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Respect for servicemen?


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Old June 13th, 2012, 02:31   #16
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
As mentioned, avoid wearing specific items that you haven't earned: ranks, awards/ribbons, skills, unit, etc.

I have seen the Stanley Cup a few times, I barely touch it and would NOT hold it over my head. Because I did not earn that right.

I don't think a rank badges are so bad. After all every team needs a leader or two. But yes don't be "going to the mall dressed as a serviceman? Making any sort of claims you aren't entitled to?"
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Old June 13th, 2012, 07:53   #17
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
Wearing your BDU (ex CADPAT) outside and airsoft game? Wrong. Remember when wearing your BDU your representing and actual military unit with tradition, history, and the like. RESPECT IT!
What if nobody uses the camo you're wearing? lol
Remember when you wear jeans to an airsoft game, you might be offending bosnian serbs or somalian insurgents, so take them off when you're done!
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Old June 13th, 2012, 11:30   #18
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Soldiers are the "damn few" and they ought to feel pretty special when they see imitation. It should just reaffirm that they're achieving something a lot of people only dream of.

side note: Nothing wrong with a civilian wearing the odd military piece of clothing here and there - can actually look pretty cool - but people who wear full soldier gear in public who are not part of the military just...make me feel embarrassed for them. :\

I saw a guy at the dog-run recently who was wearing a boonie cap, a camel pack(he was sipping it too as he scoped out the AO*), an OD t-shirt, camo pants and desert combat boots. It's not even intimidating, it's just odd and out of place.

Here we are again bro -just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember? Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat... We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch... - Sgt.Mac, Predator
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Old June 13th, 2012, 12:17   #19
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Originally Posted by MaciekA View Post
...Having said all of the above if I did come across a CF member or a widow or the like who was disturbed by it for PTSD or similar reasons, I would respectfully limit my exposure to said person and try to be as reasonable as possible with my interactions with them. ...

If they are that sensitive, they won't be playing airsoft so no worries.
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Old June 13th, 2012, 12:19   #20
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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Whats is wrong with the ranks? damned who cares.. I can understand for ribbons and even maybe special patches but heck... even the special patches I can't see nothing wrong with that.

That is a game... we, in our team have ''ranks''.. so what?! their is no offense at all.
Special patches? If I like patches that is my business, no offense by wearing them.

The only issue I see is wearing ribbons and medals.

I repeat it.. it is a game, a hobby and people like to dress like weekend warriors so what, angry servicemen need to chill out. I, by no way, mean to disrespect them. I understand the the things they had to go through to earn patches and ranks, but they have the real deal with the signification... I only play it.
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Old June 13th, 2012, 12:38   #21
Cobalt Caliber
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You earn ranks, Ranks are not given. You EARN them.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old June 13th, 2012, 13:17   #22
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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So what.. are their little world falling appart because some weekend warrior showed up with a master sergeant rank on his vest at a game.

jesus.. let the people live.

unless they are spitting or burning the flag...
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Old June 13th, 2012, 13:28   #23
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Stolen Valour

Guys the whole problem with this relates to a concept called Stolen Valour.

That is when someone who is not in the military goes out an buys a uniform on eBay, and they get a bunch of medals and etc. then they go hang out at Applebees and get all the free appies they can suck down, they rent cars and ask for discounts, and so on.

So first they're passing themselves off as soldiers for personal gain; and second they're pulling slimy shit under the guise of being a member of the Airborne Regiment (for example). This isn't a 3 strikes game; it's one wrong move and you're out.

So now you say "well I sure don't plan to do that" but unfortunately this is a book by the cover situation and your intentions can't be judged, just your actions or appearance.

So when you're going to a game and you hop out to gas up your truck in your BDUs with all your ranger tabs and rank badges etc. if you're seen by a soldier from that unit he's going to say what the fuck, and maybe a bit more.

And as a post script for a lot of units when they do go into action their uniforms are pretty sterile.

So if you do it.
Do it right and do it with respect.
Be aware of the unit, their history and what you're wearing means.
Do it on the field. Don't stop for breakfast in your gear, don't post a Facebook profile photo of you in you in a dress uniform. Lerch and ARRSE should be a good enough example of what not to do.
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Old June 13th, 2012, 13:39   #24
formerly Contractor 6-8, CptPinard17eRAM
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I was talking at games... going out in public is a whole other thing.
I always only wear camo pants and green shirt in my car, the rest of the gear is in my trunk and I can't be mistaken for a _________ insert what ever rank/unit.
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Old June 13th, 2012, 13:49   #25
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Like Kokanee said, if there's someone who cares about that they won't be on the field with you.
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Old June 13th, 2012, 14:18   #26
Ronald Chang
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I think some times we think and take things a bit too serious. The "do" and "don't" are pretty well observed and followed by our fellow airsofters. So Further reminder seems not necessary.

Last edited by Ronald Chang; June 13th, 2012 at 20:43..
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Old June 13th, 2012, 14:58   #27
Brian McIlmoyle
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Here are some words to live by when it come to this issue..

Do what you want, don't hurt anyone, and don't be a dick.

and you will get on just fine regardless of what you are wearing
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Old June 13th, 2012, 15:04   #28
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I see no problems with civilians wearing camos/uniforms insigna's as long they are not used improperly and do not impersonate any official in public. What frustate me is to see people going over the edge for no reason about the uniform. I mean I'm in the CF and I have no problem with people wearing the uniform at games.

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Old June 13th, 2012, 15:50   #29
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Caliber View Post
I've just joined and my only quip. Is wear the uniform, but while wearing it don't act stupid and do not wear berets, rank, or badges.. If you are not an active member of that unit do not wear your uniform in public.

So in final.

Wearing: BDU is OKAY.
Wearing Ranks, Berets, or something else you haven't earned? BAD.

Wearing your BDU (ex CADPAT) outside and airsoft game? Wrong. Remember when wearing your BDU your representing and actual military unit with tradition, history, and the like. RESPECT IT!
+1 to this. I wouldn't be caught dead in any of my kit outside of the game at all. It just attracts the wrong kind of attention outside of the game anyways. Living right near the Fort York armoury base with the Queens York Rangers always floating around the area and out of respect for those soldiers I do not do that.

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Old June 13th, 2012, 16:13   #30
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For my 2 cents, as an ex member (16 years + a few tours/deployments) I will never wear anything that I haven't earned. Trade patches, rank or berets. Even after being out for nearly 10 years I have to much respect for members that have earned it. Even if I'm wearing a uniform for a game I ensure that I wear only issued, or dead on repo versions, that all accessories are real versions or exact copies. Why you may ask, because even in a game I feel that I need to represent to a high standard whatever uniform I'm wearing. Wether it's CADPAT, ACU or MARPAT, heck I'm so anal I'll wear realy Kelvar because that is that is being worn by the active duty troops. Just my option and I think in ready everything here that most people are of the understanding to not represent yourself in a negative light. This is a game of honour and this attitude should extend to all the aspects of the game including your appearance
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