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Would A G&P M120 Motor Pull a Sp125 Spring with Tripple Torque Gears With Good ROF?


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Old March 29th, 2010, 13:49   #16
Shooting Addict
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
I don't agree with you,

I'm posting from personal experience. From the sound of what happened to you, it was user-error.
I don't think it was my fault, I've shimmed my other guns before and there all properly shimmed and well maintained. The reason the gear broke is because it's made of pot metal.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
You can tell a person over and over that 4 + 5 = 9 and show them the mechanics of how addition works, but at the end of the day when you look into their eyes you know damn well that in their heads they still see 4 + 5 = pineapple.
Originally Posted by Wilson View Post
Harden the fuck up, you liberal pussies.
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Old March 29th, 2010, 13:59   #17
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Originally Posted by Shooting Addict View Post
I don't think it was my fault, I've shimmed my other guns before and there all properly shimmed and well maintained. The reason the gear broke is because it's made of pot metal.
its steel.

bro, just stop.

to conflict: motor is fine, it will pull
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Old March 29th, 2010, 14:43   #18
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It might work but if it does at all you will get low rpm due to the torque rating on your motor. The only reason I am saying MIGHT is because of te high torque ratio of your gears. I am using a systema enegery motor with an m120 spring (it's max recommended spring type), a 10.8v and 200% torque gears and I manage an okay rate of fire. Honestly though I would recommend getting a systema magnum if you have the extra cash to use.
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Old March 29th, 2010, 15:40   #19
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
I don't know what the hell you're all on, but element gears are garbage.
QTF. Everything made by Element I've ever used has been crap that was quickly removed and replaced with a higher-end part, with the exception of wiring harnesses. Comparing Element side by side with Modify, Prometheus, or even Systema....there's no comparison in quality. None. It's not that they're not in the same league....they're not even in the same friggin sport....
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
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Old March 29th, 2010, 16:36   #20
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Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
QTF. Everything made by Element I've ever used has been crap that was quickly removed and replaced with a higher-end part, with the exception of wiring harnesses. Comparing Element side by side with Modify, Prometheus, or even Systema....there's no comparison in quality. None. It's not that they're not in the same league....they're not even in the same friggin sport....
If that wasn't so long it would be signature worthy.

Originally Posted by Conflicts6 View Post
Lets get back to the motor ...please
The 120 is marketed as a high speed motor and you want to run triple torque gears. Generally, High speed motors are mated with High speed, standard, and torque gears.

Asking if "X" motor pull "Y" spring with "Z" gears. Generally the answer to that questions is always "YES under "B" conditions".

It would be helpful to know what your goals are.

Pure ROF? Then run that motor with M90 spring and high speed gears. (or go cyclone).

Balanced?: That motor, M100-120 spring (maybe 130), Standard or Torque gears.

If you want a 50ROF gun the answers to the question you posted is not going to help you.
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Old March 29th, 2010, 17:27   #21
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Originally Posted by etd View Post
Honestly though I would recommend getting a systema magnum if you have the extra cash to use.
Oh my god, do NOT buy one of those garbage systema magnum motors. I promise you, if you buy a triggermaster later down the line you will CRY YOURSELF TO SLEEP wondering what ever possessed you to spend $120 on a $10 FUBAR'D from factory motor.
These are honestly some of the WORST airsoft motors on the market, and that's from pure EXPERIENCE working with them.

The G&P M120 will do it, but an M140 or M160 will do it better. And not only will the M160 do it BETTER, but it will do it with MORE TORQUE, LESS COST, and with a better connection to the internet, than a systema magnum.

A lathe'd M160 will pull HALF the amperage of a lathe'd magnum. A stock M160 will pull ONE THIRD of the amperage as a stock magnum.

In every gun I've seen magnums installed in, they've ALL lost efficiency. People have gone from 32 mags per battery down to 12 in the worst case.
And every trigger master that was used with a magnum motor would overheat in semi auto.

They're just awful, and the good, intelligent, helpful people on the airsoftmechanics forum just can't say enough bad things about them either.

....and element gears are crap, you probably just got the single best gears they ever made. Just like I got the single best pistol HFC had ever made.

Last edited by ThunderCactus; March 29th, 2010 at 17:31..
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Old March 29th, 2010, 17:40   #22
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Okay. Thanks alot. Well, with the stock motor right now (stock CYMA High torque V3 motor) i am getting about 7-10 rps. How many do you think i would get with this g p m120 motor? Would it increase slightly or drastically? Im looking at getting about 15rps.
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Old March 29th, 2010, 17:41   #23
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Oh my god, do NOT buy one of those garbage systema magnum motors. I promise you, if you buy a triggermaster later down the line you will CRY YOURSELF TO SLEEP wondering what ever possessed you to spend $120 on a $10 FUBAR'D from factory motor.
These are honestly some of the WORST airsoft motors on the market, and that's from pure EXPERIENCE working with them.

The G&P M120 will do it, but an M140 or M160 will do it better. And not only will the M160 do it BETTER, but it will do it with MORE TORQUE, LESS COST, and with a better connection to the internet, than a systema magnum.

A lathe'd M160 will pull HALF the amperage of a lathe'd magnum. A stock M160 will pull ONE THIRD of the amperage as a stock magnum.

In every gun I've seen magnums installed in, they've ALL lost efficiency. People have gone from 32 mags per battery down to 12 in the worst case.
And every trigger master that was used with a magnum motor would overheat in semi auto.

They're just awful, and the good, intelligent, helpful people on the airsoftmechanics forum just can't say enough bad things about them either.

