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Best performing full metal GBB pistol.


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Old November 29th, 2011, 17:12   #46
Old School Punk
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...still no mention of WE Pistols???

They can't be that bad, can they??
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Old November 29th, 2011, 17:32   #47
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@ old skool punk

I have a full metal WE 92FS. i have heard others complain about WE but this has got to be one of the best guns ive had. I have a TM full metal 226, a KJW full metal 229 and i still love my WE to death kicks and shoots hard and looks sick the only gun id put it up to was my TM Glock w/metal slide/barrels. But sadly for me i cant seem to keep guns that long im always wanting to try new/different ones
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Old November 29th, 2011, 22:55   #48
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Actually, the problem part on the 5-7 isn't the hopup. The design of the gun is a bit odd in that the barrel is the guide rod for the main spring, and the way its held into the hopup chamber is a rather poor design considering the weak aluminum the outer barrel is made of. Firing on propane will cause the barrel to breat inside the hopup.

You need to replace that with an aftermarket barrel, preferably steel. There are several different after-market models.

I will agree though that the 5-7 is better suited to people with larger hands.
I heard that the stronger outer barrels will cause the hop up unit to break.

I really really want to get a 5-7 next year, but they sound like one solution can lead to another problem.
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Old December 1st, 2011, 21:45   #49
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I've noticed that we're pretty much including plastic guns in here too now. :P So, I've also noticed that no one's really brought up the KJW Glocks, are they any good when you add a metal slide on them? How are they compared to TM or KWA/KSC internal-wise? I haven't really seen any comparison reviews that cover that aspect.

Last edited by EdisLeado; December 1st, 2011 at 21:54..
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 12:12   #50
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my suggestion...

stick to the guns that you can readily find parts for, and for cheap. KSC Glocks are becoming old and obsolete, so stores aren't restocking parts for them. They are mainly focused on TM parts, for the Glocks and the Hi-Capas/1911s. And since there's a large aftermarket support, prices are cheaper cause of supply and demand.

You really ought to consider a TM. You can run it on propane until the slide breaks and then replace the slide and internals as they begin to fail. TMs are a reliable gun, and they do make a quality product. Paying the extra $50 or $60 will be worth it.

If you're still not sold on a TM, then the next best thing would be to look at the KJW guns. Consider the 1911 and variants, then the Glock and M9, and in that order, because availability for parts are in that order. The 1911s are pretty much TM clones and can accept parts for TM guns.

You want a nice looking, reliable gun with lots of aftermarket support? Get a TM.
You want a workhorse, and may not need upgrading? Get a KJW.
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 12:40   #51
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The kjw glocks 23/32 are workhorses. For close range they are pretty good. I have 2 along with 5 mags between them. The mags leak from the base plate gaskets regularly but I found if you use a # R-12 metric o-ring to replace that gasket it works real good. A little snug to get in though. I have had 1 mechanical failure between them both and it was the valve knocker. Being TM clone this fixed that problem with no issues.

So for like $230 new or ~$160 used they are good value.

My $0.02....

Last edited by cetane; December 2nd, 2011 at 12:42..
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 13:08   #52
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Originally Posted by Old School Punk View Post
...still no mention of WE Pistols???

They can't be that bad, can they??
Yes, they are that bad. You occasionally will get one that works well and won't fall apart. I've got an older WE Hi Capa that's ok. Other than slide action being sluggish because of the heavy pot metal slide, it works well. But compared to a TM or even a KJW, there's no contest. WE is bottom of the heap.

Originally Posted by ruinz00 View Post
I heard that the stronger outer barrels will cause the hop up unit to break.

I really really want to get a 5-7 next year, but they sound like one solution can lead to another problem.
Wasn't aware of that. I've had mine for some time now, and I've put a lot of rounds through it. Still no issues since I installed the new barrel shortly after getting the gun.

Originally Posted by EdisLeado View Post
I've noticed that we're pretty much including plastic guns in here too now. :P So, I've also noticed that no one's really brought up the KJW Glocks, are they any good when you add a metal slide on them? How are they compared to TM or KWA/KSC internal-wise? I haven't really seen any comparison reviews that cover that aspect.
That's because for the most part, the stock all-metal guns are low end budget guns. The real quality ones are the plastic ones, or customized jobs. There are exceptions such as KWA who make quality all metal pistols, but those are the exception rather than the norm.

