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Old March 7th, 2012, 22:42   #961
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R1ghty, are you using an aftermarket inner barrel and mid-heavyweight Bastards?

Okay so if anyone is running/trying to run CO2 and has magazines leaking out the top... I found a solid fix!

Worked on my worst leaking mag, and I'm going to do up the other 11 and run them all in near-zero temperatures next week. I'll report back with performance. I'm just using whatever material of o-ring I can find in the right size, but from a quick search butadiene seems like the best for this application. If I don't get a good lifespan out of the current o-rings I will probably retrofit the magazines with butadiene rings from here:
The war between the sexes is over. We won the second women started doing pole dancing for exercise.
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Old March 21st, 2012, 12:18   #962
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Does anybody know offhand if a real charging handle latch will fit in the WE charging handle closed bolt? I've looked around, and haven't found many people who've done it, and written about it.
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Old May 22nd, 2012, 20:26   #963
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I got question, what kind of sling mount will fit with awss M4? This kind?
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Old June 7th, 2012, 18:01   #964
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Originally Posted by MattiasST View Post
I got question, what kind of sling mount will fit with awss M4? This kind?
should fit
GBBR plates have the "pin" at the bottom
AEG's usually have notches
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Old June 7th, 2012, 18:02   #965
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I have to loctite my NPAS, i've seen it mentioned a few times but no recommendations how it should be done.
just pull it out and saturate the threads?
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Old June 8th, 2012, 08:39   #966
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Same as loctite'ing any other screw. I just put a small dab on the threads, screw it together, wipe off excess and let set. There's other types that are meant to be put on and let dry before assembly, but the instructions on the package should give the best method for whatever brand/type you have.
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Old September 3rd, 2012, 12:58   #967
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WE SCAR-L Open Bolt issues

Hello fellow SCAR users,

I have a WE SCAR-L Open Bolt that's giving me grief. I've only had it for 5 months (about 400 rounds) and I've already had to replace parts on it. The protrusion on the plastic nozzle that picks up the BBs from the Mag broke twice already. And now the gun doesn't want to cycle. No double action semi-auto functionality. I have to manually cock the gun between shots. The bolt still flys back and loads the next BB but nothing joy on the trigger. Same thing with Auto mode. I cock the gun and pull the trigger to fire. But soon as I let up on the trigger, I need to re-cock the gun to get it to fire again. A single action SCAR-L!

Any thoughts?

Last edited by Lubifier; September 3rd, 2012 at 13:07..
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Old September 3rd, 2012, 14:21   #968
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Shouldn't be breaking that often. My ob scar nozzle went thousands of rounds and the nozzle never broke. Do you have an npas installed? Also you live in the Yukon. What temperature is it when you are firing the scar?
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Old September 4th, 2012, 00:02   #969
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Sticky Floating Valve

Originally Posted by Ross View Post
Shouldn't be breaking that often. My ob scar nozzle went thousands of rounds and the nozzle never broke. Do you have an npas installed? Also you live in the Yukon. What temperature is it when you are firing the scar?
I don't have an NPAS installed. I'm so new to the sport I don't even know what that is yet. I've only have the gun outdoors for two games here in the Yukon. It's summer time temps of 15-25c.

I've noticed the floating valve inside the bolt carrier is really sticky. The hammer roller has exerted alot of pressure on the underside of the bolt carrier and worn a decent groove into it even though I've been keeping the gun well lubed with silicon oil. I can't help but wonder if the inner cylinder is out of round. Would this cause a single action firing characteristic?

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Old September 4th, 2012, 01:40   #970
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Originally Posted by Lubifier View Post
I don't have an NPAS installed. I'm so new to the sport I don't even know what that is yet. I've only have the gun outdoors for two games here in the Yukon. It's summer time temps of 15-25c.