....and element gears are crap, you probably just got the single best gears they ever made. Just like I got the single best pistol HFC had ever made.
Haha, aren't we lucky :P
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Old March 29th, 2010, 18:01   #24
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Originally Posted by Conflicts6 View Post
Okay. Thanks alot. Well, with the stock motor right now (stock CYMA High torque V3 motor) i am getting about 7-10 rps. How many do you think i would get with this g p m120 motor? Would it increase slightly or drastically? Im looking at getting about 15rps.
Are you getting 7-10 RPS with the Triple torque gears and a stock CYMA motor? If so then the 120 will be higher. It's not something that I can give you an exact number on.

Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
They're just awful, and the good, intelligent, helpful people on the airsoftmechanics forum just can't say enough bad things about them either.
I can't complain about my Magnum motors. Own 2 and finally got around to doing all the mods to the 2nd. I have a triggermaster MK4 on the 1. Gun runs flawlessly (after insulation mod). Paid 60 dollars for the second one from a dummy user here who is anti-magnum. Granted there are flaws with the motor but it was the first neo-dyn magnet motor on the market so many years ago. It's easy to bash something in hindsight when there are alternatives now. There are many alternatives to the magnum and G&P, such as golden eagle and other ACM motors (shudder)

but for someone who wants a drag and drop motor with the ease of the pinion gear setup. Systema is the way to go. I haven't seen the grub screw setup on any other motor and spending money on a tool to remove and install the gear is silly.
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
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Old March 29th, 2010, 18:15   #25
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Originally Posted by etd View Post
It might work but if it does at all you will get low rpm due to the torque rating on your motor. The only reason I am saying MIGHT is because of te high torque ratio of your gears. I am using a systema enegery motor with an m120 spring (it's max recommended spring type), a 10.8v and 200% torque gears and I manage an okay rate of fire. Honestly though I would recommend getting a systema magnum if you have the extra cash to use.
This again!

I have no idea what you people are on, but Systema magnum motors are utter garbage!

(They draw WAY too much amperage, and VERY over-shimmed, + the pinion gears are garbage. The only reason to use a Systema magnum motor is if you're trying to push in the 600 FPS range, Anything else you should use a G&P M1X0 motor.)
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Old March 29th, 2010, 19:19   #26
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I own 2 magnums and 1 energy.. All of which preform much better than anything else I have tryed. Yes hy draw more power but I compensate for that by using two batteries each game. I love the rof they give and it costs $15 to get an upgraded pinion.
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Old March 29th, 2010, 20:14   #27
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And if you had a G&P M160 motor, you'd have the exact same performance with only ONE battery per game
Trust me I know for a solid fact that my magnum motor, which was professionally tuned, draws twice as much amperage as a G&P M140 that was professionally tuned, yet it offers the same performance.

Just because something was the first on the market, does NOT mean it's the best.
For example, tokyo marui had the first set of AEG internals, and yet we ALL strive to replace the darn things now don't we?
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Old March 30th, 2010, 11:46   #28
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
This again!

I have no idea what you people are on, but Systema magnum motors are utter garbage!

(They draw WAY too much amperage, and VERY over-shimmed, + the pinion gears are garbage. The only reason to use a Systema magnum motor is if you're trying to push in the 600 FPS range, Anything else you should use a G&P M1X0 motor.)
Yes This again. I don't know WTH the anti-magnum crowd is griping about.

Drawing too much power? Never ran down a battery yet whether it's 7.4 lipo or the G&P style Crane.

Pinion gear is crap? I Never had a problem that wasn't caused by normal wear and tear. I have gone through ONE replacement gear over 2 years and 100K plus rounds, i'm not going to count the replacement gear that i needed for the used motor I bought. Compare that to the 5 pinion gears I just bought to replace 3 stripped TM motors and 2 stripped G&P pinions.

Motor kills FET/COMPUTER I have never seen a systema complete box w/FET ever fail or blow the FET. My MK 4 triggermaster runs perfectly on my P90 aside from the problems with lubricating the shuttle switch. There is problems with insulation, a easy fix.

Motor is primitive and outdated Yes internal design is outdated even when it was released, so are all airsoft motors. Very few motors have the pinion/grub screw design which is a bonus, you don't need another tool to replace it. Very few airsoft motors (systema only one I am aware of) has replacement brushes available when they eventually wear down. Long story short airsoft motors are FAR behind RC motors on the tech curve.

My biggest complaint is the huge cost difference between Magnum, and it's other competitors which means I will probably never buy a new one.

- G&P M160
- Guarder Infinite Torque-Up
- ICS Turbo 3000
- SRC/PE Ultra High Torque
- Golden Eagle Super Torque
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old March 30th, 2010, 17:26   #29
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So, what motor off would be the best for a good ROF over 15rps? Is the g&p m120 my best choice or? Maybe the M140?

Last edited by Conflicts6; March 30th, 2010 at 17:41..
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Old March 30th, 2010, 23:45   #30
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The M140. It'll actually get you a higher ROF than the M120.
If a motor has more torque, it doesn't need to slack off in RPM to reach the power output to drive your gun. Whereas an M120 needs to sacrifice RPM for torque.

All 3 magnum motors I've hooked up to triggermasters have all overheated it and caused it to shut down before you can even get through half the mag. Infact you can FEEL the heat of the motor through an MOE grip and a thick nomex blackhawk glove.
The only other motor I've seen do that is my poor old G&P M120 after it did a 2 month tour in the hell that was Steve's SAMR sewing machine. Pretty sure it bent the shaft
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