KJW Glocks are like any other KJW - they're decent guns for the money. They shoot well and are fairly reliable. I believe the Glock series are TM clones, so replacement parts are easy to get.

Personally though, if I were looking for a Glock, I'd be looking into KSC / KWA instead. To me, they've always made the best airsoft Glocks.
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 16:38   #53
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
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I used a WE Hi-CAPA as a base gun ...same with Chinese GBBs

From there I use aftermarket parts, it lowers the initial cost of a custom build.
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 17:05   #54
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Personally though, if I were looking for a Glock, I'd be looking into KSC / KWA instead. To me, they've always made the best airsoft Glocks.
What about the previous poster that talked about the shrinking number of retailers that will sell replacement/after-market parts for the KSC/KWA Glock series?
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 22:23   #55
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Since everyone seems to promote their own favorite...

Goto a gun store, find out what is your favorite pistol go from there. Online review also helps. Mainly feel if its too bulky/ long/ awkard for you, if you can't get a good finger on trigger you will do poorly no matter what. (Example, I can't get a good grouping with FN Five-seveN despite lower recoil than 9mm because its too long and thus my finger never fully rest on trigger. I can get a solid grip and good grouping with M&P 9mm on other hand.

Out of the box, good performing pistols. (ranking)
KSC=KWA assume its NS/System 7 if such version is available

1911 -> (1)KJW, TM, KSC
Hi-Capa ->(1) KJW, TM
Glock -> (1)KSC, KJW, (1)TM (on 134a)
P226 -> (1)KJW, (2)TM, KSC
USP -> (1)KSC
Beretta ->(1)KSC, KJW (2)TM, (3)WE

KSC is known for being 1:1 or very close in trademark, function, dimension, and weight. The draw back is mainly its hopup system is a single contact point and the bucking will soak up silicon causing it to swell
-> Wallhanger and game gun
KJW is known for making clones of Marui pistol and in certain models being full metal, the benefit is the marui hopup system give better range. The draw back are the lack of trade (with exception of P226, P229 if you buy cybergun KJW ones) and the dimension function are not 1:1 (close, but not exact)
-> Game gun
Marui is known for making relatively reliable GBB functions excellent as a gaming pistol. Upgradeability is on TM's side, most new unique pistol are made by KSC or TM (ie Five-seveN, PX4)
The main draw back is the use of plastic on frame and slide for folks who prefer metal. In certain cases, use of propane long term will damage internal (Glock, 5-7 are notable)
-> game gun

WA are pistol that try to make fucntion as real as possible however, being made of completely plastic it can only run on 134a unless upgraded. WA generally are wall hanger

WE are Marui clone that offer more affordable price compared to KJW. The biggest draw back is the quality of the parts, and finding replacement when it break (many parts are proprietary)
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 22:34   #56
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I've owned a KSC G19(Japan made) since 2002. The original mag still doesn't leak, and everything works as it should. Wether or not they still hold to this sort of endurance/longevity I couldn't say, but I am nothing but impressed with how long this plastic toy has lasted.

Thumbs up for KSC.
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Old December 2nd, 2011, 22:35   #57
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Originally Posted by Nakes View Post
I've owned a KSC G19(Japan made) since 2002. The original mag still doesn't leak, and everything works as it should. Wether or not they still hold to this sort of endurance/longevity I couldn't say, but I am nothing but impressed with how long this plastic toy has lasted.

Thumbs up for KSC.
Do you use propane?
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Old December 6th, 2011, 01:36   #58
a.k.a. ian209
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On the contrary to most people, I would recommend WE pistols. I had a WE M9 Cutlass that worked amazingly well out of the box and shot as well as my fully upgraded TM Glock 17. It was a fantastic sidearm, but I felt guilty fielding it because it looked so damn nice.

On the other hand, KJW isn't a bad brand either, but their pistol magazines need some work. All of the KJW pistol mags I've owned leaked, but it's an easy fix with gasket maker. Their M4 mags are godly though .
World record in propane sniffing.

-TM PX4 w/Detonator Aluminum Slide
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Old December 6th, 2011, 23:43   #59
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Thank you all for the amazing feedback.
Now I have a little bit of a dilema. I know that is probaly comparing apples with peches but Im also considering getting a KWA MP9... X-(
Other than the obious advantage of full auto capability, how would the MP9 compare to any other KSC/ KSC pistol?


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