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Old November 5th, 2010, 13:12   #661
A-56 aka Mr.Hitman
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That client is me. LOL
Wish it was..

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Old November 5th, 2010, 13:56   #662
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Lol SD was mentioned so many times here I thought they made buffers, is it nine ball? The ones I got from you?
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Old November 5th, 2010, 16:09   #663
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Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Lol SD was mentioned so many times here I thought they made buffers, is it nine ball? The ones I got from you?
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Old November 5th, 2010, 16:25   #664
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anyone have any testing done with the Nineball magazine rubber? I know they claim that it increases fps, but I don't see how significant it would be.

And Brian, you found that the KM mag valves increased fps moreso than the guarder ones correct? how much fps over stock valves did you get, if you remember.

I'm still on my quest for power, just a few more upgrades and I should be hitting retarded fps.
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Old November 5th, 2010, 17:39   #665
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I have the 9Ball mag rubbers... testing? Never done it. But they're purple, which match the purple Shooters Design lips feed lips on the magazine!!! Come on, that alone HAS to count for something, right? It probably improve performance by 30 units, or something like that.

Never tested. Maybe some day.

I've never published these results, even though they're exactly 5 years old as of today... wow, didn't know it was the 5 year anniversary till I looked at the records now.

I'll finally publish the results here, but despite the unanimous results for one particular brand, I never chose it as overall winner, which I will discuss later.
While KM was not actually the best performing valve in terms of output velocities, I ruled KM as the best performing overall a couple of reasons... let's look at the result summary for each valve tested.

The following conditions were followed for the test:
Temperature: ~25C
Magazine: Tokyo Marui OEM
BB: KSC Perfect
BB Weight: 0.25g
Piston Head: PGC Aluminum
Floating Valve: RCC Power Bulb
Spring Guide: KM
Recoil Spring: Guarder 150%
Inner Barrel: Tanio Koba Twist 6"
Loading Nozzle: PGC
Plug Spring: Stock:
Hammer Spring: Guarder 150%
Sample: 20 Shots

I don't know why, but I never took a control sample using the stock valve. But Daiviet, for what it's worth, to answer your question, on average, I've seen the KM valves give an fps boost of 20-35fps on builds that I assemble these days.

The best values have been highlighted in RED:
The worst values have been highlighted in BLUE:

ENERGY RANGE: 0.05854105 ft. lbs.
STANDARD DEVIATION: 4.043578405 fps

Tanio Koba:
ENERGY RANGE: 0.059636902 ft. lbs.
STANDARD DEVIATION: 2.112587588 fps

Guarder High Output:
ENERGY RANGE: 0.059251745 ft. lbs.
STANDARD DEVIATION: 4.270741955 fps

Guarder Hi-Perforamnce:
ENERGY RANGE: 0.056942106 ft. lbs.
STANDARD DEVIATION: 4.222530421 fps

Nine Ball:
ENERGY RANGE: 0.058270924 ft. lbs.
STANDARD DEVIATION: 5.705814209 fps

As you can see, Nine Ball sucks. Hard. It pretty much ate sweaty nuts. No matter how I tried to configure or reconfigure the valve and those stupid ball bearings it comes with, it performed equally bad ALL the time. I later on gave them another chance in the Marui Sig Sauer P226, and the performance was even worse. In the case of the P226, there were NO velocity increases over stock, and overall performance was worse. So I got rid of the valves for all platforms.

The results above will also answer some questions about the two Guarder valves. The High Output valve did put out higher average velocity, and also had huge highest velocities (not shown), but the extreme spread and standard deviation was also wider (not good.) The "Hi-Performance" model did exactly as described and controlled the output a bit more, which also earned it as the lowest output valve of the group.

Now, let's discuss the seemingly unbeatable results of the Tanio Koba valve. The Tanio Koba valve single handedly took the entire group to the cleaners and back, by unanimously winning every category with the BEST values. But why did I NOT choose it to be the best valve? The reason why, was due to major slide cycling issues. I never found the time to explore why, but when I used the Tanio Koba valves, while the FPS output was amazing, the ability to cycle the slide was abysmally weak. Felt power was weak, and at times, it was so weak that the next round could not chamber. It sucked! I honestly could not pick a valve to be the "best", if it could not even function in that regard, and for that, I tossed it to the bottom of the pile (even below Nine Ball.)

I later on heard from some other users that they were able to get the Tanio Koba valves to work with a stock hammer spring. Who knows. I never found the time to revisit these valves, and they're quite difficult to get.

With the Tanio Koba valves out of the way, I looked at the results again, and while the KM valves did not output the highest velocity output, they did have the 2nd highest average velocity, the second tightest extreme spread, the tightest average deviation, and the tightest standard deviation.

