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Old May 17th, 2011, 15:25   #31
a.k.a. Palucol
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may I suggest the VFC scar SSR ? :P

I'm planning on buying one... right after I'm done with my gbbr... -_-'
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Old May 17th, 2011, 17:39   #32
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Originally Posted by ssrc30 View Post
Is there any word when a NPAS will be available for the 10/22?
RA-Tech is working on it, hopefully it will be done soon cus damnit, i want one too!
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Old May 17th, 2011, 18:24   #33
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one of their video's of the 10/22 it said it had a Npas in it.. but they couldn't show it cause it was fairly difficult to get too and adjust...

guess it hasn't made it to production yet?
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Old May 17th, 2011, 19:08   #34
a.k.a. HKpro
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Originally Posted by yoyit2 View Post
its all up to the specific field you play at. last game day, i used my ICS m4 as a sniper :P i was told i had to wait 5 sec between shots. in 15sec i had 3 kills over 125ft away :P
If it ain't broke don't fix it. You evidently have an accurate gun, so why not upgrade it and enhance it to your liking? Buying, upgrading and tweaking a KJ 10/22 could be more of a hassle.
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Old May 17th, 2011, 19:44   #35
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as an owner of a mk 12 mod 0, I would say go down this path mainly because since you have an ics m4 and all you have to do is change the whole upper assembly and you have both a m4 and a dmr. As an added bonus, you won't need to buy new mags
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Old May 17th, 2011, 20:19   #36
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true. but idk im trying to get away from the AR style. theay are nice, i love them, but there just to common. although ics is a fantastic brand, i like the "bolt on" capability of other AR type ie: marui or G&G.

my list of owned Airsoft Guns from 1st to newest:

TM Glock 26A
KSC Glock 19 HW
G&G MP5SD5 (Clear) w/7.4
ICS M4 (clear w/ full stock & no rails) w/7.4
TM Glock 18c AEP w/7.4
KWA M11a1
ICS m4 CQBR w/7.4
Marushin Derringer Silver 6mm
TM Mp5k w/11.1
TM Glock 18c GBB
G&G max m16 w/7.4

so ive had 3x AR type AEG. like i said, i love them, but i want something different now (including SR/MK variants)
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Old May 18th, 2011, 03:09   #37
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this is what ive come up with. personally i think id use the second from the top 95% of the time (the grey is supposed to be FG):

m14 set up
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Last edited by yoyit2; May 18th, 2011 at 03:41..
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Old May 19th, 2011, 00:40   #38
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I tend to steer towards the M14 myself ( I currently have 3 in different stages and builds) . however having to barrel through the bush, and the run and gun that will pop up can suck, even with a socom length.

I recently re aquired an old friend of a G36 ... and I'm doing a rebuild of an X36 variant .. sleaking it down some, some M4 adaptor parts. gives me a "dmr" platform .. that can fold up some to be more run and gunable. the downside to it's build is some Sim type games it might not be accepted as a DMR gun.
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Old May 19th, 2011, 13:42   #39
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Have you considered a bullpup?
Basically, you get an M16 length barrel in a CQB configuration. There are quite a few different designs floating around. Off the top of my head:
Type 96 (so far only RS makes this one, I believe)
The L85 and the FN2000 take M4 mags, although I understand that the G&G version of the 2000 (the only one on the market ATM) has a fitment issue with non-hicap mags. (There's a protrusion on the gearbox that intrudes into the mag well, right at the point where a hi-cap has the fill port. Mid & low caps don't have that fill port, so the protrusion strikes the top of the mag. It may be solvable with a bit of careful surgery on the mags, but I have no further details. Fortunately, there seems to be another thread in this section on that issue...)
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Old May 19th, 2011, 18:36   #40
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yeah, ive been thinking of them. so far i like TM's new AUG High Cycle (short barrel version) and the Tavor TAR21 (ARES). knowing me its best if i wait and explore all my options for a bit first. still cant decide lol. i wish there was a Bullpup that had a v.2 gearbox. SO much easier to work on!
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Old May 19th, 2011, 20:28   #41
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The L85 and the FN2000 take M4 mags, although I understand that the G&G version of the 2000 (the only one on the market ATM) has a fitment issue with non-hicap mags. (There's a protrusion on the gearbox that intrudes into the mag well, right at the point where a hi-cap has the fill port.

The main issue I have heard about with the FN2000 mags is with the King Arms mid-caps in particular. The notch on the top of the mag is too long, all you have to do is cut a bit of it off to reveal the spring and you should be good to go.

I will warn you though... In my own experience, King Arms mid-caps tend to have some feeding issues when used with anything G&G. With my G&G M4 RIS they tend to double and triple fed out of the mag. Not sure if that is an issue with my mags alone or if it is a general issue with the KA mags in general...
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Old May 19th, 2011, 22:25   #42
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I'll wait for the ICS FN FNC. looks like is gonna be awesome.

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