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ICS M4 Electric Whining sound.


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Old August 8th, 2010, 16:36   #1
Join Date: May 2010
ICS M4 Electric Whining sound.

About 4 months ago I bought an ICS M4A1 and it has performed perfectly until about a week ago. One day not too long after a game I went to test fire the gun when it started to give an electrical whining sound. Other people have possibly described it as a grinding sound but It sounds too electrical for me. I am thinking that the battery is dead so I charged it to full and still the same sound was made. After reading some other posts, I just got confused between all the possible different problems so I decided to give it a go here.

Can anyone think of what the problem may be? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Old August 8th, 2010, 16:52   #2
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I would check your motor hight first and is the gun jammed by chance?
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Old August 8th, 2010, 16:56   #3
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Yeah, I checked to see if it was jammed. its not, And how do i check the motor height? I am kinda new to this whole gun troubleshooting thing...
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Old August 8th, 2010, 17:11   #4
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Split the receiver and look in the upper/lower for signs of damage or a stripped piston or stripped gears (specifically that top sector gear). If you don't see any it's probably your motor height being set incorrectly. If it's not that you're going to have to open the lower to take a look (could be a stripped pinion gear or spur gear).
JG HK416
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Old August 8th, 2010, 17:15   #5
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Ok, I'm new to this, How do i change the motor height? The screw on the bottom of the handle?
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Old August 8th, 2010, 17:16   #6
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Originally Posted by Pyrohair View Post
Yeah, I checked to see if it was jammed. its not, And how do i check the motor height? I am kinda new to this whole gun troubleshooting thing...
The motor height is set by the screw under the grip. If it's too high or too low you'll hear strange noises. Usually too high and you'll hear more of a mechanical grinding and too low you'll hear a combination of grinding and the motor's electric whining. Try adjusting this screw.
JG HK416
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Old August 8th, 2010, 18:00   #7
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Ok, So I opened the gun and took out the Upper part of the gearbox. I ran the lower gearbox and it sounded not too bad (coming from someone with not much experience) but it sorta sounded like there was a small piece of debris somewhere in there. I checked and there was nothing. I looked at the upper gearbox and nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. I'm not sure how far the black arm is supposed to pull back but it pulled back about 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch. I also spun the gears in the lower gearbox and they moved with a bit of resistance. After all that, i put the Upper gearbox back on and it made the same never ending electric whining sound.

Any ideas?
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Old August 8th, 2010, 18:10   #8
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I think you might want to start learning about the internals now. Open up the gearbox and see if there is anything that broke off or something that's loose. Check out to see how to open it up. Also check on youtube. There's lots of instructional videos on how to do it. If all fails, look up a gundoc in your area for help.
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Old August 8th, 2010, 18:13   #9
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So you think its an Internals problem?
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Old August 8th, 2010, 18:21   #10
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If you're motor is whining or something is grinding, it must be the internals. It could be a bad shim job or a bunch of other things that caused parts to fail or about to fail. Best way to check for the problem is to open her up. But since you don't have a whole lot of experience, research and learn everything you can before you go ahead. You don't want to fuck it up even more. If you're nervous, look up a gundoc would be the best.
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Old August 9th, 2010, 12:10   #11
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its even possible it could be the gear on the end of the motor might be spinning freely from the shaft.

No Offence but the explaination is a little vague and it happens to be one of the problems that could be the result of many different reasons.

Agreed with HKGhost goto and start learning or take it to a gunsmith in your area.
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Old August 9th, 2010, 12:33   #12
voorhees -FWA-
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it's more than likely your bevel gear... there's a little spur gear that is pressed in to it and it contacts the larger spur gear, it may have spun free and it sounds like grinding gears when the rifle is together but when you split the gearbox and fire it it seems to work fine...
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Old August 9th, 2010, 14:58   #13
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if the gun was good for 4 months and you can't see any damaged or broken teeth on your gears then it is probably motor height. It's the most likely and simplest to fix.

It's the screw on the bottom of the handle. Usually needs a tiny hex key.
Screw it down a quarter turn and see if the noise changes when you fire a single shot.
If so, there's your problem and you just need to work it up until it sounds healthy.

If that is the issue, it's most likely moved down over the 4 months.

If that doesn't work, see a gun doc

(Former)Grand Poobah of T.W.A.T.
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