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Ulikey 6 - Echo1 ASR Sniper Riffle Project


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Old December 5th, 2011, 11:11   #1
Old School Punk
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Ulikey 6 - Echo1 ASR Sniper Riffle Project

No doubt you have heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, but have you ever heard of the Cuban Riffle Crisis? I didn’t think so, so here goes.

After years of hearing rumors and hushed whispers, I have uncovered a true relic of the Cold War. A weapon that could have changed that world.

I would like present to you the “Uliky 6” (pronounced “You Likey Zechs”) also known as the "Moscow Messenger" or the "Havana Haymaker".

Developed in the heart of Kazakstan, by the “Ulikey Migun Weapons Company”, it was the last firearm developed by the founder of the company “Asamatov Bagatov” himself.

The philosophy behind this riffle was, that it was to be able to be fired by Fidel Castro sitting in a Lawn Chair on the beach in Cuba, and with it He was suppose to be able to pick off any Kennedy that happened to be on the beach in Miami!

It was a brilliant concept, but much to Castro’s dismay, no Kennedy ever set foot on the damn beach!

So the gun was retired from service and never seen again until now.

Let me know what ya think!

Last edited by Old School Punk; December 5th, 2011 at 12:07..
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Old December 5th, 2011, 12:05   #2
Old School Punk
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Okay, everything written in the above post is pure Horse Shit, but because of the nature of this project and this gun, I had no problem spinning this tale.

The gun started life as an Echo1 - ARS (Advanced Riffle System) spring operated airsoft gun. This has got to be one of the more controversial sniper riffle’s in a while because it is not based on a real steel gun. It is a product of someone’s imagination. Some people like the look of the gun, but most people HATE the friggen thing. :flame:
I kind of like it because it was cheap, and it looked way different than any other sniper rifle on the market.

For around $200.00 I think that the gun is quite a bargain right off the shelf. I am a big fan of dressing up my guns with aftermarket accessories and parts, but I sometimes run into a dilemma in that I still want my airsoft guns to look like their reel steal counterpart. With this gun I didn't have this dilemma, because it never existed. Maybe that why this ASR made for such a fun build.

I haven’t done much to the internals yet, but I have made a few changes to the exterior of the thing. The biggest change that I made is that I removed the stock M4 style butt stock and I installed a Magpul – PRS stock on it. The original stock was kind of wobbly and uncomfortable because there wasn’t really anywhere to rest your cheek on when you were using the scope.
I also thought that the M4 stock wasn’t bulky enough to visually balance out with the front of the gun. The Magpul PRS is a great butt stock, but it cost almost as much as the gun itself, and it is not a direct bolt on install for this gun. I ended up having to modify the stock support tube that came on the gun to fit into the PRS stock. It took about 3 or 4 hours to cut, grind and sand this tube down to properly fit into this new stock. It was harder than I anticipated, but well worth it in the end.
As an added bonus, once the PRS is installed, you can actually use the end of your gun as a paddle incase your ship goes down and your stranded on a piece of wood in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean!

One thing that I wished that the PRS came with was a Monopod. There is a rail under a cover on the bottom of the PRS that you can add a monopod to, but all the ones that I could find were like another $100 bucks and that was just too much for me to spend. So instead I went Rona and picked up $5.00 worth of supplies and I built my own Monopod.

It works great for target shooting and I think that it even looks okay.

I also wanted to put some kind of a sexy silencer on it, but I just couldn’t find one that was big enough to look cool on the gun, so I decided to build my own. Again being the cheap bastard that I am, I went to Rona and picked up about $10.00 worth of miscellaneous parts and after a couple of hours I put together what I think is a pretty cool looking silencer.

As far the Soviet Stars shit goes , what can I say, I was watching "Street Customs" on TV when I was working on this thing and one thing just sorted led to another.

I put the stars on PRS stock, but something was still missing, so I removed the side panels of the foregrip, and I drilled out a bunch of "cooling holes" into it.

After that I put a piece metalic red material behind the holes to help tie in the red in the stars. Unlike my my Russian Mail Order Bride, it looks much better in person than it does in these pics.

I know it's kinda goofy, but what the heck, it's different, right? LOL

Anyway thats about it for now, let me know if you have any questions about any of the mods that I did.


Last edited by Old School Punk; December 5th, 2011 at 12:48..
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Old December 11th, 2011, 10:21   #3
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I really dig this.
My OPS are Blacker than yours...

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Old December 11th, 2011, 13:44   #4
Old School Punk
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WOW you must be a Marine "One Of The Few, The Brave", or you just have a slightly warped sense of humor, like me.
Thanks for the nice response!

Apparently it's not to everyones taste, but hey I guess thats what makes it unique, right?


