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Old December 14th, 2011, 12:14   #1
Delta Charlie
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Hey guys I was looking at getting a new gbb pistol, and I've come to a bit of a stalemate. There are 2 main guns. First,the kjw p226, good reviews, looks good but only runs on gg, I would be playing a lot of games in colder weather, so the second is the sig sauer p226 x-five. Runs on c02 but basically the same then as the kjw.
Now here's the kicker. The kwa kp45. Runs the ns2 so hopefully good in cold, and looks good,
Any help would be great thanks.
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Old December 14th, 2011, 12:29   #2
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You could also get a KWA M226, its their 226 PTP model, and will perform pretty well in the cold. I've had good experiences with the ns2 system in cold weather, that would be my recommendation. A stock tm with the plastic slide and the new E2 magazines would be a good alternative as well.

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Old December 14th, 2011, 12:38   #3
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at about 10C the kwa 226 gun was firing, but not as efficiently, as it was spitting out raw propane at the same time it was shooting a BB. Some of the liquid propane just didn't want to vaporize as quickly.

One of my friends with a KWA usp match was having no luck getting any cycle or fire from his gun at near 0 temps. Both guns are ns2, his mags and gun may have been sitting in the cold longer than mine though, so they would've been much colder as mine just came out of the car. We had a fair range of KWAs out that night, from glock 17s, 18, a 226, a standard usp and a usp match all kwa as well as a WE open bolt pdw, temps started around 8C and fell to almost 0C over the course of the evening. Every gun except the usp match fired, so we're not quite sure why that one didn't, but once it was brought inside to warm up, it fired indoors.

Not quite sure of the operational temps of GG, but I'd like to try it eventually.
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Old December 14th, 2011, 12:40   #4
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
Not quite sure of the operational temps of GG, but I'd like to try it eventually.
"GG" or green gas, is just propane.

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Old December 14th, 2011, 13:35   #5
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Yup. Green Gas is propane with a different scent and silicone oil added. And it costs about 30x the price of propane.
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Old December 14th, 2011, 15:52   #6
Delta Charlie
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So then should I be going for the p226 x-five then? And I really wish I could get a kwa m226 but I just don't see them anywhere ( I would have no clue where to buy them)
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Old December 14th, 2011, 16:03   #7
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I'm still being told by a few people that GG is a refrigerant of some sort, I've never tried to light it on fire, guess that would prove it definitively.

There are a couple vendors that can get kwa 226s if you are AVed.

The odd thing about the behavior we observed is that all the guns we shot except the WE (since it was WE) were ns2 models, the usp match may have been slightly newer (like brand new) so maybe the valve seals inside were a bit sticky and didn't want to release in the cold, but I gamed my 226 a week later in below 10C conditions and it worked reasonably well.

The Xfive shoots quite hot for a pistol from what I understand, I haven't seen solid chrono numbers for it some review it super high in the low 4xxs, some review it as low as 350, but I may also consider buying one later on if I can get more info, just so I can use it in the cold.

Also kjw apparently has co2 mags for some pistols, I'm not sure if their 226 has them available though. It might be worth looking into as well.
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Old December 14th, 2011, 16:09   #8
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I'm still being told by a few people that GG is a refrigerant of some sort, I've never tried to light it on fire, guess that would prove it definitively.
If by "GG" you mean green gas then no. It's propane and has been proven already.

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Old December 14th, 2011, 16:16   #9
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doesn't matter much to me.. it's so prohibitively expensive that I don't even bother with it. :P
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Old December 14th, 2011, 16:28   #10
Delta Charlie
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I'm still being told by a few people that GG is a refrigerant of some sort, I've never tried to light it on fire, guess that would prove it definitively.

There are a couple vendors that can get kwa 226s if you are AVed.

The odd thing about the behavior we observed is that all the guns we shot except the WE (since it was WE) were ns2 models, the usp match may have been slightly newer (like brand new) so maybe the valve seals inside were a bit sticky and didn't want to release in the cold, but I gamed my 226 a week later in below 10C conditions and it worked reasonably well.

The Xfive shoots quite hot for a pistol from what I understand, I haven't seen solid chrono numbers for it some review it super high in the low 4xxs, some review it as low as 350, but I may also consider buying one later on if I can get more info, just so I can use it in the cold.

Also kjw apparently has co2 mags for some pistols, I'm not sure if their 226 has them available though. It might be worth looking into as well.
Yeah that's the other thing, the 226 kjw doesn't have c02 mags but another gun I was looking at , the kjw kp07 does come with c02 and gg mags do it could be an option, but I kind of like 226s better (but not much more)
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Old December 14th, 2011, 16:30   #11
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i'v been running a KJW P226 as my secondary for the last 3 years. good kick, good range and well built. the mags tend to leak, but that can be an easy fix.
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Old December 14th, 2011, 16:57   #12
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If you go with the KJW P226, you'll probably want to get some TM mags for it, as KJW mags always start leaking.
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Old December 14th, 2011, 23:09   #13
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Mags leak with GBBs, it's just a fact of life. I had a KJW p226, it was awesome until it got cold. I have a tm p226, it was awesome til it got colder. TM p226 mags feel a LOT more solid than the KJW mags and don't come with as many leaks out of the box.
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Old December 15th, 2011, 07:55   #14
Delta Charlie
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Originally Posted by bizkilter View Post
Mags leak with GBBs, it's just a fact of life. I had a KJW p226, it was awesome until it got cold. I have a tm p226, it was awesome til it got colder. TM p226 mags feel a LOT more solid than the KJW mags and don't come with as many leaks out of the box.
So basically I should be getting a c02 or do you think kwa's ns2 system would work?
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Old December 15th, 2011, 22:55   #15
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I don't know much about Co2 airsoft pistols but from what I've heard they're not bad. I do know that my Co2 pellet pistols work great in cold weather and I've yet to have a single issue with either of them for the 6 years I've owned them. If you can't find informative comparissons here, may I suggest talking to a retailer who deals in both Co2 and regular gas pistols? They would have an interesting take on them I'm sure ")
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