Ares LMG Stoner Power MOD
So I had the LMG out for the first time on Tuesday and found that the 1600 mAh just wasnt going to cut it...So I have A 5000mAh on the way...the problem is that it wont fit in the stock, So as most Ares LMG users will prob do I Added a lead down to the Box Mag so that I can carry the 5000 in the bottom of the Mag. I have seen a few others do this and this is how I did mine..I will add pics and I hope you get the basic idea how I put it togeather...It was very easy..
1st I made an extention that I would run from the origanal connector in the gun ( I wanted to have the option to still use the stick battery ) to the bottom of the recever...I also made a longer one to use in the Box Mag.
Next I drilled a hole in the bottom of the recever and installed a rubber grommet..after feeding the wires throught the hole ( very tight fit ) I connected the Deans to the other end of the wires.
I then removed 2 of the screws from the box cover to allow room for the wire and to let me tuck the conectors out of sight. After making sure the fit was right I put the last Deans on the wire from the box mag...
Finaly...Cleaned it all up....pluged it all in and it ran like a champ.
I hope this helps anyone looking to do the same style Mod
Last edited by YKPizzaGuy; June 21st, 2012 at 15:58..