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Old December 29th, 2011, 16:30   #5
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hey there I just ordered the Magpul PRS for this can you give me some hints on how you made it fit snug?

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Old December 29th, 2011, 16:40   #6
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Needs some wood

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Old January 3rd, 2012, 10:58   #7
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hey there I just ordered the Magpul PRS for this can you give me some hints on how you made it fit snug?

Sorry I missed seeing your post till just now.

Basically you have to use the plastic tube that comes on the gun, not the metal tube that comes with the PRS.

When you remove the stock butt stock you will see a plastic tube with a ridge along the bottom of it where the stock butt stock clicks into. The ridge is like 1/4" x 1/4" x 3" long. You need to cut this raised area off with a dremel tool or grinder, to make the tube into a completly round smooth tube.

You then need to sand it down until it will fit into the PRS Butt Stock. Keep sanding and trying it out until it works. It's not rocket science, but it takes quite a bit of time and muscle to get it to fit.

Good luck
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Old January 3rd, 2012, 12:38   #8
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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really good looking with the stock and silencer ! how does it shoot ?
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Old January 3rd, 2012, 12:53   #9
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Sweet thanks for the heads up! should be here today or tomorrow $170 lol you are correct I got the gun used so only payed $100 for it but new yes same price for the stock as the rifle. I also have a APS2 PDI hopup $96 coming along with APS2 barrle spaces $20 and aleady have an extended APS2 madbull barrel $70 for it and already have the upgrade power kit $45 already installed when I got it. (side note to not use the new spring if you get it you will blow apart your hopup). Also from the milsig sale got a 3x9 blue illuminated scope with laser for $95 coming this week. and almsot forgot I grabbed a screw on NATO silencer for it and replaced the crappy foam rings with a solid tube of sound damaning foam $60

Side note for anyone looking at doing up this rifle but does not want to spend the 170$ - 250$ for this stock the RAP4 paintball m4 stock fits this tube and gives a tighter fit and is more solid than the one that comes with it. "Normal airsoft m4 stocks do not fit"!!!

Now I just need to find out a way to make the damn bi pod fit tight.

Last edited by Foxer2373; January 3rd, 2012 at 12:56..
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Old January 3rd, 2012, 13:57   #10
Old School Punk
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really good looking with the stock and silencer ! how does it shoot ?
Really good actually. The only internal work that I have done so far is that I replaced the foam barrel spacers with some hard rubber ones.

I was dong some target shooting in my shop over the Holidays, and I was hitting a pop can from a measured 100'-0" with some consistancy. Probably 6 out of every 10 shots, and I'm not an expert marksman or anything like that.

Considering the bashing that the Echo 1 ASR gets here on the board, I think that thats pretty darn good, and I think that its actually a decent riffle, period.

already have the upgrade power kit $45 already installed when I got it. (side note to not use the new spring if you get it you will blow apart your hopup).
Ah Crap, I was planning on doing this upgrade next, but now I'm not so sure.

I will be interested how you gun turns out once you are finished upgrading it. Keep me informed please!



Last edited by Old School Punk; January 8th, 2012 at 21:22..
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Old January 3rd, 2012, 14:14   #11
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LOL gave a full read out on your other post about uprages found it after all this. You can use the rest of the upgrade kit works great just use the original spring thats all. The seal will be tighter and mine was shooting 460 with just the pisten and guide. With the new barrel should be around 490-495
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Old January 3rd, 2012, 14:53   #12
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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sweet ! now you have to tactical mount a cuban rhum flask on the stock and where that shirt for camo :
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Old January 3rd, 2012, 14:58   #13
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Fuck Ya! I love that shirt! Gotta get me one!
Ha Ha

Last edited by Old School Punk; January 3rd, 2012 at 15:23..
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Old January 3rd, 2012, 17:14   #14
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I do agree with you that the Bipod that comes with the gun is a real piece of shit.

I think that the biggest problem with it is that the legs don't posativly lock into position when they are lowered. They are made so the they can fold down in either direction, so if you put any forward or backward force on the gun when your aiming it, the legs can flex either diection.

I tried to partitialy solve this problem by cold welding a piece of brass to the backside of the leg joint so that they will only fold down in the forward position.

It's better than it was stock, but the legs still have a tendancy to move if you put any rearward pressure on the gun.

I ended up admitting defeat and I ordered a better quality bipod online, so hopefully this issue will be resolved when this new bipod arrives.

Last edited by Old School Punk; March 8th, 2012 at 16:00..
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Old January 3rd, 2012, 17:21   #15
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Hmm please let me know what works on it because the stupid mounting peg instead of a locking pin style mount was a bad plan on there part. Im at the point of just modifining one and wedling it into the slot. But we will see have about 500$ worth of parts and mags coming in the next week so we will see if it all pans out. I will let you know how it goes.
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