I've noticed the floating valve inside the bolt carrier is really sticky. The hammer roller has exerted alot of pressure on the underside of the bolt carrier and worn a decent groove into it even though I've been keeping the gun well lubed with silicon oil. I can't help but wonder if the inner cylinder is out of round. Would this cause a single action firing characteristic?
I cleaned the floating valve in the bolt carrier and filed down any protruding edges that I thought might be hindering it. After a light oiling and re-assembly I'm still left with a single action rifle. So I says to myself, "what else could it be?". And I knew it was me asking because I recognized my voice.

The hammer is resetting but when I pull the trigger, no joy. With the lower receiver removed I cycled the hammer but always releasing trigger pressure before reset. Then the "aha" moment. Hammer reset, pull and hold trigger and reset hammer. Release trigger and pull again. No joy! With a little bit of back pressure on the trigger it did reset.

My issue is with the trigger assembly now. A trigger that won't reset. Is this another one of the WE SCAR-L's famous inevitable breakages?

Tomorrow I'll venture into trigger dis-assembly to see what I can see.

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Old September 5th, 2012, 15:19   #971
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DYTAC Charging handle

So I got a WE M4 Charging handle as in the link below as I hear the original one will break at some point.

It is beyond tight to install. The original handle slips in and out of the upper with no fuss and slides smoothly; the DYTAC one has to pushed up into the receiver when you line up the ears and you can only push it forward a few mm before it's wedged.

The package itself is labled WE M4 GBB. Has anyone else put one in? Any feedback? I don't want to hammer it in, and I don't want to grind it either. I have a film of grease in action so it's not a dry metal on metal situation.
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Old September 5th, 2012, 15:37   #972
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I'm sick of all these "upgrades" and "replacement" parts. I litterally have bags of stuff that won't fit into guns...guys buy this steel part or that steel part, struggle with it and then leave it on the bench out of frustration or ambivalence. What a waste of money.

I really have no idea what "standard" rifle these guys are spec'ing their parts from. More than a few bright shiny steel parts just plain don't fit.

@'ll have to compare it to the stock one and adjust either the charging handle or receiver to fit. You're going to have to look at all the dimensions. If it's going to weaken the part too much...just don't bother. I can't remember what a stock charging handle runs...but it's not much.

Personally...I've ever only broken 1...and that was from pounding on the receiver to set an overly tight gas block to a barrel (I should have taken the charging handle out of the upper). I've never broken one in usage. The other ones I've seen broken is where guys have had their bolt jam and they've tried to force the bolt with the handle (which it is not strong enough to do that).

Most bolt jams are from:
1. The bolt is hanging up on tip of the bolt release....just file it down a bit
2. The bolt is hanging up on the retainer cap that holds the buffer retaining pin in the lower receiver...mod the retaining cap/pin and use loctite to set it flush (retaining cap) with the receiver
3. The pin that holds the roller on the hammer is coming out...either flare the ends of the pin and/or put a slight bend into it and reinstall.
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Old September 5th, 2012, 15:51   #973
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It was one of those; "let's see what I can add to my Airsoft Parts Canada" order moments. I'm sure we've all done it. Not essential and good to hear the charging handle isn't a ticking time bomb.

Got 3 new buckings to try also. RA tech, Nine Ball, & Modify.

I try to stick to "if it ain't broke don't fix it" but sometimes the voices overpower common sense.
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Old September 5th, 2012, 16:41   #974
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Danke I installed the same charging handle in my WE M4, all I had to do was file a small amount off the tabs on both sides. After the mod it slides in and out like butter.
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Old September 5th, 2012, 16:43   #975
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Location: Toronto're preaching to the choir! And yeah...I do the "Walk in for a hopup rubber...leave after spending $$$) all the time.

But with the "upgrade" parts that have come out for the's just bad. It's almost like the bizzaro-world of when all those really cheap clone parts came out. They look the part, the finish and materials are usually really good vs. crap clone stuff...but they just don't work. And I guess the good/bad part of GBBRs is that you can actually mod/grind/alter parts to make things work (vs. crappy AEG internals). IMO, it's like all these precision parts need to be modded to put some slop into them.

Anyways...such is life...I'm just grumpy and ranting.
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