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M14 vs. MP40 vs. MP44 (AGM) Which is the best?


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Old December 15th, 2010, 14:44   #1
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M14 vs. MP40 vs. MP44 (AGM) Which is the best?

Hello airsoft Canada,

I just wanted to know which was the best, second, best, and third best of the 3.

So is the AGM M14, MP40, or MP44 better?

Im looking for info on the best one according to accuracy, durability, etc.

I know there might be better brand guns out there but for the price, these are 3 I can afford.

So let me know.

Thanks for the help!
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Old December 15th, 2010, 14:49   #2
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I've handled both but the Mp44. I still have my mp40.

Unless you get the 'Socom' version of the M14, the ACM M14 is actually kind of trashy, the metal is 'very' very brittle, and the thing literally fell apart in my hands.

My mp40, however, is pretty nice, It shoots nice and far, and has a slow rate of fire much akin to the real Mp40.

that and you cant go wrong with stamped steel.

My only beef with the mp40 is that they painted it with some really nasty shit, i'm in the process of refinishing the metal, and nothin will peel the paint off of the steel parts. I'm having them sandblasted in the next couple weeks.

I've heard a lot of good things about the mp44, aside from a faulty hopup and lack of non highcap magazines.

Are you located within Canada? If so, it'd be ideal to get verified, all of the weapons listed above are readily available (The mp44 comes and goes, however.)
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Old December 15th, 2010, 14:52   #3
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While I can't comment on the others, I'll say that if you're looking at an M14, go TM or forget about it. All the low cost Chinese clones are just trash and will fall apart easily. CA and G&G make decent quality ones, but they're a proprietary design, and mags are hard to get.

Of course, this applies to AEGs only. From early reports, the WE M14 GBBR seems to be a really good gun for the money.
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Old December 15th, 2010, 14:53   #4
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
the WE M14 GBBR seems to be a really good gun for the money.
I own one, The guns brilliant, but needs a few parts replaced out of the box, primarily the hopup/barrel and the loading nozzle rails. WE made them plastic, so they'll explode pretty fast. Haha
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Old December 15th, 2010, 14:57   #5
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Thanks for the quick reply Strelok and Crunchmeister

Yes I am in Canada, and hope to be AV'd next year. (putting my kit together now)

One question: has AGM closed down? I think I read somewhere that they were closing down while I was researching the MP44.

Crunchmeister- Thanks for the info. Most of the reviews I have read about the AGM M14 say that it is good, but the reviewers probably have never handled a TM or other High quality one.

Last edited by Screaming_Eagle; December 15th, 2010 at 14:58.. Reason: Forgot words
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Old December 15th, 2010, 14:58   #6
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First and foremost, you will be AGED-verified to buy any one of these (expect to pay twice the US price)

Secondly, It depends what you are looking for :
The M14 is a DMR (Designated marksman rifle) that will give you a greater range and better accuracy (assuming you don't a lemon and you do the right upgrades) than the other two. The upgrade potentials of the M14 is OK. In case of an AGM, the build quality is not the best...

The MP44 is all-around assault rifle; it uses only high-cap (it is its major flaw), it uses a standard V2 gearbox and hop-up and can easily upgraded. (It is surprisingly heavy).

The MP40 is a CQB gun (due to its short inner barrel) and I personally own one and I absolutely love it (it has a smaller theoretical effective range does not bother me at all since I like to close in to take a shot) - it is hard to upgrade and use a proprietary hop-up mechanism; however, the gearbox can be upgraded using standard V3 parts (only the gearbox shell differs).

Last edited by BoGrain; December 15th, 2010 at 15:01..
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Old December 15th, 2010, 14:59   #7
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If you want an M14, get a TM. there is no side-stepping this issue or making excuses like, oh i want to try it, but i dont know i will like it. get TM for an M14, and that's it.

between the other two, go with the real-wood MP44. Its a nice rifle. good heft and feels solid. i loved it when i got a chance to handle one.
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Old December 15th, 2010, 15:00   #8
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Thanks for the reply! Yes I do realize I will have to get AV'd. As I said before I am aiming for next year.


Thanks for the info. I think its getting through that I should not buy the M14.

So other than the lack of low/mid caps, is the MP44 a solid gun?

Last edited by Screaming_Eagle; December 15th, 2010 at 15:03.. Reason: Reply to other member.
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Old December 15th, 2010, 15:03   #9
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Not entirely.

