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Old March 7th, 2011, 16:51   #16
Red Wine & Adderall
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Regardless what the owner says brandishing anything that resembles a firearm in public is still a terrible idea.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old March 7th, 2011, 16:54   #17
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Regardless what the owner says brandishing anything that resembles a firearm in public is still a terrible idea.
Yes, but the weird part is Anime North prohibits any modern paintball/airsoft/nerf gun or gun replica(even paper), period. Yet last year I saw squads of soldiers wielding M4s and ACRs, maybe the organizers just stopped giving a shit? =/
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Old March 7th, 2011, 18:07   #18
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I have no idea. I not a virgin anymore.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old March 7th, 2011, 18:10   #19
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Old March 7th, 2011, 18:49   #20
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Apparently there was some asian guy in a dress with a G36, glaring at people. I wasn't there but I saw some pics on a friends FB page.
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Old March 7th, 2011, 18:56   #21
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Originally Posted by Iskaryot View Post
Yes, but the weird part is Anime North prohibits any modern paintball/airsoft/nerf gun or gun replica(even paper), period. Yet last year I saw squads of soldiers wielding M4s and ACRs, maybe the organizers just stopped giving a shit? =/
those where cardbaord and pvc mock ups, painstakingly done not airsoft there was a thread here about it
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Old March 7th, 2011, 19:01   #22
Suburban Gun Runner
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
I have no idea. I not a virgin anymore.
This thread is now full of win!
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old March 8th, 2011, 08:51   #23
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Originally Posted by Iskaryot View Post
Yes, but the weird part is Anime North prohibits any modern paintball/airsoft/nerf gun or gun replica(even paper), period. Yet last year I saw squads of soldiers wielding M4s and ACRs, maybe the organizers just stopped giving a shit? =/
Anime North Weapons and Large Props Rules, Regulations, and Liability Limitations

For the safety of all con attendees, the following policy towards such items will be strictly enforced. Costumers are expected to read and comply to it completely. Failure to do so will result in warnings and potentially loss of convention membership.

Please note that certain exemptions to rules 3, 4, or 7 may be considered for the purpose of the Costume Masquerade ONLY. If you wish to submit a weapon or routine for special consideration, please consult with the Masquerade Director prior to the masquerade registration deadline.

1.NO live firearms. Removal of firing pin or bolt does not negate this rule!
Therefore, showing them the hop up isn't enough.
2.NO prohibited weapons (as defined by applicable Canadian Laws).
Examples include (but are not limited to):
•Bali-Song ("butterfly knife") or switchblade/dropblade style knives.
•Nunchucks, Tonfas, Shurikens, or similarly restricted Martial Arts Weapons, which are illegal under the Criminal Code of Canada (foam models of these items are permitted).
•Law Enforcement items such as Batons, Tazers or Mace.
1.NO Replicas of Contemporary Firearms (i.e. beginning from the era of revolvers - U.S. Civil War forward to any currently manufactured firearms).
Here's what you're looking for, although there have been rumours that smoked recievers and red tips will go through, but I wouldn't risk it.
2.NO metal weapons or yaoi paddles. Metal weapons shall include but not be limited to swords, knives and daggers. (Plastic or wood that LOOK'S like metal is permitted.)
3.All weapons must be holstered, sheathed or slung in an approved fashion.
4.Weapons will not be drawn or displayed outside of convention function space (except in the privacy of a hotel room), or in any public or crowded area except for specific photo ops areas.
5.Due and full consideration must be given to physical safety and peace of mind of other persons at all times, this includes the general public and venue staff, not just other convention attendees.
6.All weapons or large props must be checked and authorized by the Weapons Masters at the Weapons Registration tables at the TCC (see pocket program). Upon approval, the weapon(s) will be bonded and your convention badge marked accordingly.
7.Any weapons which fail to meet the safety criteria of the Weapons Masters must be immediately (and discreetly) returned to storage (e.g.: your hotel room or vehicle) for the duration of the convention or be checked by the Weapons Master. Please note it is your responsibility to pick up your checked weapons. Any props or weapons left with the Weapons Master beyond the close of registration Sunday become the property of Anime North.
8.Convention Security and ConCom members reserve the right to inspect weapons, peace bond and convention badge markings at any time. Any signs of tampering will be referred to the Weapons Master for confirmation of authenticity.
9.Horseplay (of any kind, whether participants are consenting parties or not) with weapons will not be tolerated. All persons involved may be penalized depending upon the nature of the severity of the offense. All complaints of behavior of this nature will be dealt with immediately by Anime North.
10.Failure to adhere to one or more of the above rules will result in any or all of the following penalties being swiftly enforced.
• Immediate loss of the privilege to carry weapons
•Expulsion, without refund, from the Anime North Convention
•Any act of gross negligence or public endangerment may result in criminal charges beyond the control of Anime North (please remember that the general public may have no idea that the convention is in progress and may react in the extreme if they feel threatened).
The decision of the Weapons Master and ConCom members are final and will be strictly enforced to ensure a safe environment for all convention attendees.

Also, wtf is a yaoi paddle...
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Old March 8th, 2011, 10:21   #24
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Originally Posted by Juke16 View Post
Also, wtf is a yaoi paddle...
According to google it's a paddle (like a spanking paddle....) that has "yaoi" printed on it....

Looking deeper into it, it appears it's one of those "joke items" that you buy and hit people with but have been banned in recent conventions cause people are stupid and hit random strangers with it.... Hope that answers your question...

Yahoo Answers:

Where can i get a yaoi paddle?

Most anime cons should have them, though there has been a recent rise in conventions banning the sale of them because people go crazy and whack strangers and whatnot.
Urban dictionary:

A short paddle with the word yaoi writen on both sides. It is meant to hit you on the ass to show how much of a fangirl you are or gay/lesbian at a anime convention. Usually you are asked first, if not you have every right to hunt them done and get them banned form the convention. Usually done by fangirls or fanboys.

One side is the soft core side, which is meant to be used softly. The other side is the hard core side, which is meant to used more roughy.

It was first invented at Ota-kon, a anime convention in 2002-2003. Due to fangirls running around and hitting random people without asking, it has been banned at Ota-kon since then.
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