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Most Comfortable Rifle


Airsoft Guns Discussion

View Poll Results: Choose one
Armalite Variants 60 34.68%
AK Variants 25 14.45%
MP5 Variants 12 6.94%
G36 Variants 21 12.14%
AUG Variants 9 5.20%
M14 Variants 9 5.20%
P90 Variants 9 5.20%
SIG Variants 3 1.73%
SCAR Variants 10 5.78%
Other (please list below) 15 8.67%
Voters: 173. You may not vote on this poll

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Old May 16th, 2011, 02:18   #31
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Mk16 scar.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 02:58   #32
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Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
It seems they only get 'comfortable' when you slap a load of magpul shit onto the gun.

Based on looks, i dont really care for Masada's but WOW are they Comfortable!
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Old May 16th, 2011, 03:10   #33
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Can't say that I've gamed all of those guns but my Sig 551 sure fits me like a glove.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 04:16   #34
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Originally Posted by iKliiu View Post
What do you think is the most comfortable / ergonomic rifle? (AEGs and GBBRs)
I think it's just a bad question. When I first grabbed my AK47 my thoughts were something like: "Russia-works perfect, feels awful". After a few games it was the most comfortable gun for me. Then I bought Masada and when I grabbed it, I couldn't understand what is so ergonomic about it, it felt weird in my hands. And after few days it is on the same level of comfort with AK.

So my advice: the only two things you have to worry about are overall length of the gun and length of the magazine (yes, AK sucks at this part, but you can still buy shorter mag). You should just buy what you like the most. I just couldn't be happy with SCAR, cause I think it's one ugly weapon and looking at it the whole game would ruin day.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 12:02   #35
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while I will reach for an M14 most every time I have the option.. their comfort seems to go a little down hill when fast move and fire through wooded areas (even with a short barrel)

so for me personally the over all most comfortable/usable would be the Aug.

for some reason I find it really hard to be comfortable with an Armalite, I think it has to do with the angle of the pistol grip to the height of the cheek weld of the stocks. guess I'm too much of a rifle guy.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 12:18   #36
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
for some reason I find it really hard to be comfortable with an Armalite, I think it has to do with the angle of the pistol grip to the height of the cheek weld of the stocks. guess I'm too much of a rifle guy.
I'm the same here, I just dont think armalites are comfortable at all, just awkward and annoying.

Mp5's just seem to mold right into you though, haha
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Old May 16th, 2011, 12:35   #37
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Of all the airsoft guns, I had the chance to handle (AK47, Type 56-1, MP5, MP40, AR, MP717(r))- I must say my MP40 is the most comfortable to play with - the weight is mainly centered in the middle perfect for a trail carry while running and the pistol grip is very comfortable (took me one game and I never went back to my AK).
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Old May 16th, 2011, 12:38   #38
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The more current the design of a weapon the better chance there is that it was designed to be comfortable to use.

The FN SCAR and the Magpul Masada are the most current items up there. The controls will be ambidextrous and short throw, the stock will be adjustable in a few dimensions, and that will really go a long way to making the rifle comfortable to use.

The P90 sure looks ergonomic but it has no real adjustment built in other than putting a longer butt pad on. I've had many people mention they find it uncomfortable to hold because of they have to bend their wrist.

I have six of the choices on this list within arms reach by the way (seven if you count other).
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Old May 16th, 2011, 14:49   #39
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You don't shoulder AK. AK shoulders YOU.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 15:35   #40
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
The FN SCAR and the Magpul Masada are the most current items up there. The controls will be ambidextrous and short throw, the stock will be adjustable in a few dimensions, and that will really go a long way to making the rifle comfortable to use.
Actually in the MASADA Magpul just took everything single feature of the late versions of G36 except for barrel and trigger group. They didn't invented anything, just took everything good and put it in a thinner body with M16 mags... even if a jackass at Remington placed the cocking lever exactly where I hate to have it on the ACR.
I don't care for body size (actually I prefer it to be a little bit massive) but the M16 mags are a good thing.
Interchangeable barrels are good too but on the field given they might need to cool down before changing that's a really secondary feature, you're better off installing a proper barrel length before going on the field.

SCAR ? Not bad but the only thing it inspired me in regards of the competition is "Meh...".
Plus I find the EGLM trigger system retarded, XM320/AGL design is a LOT more comfy and "wrist-friendly".
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Old May 16th, 2011, 16:24   #41
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For out of the box comfort, I really like the Tavor. Short profile, very flick-able, and light weight. However, an AR with aftermarket accessories can be as good or better.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 16:32   #42
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AK series for me. Though, the SIG's and MP5's are incredibly comfortable also.
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Old May 16th, 2011, 16:36   #43
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
while I will reach for an M14 most every time I have the option.. their comfort seems to go a little down hill when fast move and fire through wooded areas (even with a short barrel)

so for me personally the over all most comfortable/usable would be the Aug.

for some reason I find it really hard to be comfortable with an Armalite, I think it has to do with the angle of the pistol grip to the height of the cheek weld of the stocks. guess I'm too much of a rifle guy.
I doubt you would say that if you were popping off 7.62 x 51 rounds.

M14 is not ergonomic, it is "traditional" and pretty punishing to shoot for extended periods.

The Armalite rifle was designed to be ergonomic. Bore in line with the stock and a head erect posture.

Assault rifles.. like midsized cars tend to all look more or less the same.

it's not until we see bullpup designs that things get shook up.

the bullpup configuration is I think optimized for the modern battle field, where mechanized infantry are very likely to end up in a urban environment. You can have a carbine length weapon with a rifle length barrel.

The SA80 was a groundbreaker for this configuration, with the Tavor taking a bit further.

Id be interested to see if a Bullpup makes it into the improved carbine tests the USA is tendering now. I expect not.. seeing as they are seen as "too European"
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Old May 16th, 2011, 16:49   #44
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prefer the ACR masada to the scar ... tryed both ... and bullpup design need too mutch movements to change mag properly

pos :
handle grip is more confortable for hands, scar use the same handle grip as standar m4/m16 series

bolt release can be reach by the triger finger easy

bolt handle is at the right place; you can grab it without getting your eye out of your aiming system (if you have the ak masada version sorry but it is not that place that I'm talking about)

the whole gun mecanics is ambidextrous making it sweet for left handed people...

cheek rest came on each stock

cons : too many complain about cod : mw2 ... lol who care about a game that i never played this is the best and the fresh weapon on the market ...

but because magpul is in the other category i would say hk brand usualy doing good on ergo and FN also (like FN 5.7,p90 fn2000) sorry for scar fan but the ergo is the same as a armalite brand ...

Last edited by Ghostrike; May 16th, 2011 at 16:56..
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Old May 16th, 2011, 17:02   #45
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Id be interested to see if a Bullpup makes it into the improved carbine tests the USA is tendering now. I expect not.. seeing as they are seen as "too European"
Don't forget about the "tendancy" of Colt to offer golden posts to every single guy having a word in issuing assault rifle. That's one of the reason why the M16/M4 were not really improved in 50 years where the rest of the world had better guns. If I recall they're just talking about getting rid of the gaz tube to put a short stroke piston retro fit.

Starting to change a litlle bit given the USMC Force Recon are getting a SAW version of the HK416 (basically they just put a heavy barrel on it)... "weirdly" every guy in Force Recon is converting to SAW.

Now I'd like a change in caliber...
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