Wrong for section for future reference.
Very common problem and there could be multiple causes.
I've set the list below up in a specific order to narrow down the problem. It's uncommon to have multiple issues associated with misfeeding but it is possible.
1) your hopup rubber is shreaded. Check it and replace if needed
2) you are using low quality bbs and your hopup is set to high causing the bbs to fight their way out of your gun. Try turning the hopup all the way down and test fire on full auto.
3) your mags aren't feeding properly. Try firing your aeg upsidedown and see if gravity can give assistance. If this is the issue either attempt to fix the mags or buy new ones
4) your air nozzle is to long or short. *if this is a stock gun ignore this part* when th air nozzl Ian the correctly length not only can you lose airseal but bbs have a tendancy to misfeed on full auto because the airnozzle isn't giving them enough room to stay in the hopup area before eithe being doubled up or not shot out at all until the next cycle.
etd/Carmelo - Team North Bay
v3 Aeg specialist