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THe Final discussion...P90 TM v E90


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Old May 19th, 2010, 22:37   #1
Join Date: May 2010
THe Final discussion...P90 TM v E90

I'm new to this site and even live in the US but from all my research on p90's this site has been the most insightful on the styles of P90's and i have read the Elitest thread about what is and isn't an elitest from kalren so i hope i can be given some breathing room.

P90's are my favorite style of gun and i'm extremely interested in buying one.
I am buying it for use in airsoft events and not as a wall hanger(as i've seen the e90 somewhat described as) just to make that clear.

The price ranges i have seen for p90's on US sites for the tm p90 are $260-320

The price ranges i have seen for the echo 1 E90 are $155-175

As i have read and clearly understand is that most guns can be upgraded regardless of the cost to become competitive guns. So what it comes down to between the E90 and Tm P90 is what gearbox are you buying the outsides are cosmetic and are purely the IMO* of the people who own them. I could care less about the trades and the metal upper if the gun doesn't work after 2,000 rounds on the E90 as i have sometimes read(lemon or not that is still a reflection on the QC of Echo 1 as a whole).

I have done literally 30 hours of research of reading reviews and watching you tube reviews and just staring and the pictures of each on sites. The main questions I wish answered that are beside the point of which gun should I get are labeled as Q#1-X I hope these can be answered.

I'm not even going to consider the CA90 (this is not a reflection of my thoughts of CA as a company) i am somewhat of a noob which is why i seeking advice on such a noble group of forum subscribers as such on this site) i have bought two guns before in my airsoft career both which have failed me from nameless manufactures but i achieved what i sought from them, a love for airsoft. I Regret the purchases to be sure, and wish i would've just bought a high end gun from the get go but i was successful in my goals nonetheless. Now i'm looking for an airsoft gun in which i have a deep love for in style and a need for a well performing rifle in which others will see my choice of gun as respectable. MY price range is below 400 saving money an objective but not the goal adding a smart charger seems important, something that I do not have. I am using it mainly for woodsball and so I am looking into getting a barrel extension, medium length just enough to make it m4 barrel size, a tight bore barrel, a laser, a flashlight, and an optic for the top rail.

Back to the comparison I hope I have expressed my goals for the next purchase accurately.
First the negatives, since they are really what separate one gun from another and are what any quality reviewer looks for. Both guns are reviewed as Stock. I have never owned either but I have shot the Tm P90
Negatives TM P90(there are significantly less for the TM naturally and less important than the faults of the E90)
First off the TM clearly costs more
One Mag
shoots softer
plastic upper receiver Q#1 It is in my interest to by a metal upper, it is a cosmetic discrepancy but important to me but the question is that is the E90 metal upper worth the $50-85
Non metal 7mm bushings(the E90 has but is this important?Q#2)
Positives Tm P90
The QC of TM outstanding
The most longevity out of the two clearly from what I have read
Correct Trades
Something that people may not know, the TM P90 is a very quiet gun it is like a short breath the gun takes every time a BB is fired compared to the violent sneeze and cough of the E90
Couldn’t decide what category to put this in.
The TM doesn’t come with a battery or charger which could be a good or bad thing because if it is necessary to buy a new battery Q#3 should i? Budget? Do I need a butt stock extension
Now for the E90
The QC of what I have of Echo 1 is very conflicting 2,000 rounds and no more semi is not what I want to buy and even the chance of getting one that does that is disgusting.
The lube inside of the gearbox is a bit much
The Shimming is the main concern, not very well from what I have read.
Shoots harder
Metal upper receiver costs less, not that I am pinching pennies but this allows for more room for upgrades.
Two mags
Battery included
To be fair to the E90 the stress placed on the gearbox may be due to the facts that it does shoot so much harder and the sound from the metal piston head during firing.
So in conclusion here are the main questions I pose form this post
Is the money saved from buying the E90 enough so that the gun can be upgraded to the level of quality and LONGEVITY of the Tm P90. But since as I stated before these guns are very very similar besides the differences in the pros and cons, so it comes down to what gearbox are you buying from what company.
Is the E90 a good or bad quality gun? I read form Kalren ( extremely sorry if spelled name wrong) that his Jg/Echo P90 was his little gem and I want to belive him but from what I have read I feel like I am leaning towards buying the TM in coordination to the vote total I saw on the other review on this site for the CA, TM and E90. But why pay more if the Echo1 can beat the TM out with upgrades for the same or under price. So does the Semi auto fault of the E90 come into play often? Is the poor shimming going to tear up the gearbox?
I wish to have a companion P90 for life, not a gun that will die on me and costing double in the long run when I buy another. I am also looking to increase the FPS of the TM If I buy it, what will I need to buy? Motor?
TM or E90? I appreciate all replies on this thread Thank you for reading.
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Old May 19th, 2010, 22:41   #2
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check the ca90 proline. way better than the sportline
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Old May 20th, 2010, 01:05   #3
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I've been doing my shopping:

Echo1 P90's -$400

CA Proline -$420 +GST (from Ken) *NOT the cheap Sportline which is a POS...

BTW these are Canadian prices.

Now, even though the Echo1 version has good reviews and all, it can't stand up to the Classic Army Proline version, especially for just a few bucks more.