Tight is good.

Conclusion: KM Win.

Last edited by ILLusion; November 5th, 2010 at 17:42..
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Old November 5th, 2010, 17:52   #666
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I've found that when using the 50rd long mags in a tm 5.1 capa, if you switch the rubbers for stock tm ones from 5.1 mags, the rubbers sit much higher and you get a 10fps boost
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Old November 5th, 2010, 19:06   #667
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Am I the only one that's going for low recoil instead of high fps?
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Old November 5th, 2010, 19:09   #668
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Lol I have a short stroke spring and 2 buffers in my current setup but compared to yours you would swear it wasn't short stroked at all!
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Old November 5th, 2010, 19:10   #669
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I think you're the only one going extreme for low recoil. I can't remember, but do you have the plastic nineball blowback chamber installed? that'll add less weight to the slide moving, its half the weight of the Airsoft Surgeon one.

Most of everyone else is going for a balance of lightweight, but increased power over stock.

I'm just whoring out as much power as I can. aim is 400fps minimum. almost there.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Tight is good.
must..... resist....
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Old November 6th, 2010, 08:18   #670
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
The Firefly rubbers were a direct drop in for me. Thank you for that thread that you linked. It's a good read. KSC Perfect BB's measure 5.95mm.

As an addition, the test that I did of the 7" 6.01 vs 6.03mm inner barrels: the 6.01mm was a brand new barrel, whereas the 6.03mm was used, but cleaned. Looking down the barrel, I did not notice any imperfections, but it may have built up a layer of grime over years of use that I was unable to remove with a simple cleaning. This could have resulted in the better performance of the 6.01mm over the 6.03mm in my test.
Thanks for the info!

btw; do you know whether the hi capa magazine rubbers fit the 1911 mags via filing another notch on the rubber or is it just a drop-in component as well?

I've got a friend that have 4 MEU mags with worn rubbers on them and we were thinking of using the nine ball aero seal rubbers (purple ones that you mentioned above) but I saw that they fit hi capas (and p226) only.

By looking at the 1911/MEU and the hi capa rubbers, it seems like the only difference between them are the notches at the front of the rubber (the side next to the bbs in the mag). The hi capas have one notch, whereas the 1911/MEU have two. I can't really tell whether there is a size difference between them.

Originally Posted by Daiviet View Post
Good write up of the article, however why didn't the user choose both a PDI 6.01 and 6.03 barrel? that would have added a bit more consistency to the test, rather than using barrels from 2 different companies.
I don't think PDI made 6.03mm barrels at the time? I thought they only sold 6.05mm and 6.01mm TBs. 6.03mm barrels by PDI are out TODAY on UNCompany though, but under the brand name of RAVEN (see here).
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Old November 7th, 2010, 19:18   #671
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Originally Posted by intinerious View Post
btw; do you know whether the hi capa magazine rubbers fit the 1911 mags via filing another notch on the rubber or is it just a drop-in component as well?
The only difference is 1 vs 2 grooves like you said, but they are interchangeable.

Got a question regarding the stock BBU. What's the function of the plastic cap located underneath the piston?
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Old November 7th, 2010, 19:24   #672
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Just to fill up the space so that its a "round" profile to support the nozzle.

Also probably made it easier to cast...

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Old November 7th, 2010, 19:27   #673
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OK that's what I thought - useless. I am using the Nineball BBU without it. RM how are you finding yours?
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Old November 7th, 2010, 19:29   #674
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Originally Posted by Daiviet View Post
I think you're the only one going extreme for low recoil. I can't remember, but do you have the plastic nineball blowback chamber installed? that'll add less weight to the slide moving, its half the weight of the Airsoft Surgeon one.

Most of everyone else is going for a balance of lightweight, but increased power over stock.

I'm just whoring out as much power as I can. aim is 400fps minimum. almost there.

must..... resist....
Yeah, hes using the Nineball feather weight BBU.. it weighs nothing. the only problem is that there is a small gap where the bbu spring sits and its a potential for this spring to be caught. u can to fill it in.
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Old November 7th, 2010, 19:51   #675
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
OK that's what I thought - useless. I am using the Nineball BBU without it. RM how are you finding yours?

I am running it, I think without it you might have problem with the nozzle cocking it itself since the L/D ratio with just the piston is pretty small...

I am not running a plastic slide, so one addition piece of plastic is not going to weigh me down considerably...

I did notice a noticable faster speed with the Nineball BBU, enough that I want to try to go faster, so I finally short stroked it a bit. Though on my gun I can't short stroke it much at all since with the 2 piece guide rod, too much spacer will cover up the hole that I use to tighten the guide rod.

Right now my Limcat is running pretty good, but I am sure comes CAPS time it'll probably crap out in

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