I wouldn't restrict yourself to the above choices. Once you get verified, the classifieds and private retailers will open a very vast selection of airsoft guns to choose from.

And please, keep in mind. Cheaper doens't necessarily mean better when it comes to canadian prices. AGM/CYMA/JG are alright, but not ideal. I'd look into getting something a bit more sound like a classic army, tokyo marui or the like.

Why? Well, it gives you less of a chance of getting a shitty gun out of the box. Most of the more renouned brands have a stricter quality control than those of chinese make.

I have had no issues with my Mp40 as of yet, but that is just one gun, Its literally a gamble with clone/chinese quality airsoft guns.
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Old December 15th, 2010, 15:07   #10
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Originally Posted by Screaming_Eagle View Post

Thanks for the reply! Yes I do realize I will have to get AV'd. As I said before I am aiming for next year.


Thanks for the info. I think its getting through that I should not buy the M14.

So other than the lack of low/mid caps, is the MP44 a solid gun?
from what little ive been exposed to it, yes, it is VERY solid.

however, you are limited to upgrades. Internals can be done, but externally, there is nothing. You can do a custom weathering job on the gun, but other than that and a sling, you dont have much to go with.

If you want to go WWII, the MP44 would be your best bet for the axis side given what is available to us at the present.

if you want a DMR setup, get a TM M14 or a CA G3 (PM me for info on the M14 and where to buy one once you get AV'd)

If you want a gun that you can play with and upgrade to your hear/imagination's content, get an M4 style gun (either CA or VFC).
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Old December 15th, 2010, 15:07   #11
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@ Strelok Makes sense.

The reason for me being specific is because I am creating a ww2 US Airborne impression. I want to have a 'captured gun' complete with mag pouches

I know the CYMA Thompson is very solid from what Ive heard. Its just that Im looking for something different.

@ Donster

Thanks. Yeah, I am going with a ww2 impression.
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Old December 15th, 2010, 15:11   #12
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I own the metal/wood MP44.

The thing is a friggan tank. Heaviest airsoft gun I own.. heavier than the L85. The real wood is a really nice touch. Definitely unique. Having only hi-caps available is a bit of a downer for me... I hate hi-caps. The rifle shoots hard but isn't overly accurate. I bought mine more for a wall hanger. To make it into a serious gaming gun I'd drop in a new barrel, hop-up, weaker spring, and reshim/regrease the mechbox.. basically stuff that's par-for-the-course for any china-made gun. Otherwise it's solid.

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Last edited by kalnaren; December 15th, 2010 at 15:13..
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Old December 15th, 2010, 15:12   #13
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Originally Posted by Screaming_Eagle View Post

Thanks for the reply! Yes I do realize I will have to get AV'd. As I said before I am aiming for next year.

So from what I've heard so far, is the MP40 the way to go?
well it depends on a lot of factors: personally, I bought my MP40 because I wanted to assemble a WWII impression and adapted myself to its limitations - and now, it is hard to go back using my Type 56-1... It is a very solid gun and weight close to 7lbs. Personally, I have been pleased with its performance(I use 0.28g BB and with the hop-up properly set - it has great accuracy with quite a few confirmed kills at 150 feet) and with its reliability(I bought an extra gearbox in case of failures, 15000BBs later - the extra gearbox is still in its original wrapping). I would recommend it to anyone.

Last edited by BoGrain; December 15th, 2010 at 15:17..
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Old December 15th, 2010, 15:13   #14
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I just thought of this: isnt the AGM MP44 a bit overpowered? I hear it shoots 450, and I know that 400 is the limit.
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Old December 15th, 2010, 15:16   #15
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Originally Posted by BoGrain View Post
well it depends on a lot of factors: personally, I bought my MP40 because I wanted to assemble a WWII impression and adapted myself to its limitations - and now, it is hard to go back using my Type 56-1... It is a very solid gun and weight close to 7lbs. Personally, I have been pleased with its performance(I use 0.28g BB and with the hop-up properly set - it has great accuracy with quite a few confirmed kills at 150 feet) and with its reliability(I bought an extra gearbox in case of failures, 15000BBs later - the extra gearbox is still in its original wrapping). I would recommend it to anyone.
Thats impressive. Do you know what its max range is? 150 is impressive for such a small gun.
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