For the sake of courtesy try to limit your questions to..

1. If make or manufacturer is not specified you may ask. Check carefully before you ask.

2. If pictures are not present and the seller has not indicated that the item is new in box (or NIB). You may ask the seller for pictures, they might not be available, if they are not you may exercise your right to move on. Do not press the issue not everyone has digital cameras.

3. If shipping costs are not specified. You may ask the seller what the shipping costs may be or if they are included with the sale price.

4. If the seller has indicated the product is "upgraded". You may ask if they are aware of the upgrades present and whom performed them.

If your not familiar with a particular make, do your own research before contacting the seller.

These are just my opinions.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 22:54   #4
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also, it's very important to know who you are dealing with, some guys are more flexible with regards to wait times etc. and some aren't

establishing this early on is important.
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Old March 24th, 2010, 23:20   #5
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Another good point is, if someone is on the fence or "doesn't have the funds right at this moment" but wants you to hold it for X amount of time, you could ask them for a deposit of $20, $50, etc. Just both understand that it's a non-refundable deposit or there would be no point in it.

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Old March 24th, 2010, 23:33   #6
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Another good point is, if someone is on the fence or "doesn't have the funds right at this moment" but wants you to hold it for X amount of time, you could ask them for a deposit of $20, $50, etc. Just both understand that it's a non-refundable deposit or there would be no point in it.
I have done that, great motivation for them to pay up. If they don't, heh 'extra money'.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
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Old March 24th, 2010, 23:38   #7
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Originally Posted by Rugger_can View Post
ASC buy and sell is not a place to window shop nor are the ad's contained herein for your leasure.
Goddamn bro, what rock did you crawl out from under?

But +1 on your thoughts. I agree.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 00:24   #8
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I'm pretty sure that the buy and sell is all about window shopping. I mean look at the number of views each thread has and that shows you that it is window shopping.

I agree with Ex though, don't waste people's time if you're not sure on the buy.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 01:45   #9
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It's one thing to look in the window and move on.

It's another to look in the window, go in and bug the hell out of the guys working in the store, and then leave without buying so much as a pencil.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 07:50   #10
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I got "bugged" every day for a few from a guy wanting to sell me his shotgun stock, I decided to and paid for it (EMT, cashed) last Wed. PMs got quiet after that and I had to ask him eariler this week if he sent it yet, said he hadn't but would Monday morning and would send me the tracking number. Still waiting......... no big deal so far, season hasn't started for me yet, but still, updates would be nice to say he's been busy or something.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; March 25th, 2010 at 07:56..
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Old March 25th, 2010, 08:12   #11
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that's funny because even if you write 'no trades' and 'price firm' in BIG letters you still get lowballers and traders

I don't get pissed off at people, but it's because I've gotten used to flakers and retarded people in general, they have a way to make themselves obvious in the way they write, so I usually 'quarantine' them right away...
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Old March 25th, 2010, 08:16   #12
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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I don't mind people offering trades or alternate prices. I will haggle and I will hold things for you, its all part of the game. BUT the second you pull a fast one and bail on the deal and give me some lame excuse like " I got burned on a previous deal" shit after you committed to buy from me and then basically call me a potential very careful.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 08:17   #13
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
I got "bugged" every day for a few from a guy wanting to sell me his shotgun stock, I decided to and paid for it (EMT, cashed) last Wed. PMs got quiet after that and I had to ask him eariler this week if he sent it yet, said he hadn't but would Monday morning and would send me the tracking number. Still waiting......... no big deal so far, season hasn't started for me yet, but still, updates would be nice to say he's been busy or something.
seriously? this is unacceptable and very rude: it's when the stuff is payed for that the seller is absolutely required to send, fast and clean, no delay.
Any delay after the stuff is payed is to be rewarded with at least neutral rating.
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Old March 25th, 2010, 08:38   #14
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Heh, I order things online all the time. I haven't ordered anything from anyone on ASC yet but normally I find I get notice from a seller 3-5 days after I paid for it, especially if I ordered it just before a weekend. After that and I get the notification, after a week I usually start worrying about the shipment if I dont get any word in, after 2 weeks then I start sending messages to the seller asking what the hell is going on.

But yeah I hate sellers that take a while to respond to your messages. I understand that people are busy and they have their own lives to live, but when you've paid for something, getting back to you and sending the item becomes a part of that persons "busy" life.

Ex I feel bad for you lol. Having someone go back on a deal sucks, having them make up a lame excuse sucks more, but then having the nerve to call you a scammer afterwards is just rude and pushing it.

On the whole window shopping point though. When I see an item that I like often I'll ask the buyer a question or 2 about the item and tell them straight up that I am just looking for more information on their item before I make a decision. And then based on what they respond with I may or may not go through with the purchase. Some say this is wrong because it's a tease, that you're just window shopping. In the end though it's my money until I say, yes I'd like to purchase the item. Buying something online without looking into it first is just stupid, most sellers are trust worthy but their are a few who try and slip a fast one by selling what they dont advertise. All of that can be taken care of however without being rude or causing ill feelings towards the other person.

Last edited by CimmShark; March 25th, 2010 at 09:45..
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Old March 25th, 2010, 08:54   #15
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I don't get these flakers either. Either buy, or don't. If you need more info on something, then most sellers will be more than happy to fill in the blanks. But in my eyes, as soon as you commit to buying something, whether the money has been sent or not, it's a sealed deal. At that point, you pay up. It's how I do it, and I expect the same from anyone buying from me. And I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that. I maintain an impeccable trader rating and intend to keep it that way.
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