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Old November 25th, 2011, 09:57   #16
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I've held/shot all the ksc/kwa guns on that list minus the m9. I have short fingers so I don't like the squared off grips of the usps and glocks. I own a kwa 226 and it feels almost perfect in my hand, but if you're left handed you're kinda screwed, though I've tried lefty handling of the 226 and it can be done with a bit of practice.

I've shot a real steel beretta 93fs (which the m9 is the military version of) and that also felt pretty good in my hands.

If you're resourceful you can source a ksc slide for the kwa version if it matters to you, but that will put you closer towards the original price of the ksc as well. Personally i don't think it matters what your gun says, it's how you shoot it.
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Old November 25th, 2011, 10:26   #17
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I've owned a KWA USP, KJW 1911 MEU, KJW M9, KJW P226. My USP safety wore out quickly, and then so did the double action. The MEU was excellent except for poor gas consumption due to the single stack magazine. The M9 was great, extremely accurate. I'm running the P226 as my sidearm now and no complaints, great accuracy and gas consumption.
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Old November 25th, 2011, 22:22   #18
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This has been a really helpful thread for me, as I am completely in the dark when it comes to GBB pistols.

I would like to know what the original poster's budget is, and if anyone has any opinions about it, what are some good "budget points" when looking at pistols? i.e. where are the sweet spots and where does it make more sense to step up to the next budget level.

I'm personally interested in hearing about how I could achieve the hands-down most reliable setup for say.. a $500 budget.
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Old November 25th, 2011, 22:28   #19
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I have a KJW 1911a1 and it run great; especially when using co2 mags.
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Old November 26th, 2011, 01:23   #20
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I'm on the market for a new pistol too, and I don't think creating a new topic would be necessary.
I was looking at getting a KJW MEU, and I wanted to put a plastic slide on it for faster recoil. The reason I wouldn't get a TM is because getting any parts is a pain and cost.

The KWA USP is pretty big. The USPc is much smaller and feels a bit more rounded.

How is the durability of the 5-7? I really really wanted one until I heard they would destroy the outer barrel when using propane. I wouldn't care about cost for a 5-7, they are awesome looking with awesome performance.
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Old November 26th, 2011, 02:20   #21
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Originally Posted by ruinz00 View Post
is pretty big. The USPc is much smaller and feels a bit more rounded.

How is the durability of the 5-7? I really really wanted one until I heard they would destroy the outer barrel when using propane. I wouldn't care about cost for a 5-7, they are awesome looking with awesome performance.
FYI, I shot the real 5-7, like airsoft my grouping with that was crap because the length of the grip is too long thus my finger was not 100% on the trigger...this is coming from someone with size large hands

5-7 uses a high kick system, it kicks really hard for a 134a gas gun. Using propane you will destroy the hop-up chamber assembly.

Sadly there's no third party support for that.

Hate to pull this I'll get flamed, avoid TM if you want an OOTB running Propane. The "I have been running P226 on propane for six years" does not apply to every single TM gun notably Glock and 5-7
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Old November 26th, 2011, 02:29   #22
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KSC actually has JP and TW two versions.
those jp original ones are all a piece of dung!!!!!!

Last edited by sortie39; November 26th, 2011 at 02:31..
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Old November 26th, 2011, 08:42   #23
a.k.a. HKpro
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I hate these pistol reccomendation threads, everyone just reccomends what they own...

That said, you won't regret getting a KSC USP. Beautiful guns, easily available mags, and a great all around performer.
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Old November 26th, 2011, 11:00   #24
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
FYI, I shot the real 5-7, like airsoft my grouping with that was crap because the length of the grip is too long thus my finger was not 100% on the trigger...this is coming from someone with size large hands

5-7 uses a high kick system, it kicks really hard for a 134a gas gun. Using propane you will destroy the hop-up chamber assembly.

Sadly there's no third party support for that.

Hate to pull this I'll get flamed, avoid TM if you want an OOTB running Propane. The "I have been running P226 on propane for six years" does not apply to every single TM gun notably Glock and 5-7
The people who tend to destroy plastic TM guns live in the Phillipines and lower United States, and other hot places, or they're running them hard at IPSC events. When the max temperature at an outdoor game is like 30 celcius the propane isn't heated to the degree that it's dangerously expanding. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule, but as a whole Canadian players expect, and receive, long operating lives from their stock TM gbbs.

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Old November 26th, 2011, 12:23   #25
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Id suggest the KSC Glock 17, or USP system 7 just cuz KSC is the best on the list
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Old November 26th, 2011, 12:35   #26
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I have a KSC Glock 19 and KSC USP Compact.

I would suggest the Glock as it's easier to hang accessories off of. Also the USP is a bit more finicky.
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Old November 26th, 2011, 13:07   #27
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Originally Posted by Debrief View Post
I hate these pistol reccomendation threads, everyone just reccomends what they own...
Funny how I recommand KJW M9 over KSC M9 System 7

I own KSC M9 System 7
I used to own KJW M9 and sold it because I didnt like it.
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Old November 26th, 2011, 13:15   #28
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Well my budget is about 400.
Does anyone know were to buy a KWA USP ? For some reason I cant seem to find any one sale. Seems to be out of stock everywhere.

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Old November 26th, 2011, 13:46   #29
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Check the AV retailers section, there's one who just updated his sales thread that has them in stock (the KSC version, it's the same thing, but with better trades). He's still at the top of the list as I post this.
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Old November 26th, 2011, 15:08   #30
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Oh yeah I know. I mean the KWA version which is cheaper. They were widely available not long time ago, but now I cant seem to find one :P
If someone knows just pm the link.

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