If I were you, living in the US and all, get the TM or Classic Army Proline. Much more robust and will last you a lot longer. Just be glad you don't have to deal with our higher prices

And with the CA Proline, all the upgrades I need to add is a tightbore barrel and a Lipo battery!

Last edited by Buzzrexx; May 20th, 2010 at 01:10..
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Old May 20th, 2010, 01:53   #4
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Really? You recommend the CA90 proline? Hm i'll definitely check that out. It's much better than the sportline? what makes it better than the E90 specifically?

Thanks =)
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Old May 20th, 2010, 01:58   #5
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What is the projected longevity of this compared to TM P90?

Wow it actually is very impressive Thanks again.

Anyone recommend a better site to purchase this at?
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Old May 20th, 2010, 02:39   #6
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Originally Posted by Exo22 View Post

What is the projected longevity of this compared to TM P90?

Wow it actually is very impressive Thanks again.

Anyone recommend a better site to purchase this at?
cant go wrong with airsoftgi. the only bad thing are the high cap p90 mags. but then again every p90 high cap sucks
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Old May 20th, 2010, 20:59   #7
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Originally Posted by andrew5826 View Post
the only bad thing are the high cap p90 mags. but then again every p90 high cap sucks
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Old May 20th, 2010, 23:26   #8
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Originally Posted by Buzzrexx View Post
I do not have any problems with TM high caps for any gun. So long as you properly and quickly seat the P90 mag after you wind it. The mag will always fire pretty much every single BB without having to be rewound.

I'm pretty sure you've decided on the CA version but I would have suggest you stay away from the Echo.

I've worked on a 2 E90's and the quality of the internals is just all over the place.

In one case there was no hopup included with the gun and the motor terminals were soldered to the wiring.

In the second case, the piston rails in the box where not straight! nor where they of uniform depth.
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old May 21st, 2010, 00:18   #9
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So do most people agree the CA Proline is the Top of the Line P90?

I'm seriously considering it I've just thought that the TM was the best but the CA is definitely changing my mind

Airsoftgi is out of stock!!

Thanks for the replies thx
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Old May 21st, 2010, 08:06   #10
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I can't comment on the CA P90, never owned one. however, i do own a TM and Echo1 P90. The Echo1 is overrated plain and simple. The internals are quite poor with respect to quality of parts and fitment tolerances. Within 1K rounds my piston , piston head and cylinder head blew apart. Gears are xyz garbage and motor is better suited to sharpen your pencil. The body is splitting at the seams (easily remedied but still..) The motor cage is particular to the brand of motor as well (g&p m120 wouldn't fit unless modified)

My TM on the other hand is going on it's 10K cycle with nothing worn or broken (excpet the cutt-off lever but that was my fault) The only upgrade done was metal bushings to accomidate an m100 spring. 2 years of MY use (was purchased second hand) and still a beast and goto gun when i want dependability.

Take the CA recommendation with a grain of salt as i'm not sure if any of the previous posters have actually owned and gamed one on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong the CA proline, in general, is pretty good but this does not neccessarily guarantee the p90's performance.
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Old May 21st, 2010, 10:08   #11
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I own 3 TM P90s. Witch are for indoor, outdoor and loner.
Usually im out shooting once or twice a week for 5 years mainly at TTAC3 and the only problem I have ever had with any of them is the return spring for the trigger contacts eventually breaks. This just happened with my outdoor gun, and happened a year or so ago for the indoor. Its a quick fix if your a smoker. Break your bic lighter take the spring from under the red bit cut and bend the ends out and you have a replacement spring.

In closing those who know me know iv got a volume of fire approach and dont treat my P90s lightly. There also all purchased used from the classifieds here on ASC. If you want work horse reliability go TM.
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Originally Posted by amano999 View Post
Forget Cadpat and Armalites are boring.....
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Old May 21st, 2010, 13:21   #12
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I own the TM P90 with 2 gearboxes completely stock, the other highly upgraded for field use. The gun was purchased used from this forum and supposedly run hard for 4 years and now i've had a chance to run the gun now for 1.5 years and not had any issues. My experience with the stock gearbox is excellent. Once you put upgrades into the guns you can't really make fair comparisons.

I haven't worked on a CA90 but I have heard positive and negative about it from forums. The only consistently bad thing I hear about the TM P90 is that it's "low FPS".

I'm part of a Chinese language airsoft forum for Mainland China players and THEIR preferred P90 is the TM over the CA, JG/echo because of the superior hopup from the TM model, & that the gearbox shell is very consistently built.
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(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory
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Old May 22nd, 2010, 22:13   #13
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If i ought the complete P90 systema tune up kit which of the p90's should i buy?
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Old May 22nd, 2010, 22:28   #14
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Tm p90

Just my 2 cents worth, I have had mine for 7 years. During that time it has been gamed very other week. Gears, motor and spring were upgraded when I got it.

It has never failed broken down or had any issue, beyond a sticky trigger bar, 30 second fix with a bit of grease. That was after 6 years of use. It still shoots within 25 FPS of where it was when I had it upgraded, about 365 with .20's.
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Old May 23rd, 2010, 14:37   #15
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I've had my tm for about 6 months now. Love it.

Will be trying to find a sportline just due to the cheap cost.

As I would like to have a few p90's. loaners etc.
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