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Old May 30th, 2011, 07:52   #811
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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the VS z seems to be a TM pistol rubber with the block on the right side removed, looks like it could be good, and then I dont have to swap over 10 mags to new feed lips, cause the open bolt would be using the same hopup, AS WELL, this one still uses the dial, where the WE open bolt uses an allen key where you have to take the gun apart
Im going to pick one up and let you guys know, cant be WORSE than the hopup i already got...

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They're called priorities. Get yourself some.

Last edited by Thenooblord; May 30th, 2011 at 07:55..
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Old May 30th, 2011, 08:58   #812
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Re. the Stinger hopup...

I'm not overly impressed. The long and short of is an improvement over the stock hopup, but nothing more than you could do modding things yourself.

Basically if you sand down the nub a bit, punch out some shims (I use a die cutter to cut out little circles out of shrinkwrap) end up with the same thing. Better than stock...yes. The best of the best, super awesome? No. Definitely gameable though.

Re. The Falcon VS-Z hopup

I've had one on the bench for the past week, generously supplied by Technosnob (this guy has been messing with these things A LOT...but doesn't post much). He's reported immediate and demonstrable range and accuracy improvements.

In short (technical):
- it uses a standard AEG barrel with the addition of the cross pin slot (easy to do with a drill press). Another slot around the barrel is needed since the hopup rubber has a lip on the end of it (again, easy to do on a lathe)
- it DOES NOT use a standard AEG's somewhat close to the blunt nose hopup rubbers you get out of a Echo1 249...but it's a bit longer. A real shame since you're likely to be locked into only being able to select 1 make of hopup rubber. The upside is that the rubber seems to be pretty durable and "tacky"
- the nozzle does seal very well with it
- the walls of part of the chamber that holds the barrel is thinner than the stock one...there is a spacer that is pressed onto the barrel to keep it centered. I would think that a spacer down along the inner is needed to keep it centered in the outer barrel.
- the hub is very much like an H-nub...made out of HD plastic
- the bump on the hopup rubber is made up of two fins...they seem durable enough

I haven't personally tested it yet. I'm trying to see if I can fit a standard AEG barrel to the stock system...and if I can mod a chamber spacer so I can use standard AEG hopup rubbers.

Hope that helps.
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Old May 31st, 2011, 00:03   #813
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open bolt guns are out:
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Old May 31st, 2011, 23:03   #814
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Yeah, seen that. Airsoft Global had them out a week ago or so - I emailed them to try to preorder a open bolt kit but no such luck on that yet.

Thanks for the pointers on the VS-Z from those of you who have them, I really haven't read much about them yet and just picked it out of what I can see from it in Falcon pics lmao.
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 19:17   #815
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Just wondering where I can get an o-ring for my M4 mag...

I filled it for the first time today and found there is a leak by the filler valve, where you put the gas in. I tried adjusting the valve and lubing the o-ring with silicone, but to no avail. Not sure if I was just not waiting long enough for the silicone to take effect, or if the o-ring is shot.

Would I be able to get these at any old hardware store or would I need to buy them straight from an airsoft supply?
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Old June 2nd, 2011, 21:04   #816
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Originally Posted by ssrc30 View Post
Just wondering where I can get an o-ring for my M4 mag...

I filled it for the first time today and found there is a leak by the filler valve, where you put the gas in. I tried adjusting the valve and lubing the o-ring with silicone, but to no avail. Not sure if I was just not waiting long enough for the silicone to take effect, or if the o-ring is shot.

Would I be able to get these at any old hardware store or would I need to buy them straight from an airsoft supply?
If you unscrew the filler valve and remove it from the magazine, you can add blue gasket maker to it, screw it back in, wait a week and you should be good.
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Old June 3rd, 2011, 04:29   #817
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does anybody in canada sell the VS Z hopup or do we have to get them from HK?

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Old June 3rd, 2011, 15:33   #818
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Originally Posted by Ross View Post
If you unscrew the filler valve and remove it from the magazine, you can add blue gasket maker to it, screw it back in, wait a week and you should be good.
After investigation, I actually discovered the problem is the refill valve itself. It was cracked around the base of the head and setting it on my table, it actually broke in half.

Is it possible to get these valves from a hardware store, or are they a proprietary part that I would have to order from a WE dealer?
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Old June 3rd, 2011, 15:56   #819
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Since the orginial batch had issues with the fill valve leaking (getting stuck open)...I've used some Madbull SS grenade fill valves. They don't quite fit (the head is larger than the opening of the fill valve whole)...but I've just screwed them in and they seem to hold gas ok (I've done 6-8).

On others...I've taken a MB SS grenade fill valve...put it in my lathe and turned down the head so it'd fit the like a charm. I would have done all my other ones except that they haven't leaked at all.
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Old June 3rd, 2011, 15:58   #820
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Since the orginial batch had issues with the fill valve leaking (getting stuck open)...I've used some Madbull SS grenade fill valves. They don't quite fit (the head is larger than the opening of the fill valve whole)...but I've just screwed them in and they seem to hold gas ok (I've done 6-8).

On others...I've taken a MB SS grenade fill valve...put it in my lathe and turned down the head so it'd fit the like a charm. I would have done all my other ones except that they haven't leaked at all.
Yes, I see that the quality of the stock fill valves are not that great. Thanks for the advice, I will look into it.
"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally."

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Old June 3rd, 2011, 16:04   #821
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If anyone wants replacement valves, I can get them from Jugglez easily and turn them down on the lathe. I'd be the cost of the valves, the cost of shipping and a bit for my time.

I've never had a problem with those valves and they're quite well built.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 05:46   #822
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Having a small problem with my WE SCAR. It's an open Chamber system (I hate people calling it an open bolt scar). Semi works like a charm which is great as I really only use semi. Full auto seems to be inconsistant. Shots drop after about 20 feet and are slow as shit... but only sometimes. Ie, in full auto 1st shot fine, 2nd drops, 3rd and 4th fine, 5th and 6th drops, 7th is fine 8 and 9 drop, etc. There is no pattern in the firing. I was told it could just be the VSR hop up as they tend not to like full auto anyway, but I've heard other stories of the guns working properly. Like I said.. Semi-auto is fine, even when I pull the trigger as fast as I can but it's only when its in full auto that sometimes the bb's have no velocity behind them. Any help would be appriciated
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Old June 6th, 2011, 07:15   #823
Can't fix my own guns. Willing to fix yours.
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when it shoots light, does it kick softer? it could be getting light strikes

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The apartment I am in right now costs $100 a month.
My average spending on food per day is less than $4.
My airsoft spending in the last month and a half has totaled over $1400.
They're called priorities. Get yourself some.
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Old June 6th, 2011, 07:30   #824
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Kick is the same as well as everything I can think of when shooting

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when it shoots light, does it kick softer? it could be getting light strikes
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Old June 7th, 2011, 23:06   #825
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PDW charging handle and upper receiver

I'm new to the GBBR boat and i just got the open bolt WE PDW.

I've noticed there are vertical movement on the charging handle. At the lowest vertical position it actually sits lower than the top of the upper receive, so it chops the upper receiver when the handle returns or simply get caught. is that a common problem?
not sure if i explained it correctly...

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