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Old September 28th, 2012, 13:36   #31
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I only wish Oakley made tactical goggles in Asian fit - I've worn their Asian fit snow goggles for years, and swear by them.
They do. They aren't marketed as Asian fit, but they definitely leave no gaps on me. SI Ballistic Goggle Array.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Actually, they do. They just don't have Asian fit, and they're only available to military and LEO. There are a few places in the States that aren't so strict on checking your credentials before ordering, though. I have a pair of the A-Frame SI tactical goggles. They fog like crazy though, so I don't like wearing them too much. They have great optical clarity and are a low profile. That's the only thing I can give it. Besides that, they don't seem too safe for airsoft. A BB can easily pass through the ventilation holes on the top. They have a number of other models available (I think 3 others), but I've never tried them.
As mentioned above, SI Ballistic Goggle Array. The only problem with them is that they're huge. They also fog up pretty badly as well.
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Old September 28th, 2012, 14:42   #32
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Originally Posted by mmmken View Post
They do. They aren't marketed as Asian fit, but they definitely leave no gaps on me. SI Ballistic Goggle Array.
Yes, you're right in that regard. There is no gap at the nose, and the goggle is very comfortable

Originally Posted by mmmken View Post
As mentioned above, SI Ballistic Goggle Array. The only problem with them is that they're huge. They also fog up pretty badly as well.
The Ballistic Goggle Array is super massive. I handled one once and decided not to buy it.

My next wish, is that they made dual pane lenses (like their snow goggles) with ballistic level protection (like their current SI models).
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Old September 28th, 2012, 17:55   #33
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Actually, they do. They just don't have Asian fit, and they're only available to military and LEO. There are a few places in the States that aren't so strict on checking your credentials before ordering, though. I have a pair of the A-Frame SI tactical goggles. They fog like crazy though, so I don't like wearing them too much. They have great optical clarity and are a low profile. That's the only thing I can give it. Besides that, they don't seem too safe for airsoft. A BB can easily pass through the ventilation holes on the top. They have a number of other models available (I think 3 others), but I've never tried them.
totally whiffed. meant to say asian tactical goggles. :banghead: anyways, totally satisfied with my desert locusts.
too busy tinkering to play.
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 10:35   #34
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ESS Profle Asian Fit Turbo Fans
- Sept 29/30...24hr Milsim...Fall weather 4-20C. Sun/Sun-clounds/rain/sun

They were worn for extended periods of time. Foam/fit was very comfortable...used with watch cap and baseball hat. They did not shift up/around with movement or action. They felt very planted on my face.

Clarity was outstanding...low light/bright light/etc... They are brand new essentially, but they were so clear and distortion free I was tapping my lense more than a couple of times to see that there was actually a lense there.

Side to side...and up and down...fields of view were excellent. I did not feel that my peripheral vision was obscured at fact I can't recall even noticing that I had to move my head unnaturally to see something. A buddy with the Advancer glasses noted that he feels like he's looking through tubes/swimming goggles in that your field of view is blocked all around by the frame/foam seal.

Minor fog in the top upper corners at one time (standing around early morning after rain all night)...low fan did not clear very well, but may have prevented further/worse fogging...High fan did clear any and all fog. The noise is noticeable on high....I wouldn't have it on high is concealment is a priority.

I did not need the fans on at all when you're moving/etc...but I did find it nice to leave them on low. I did not test the autoshut off in the field...since I was cycling through low/high/off as needed.

Someone had them on with a helmet (MICH I think)...and noted fogging in his. Noted that the fans worked sort of to clear.

I have not applied anything to the lenses yet...I have only wiped them with a cloth to remove dust/material once or twice so far.

I'll test more with a Protec A Alpha later...very impressed so far.

I had Bolle T800's as a backup...did not even think of touching them.

Last edited by m102404; October 2nd, 2012 at 10:39..
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 10:50   #35
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The ESS Profile's have been my go to goggles for the past couple of years now. I was using mine for the same OP TYs Like yourself I had no problems with comfort, fogging, or movement. The auto shutoff feature kicked in once in the 18 hours I had them that feature does work!!! Lol. I tend to rotate through the fan speeds depending on the enviroment and to kill the fan if I need absolute quiet on patrols or ambushes.

You can get thermal lenses for these which adds another level of fog prevention. You might want consider getting some so you can keep the fan on low most if not all of the time.
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 11:00   #36
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I think I'm a battery miser at heart...I just can't stand leaving something running that long LOL

I'll order a set of the thermal lenses and see how they work out for me...thanks buddy.
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 11:37   #37
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lulz oakley CS fail.

"Hi, I'm looking for something in the asian fit radar line, but I have called all the dealers local to me and none carry stock of that item. I don't want to order something online without trying it in case they don't fit. What do you suggest I do?"

"Hi, use our dealer locator to search dealers in your area and call them to see if they have stock."

What. the. fuck.
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 11:54   #38
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The only place I've ever seen a store have an asian fit oakley in stock was Pacific Mall (huge asian mall here). No extra nose pieces/lenses...but a couple of different glasses.

Everywhere else has been special/custom order.

I've dealt with Oakley 3 times and it's been 100% fast and accurate. All over the phone though. Super quick, knowledgeable, etc... I think the last time I bought glasses I asked what I could do if they didn't fit...IIRC, they said I could return them (I'd have to pay for shipping to them) and get something else.

and...I've taken the extra nosepieces that I had (Oakley just threw in 2-3 spares when I bought my last glasses) to a store to swap them onto a couple of different frames to try stuff on. Not always the perfect fit since they have a lot of nose piece shapes, but good enough to get the feel of them. The store was cool with that since I wasn't going to mangle them or anything.
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Old October 2nd, 2012, 12:03   #39
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yeah we have an optometrist at the tnt here in ottawa, I might just drop in to see if they have any oakleys but that's really the only remote possibility here in ottawa for asian fit stuff. I'll be in T. this weekend.. I might have to visit pacmall I need some accessories for my phone... but that place on a regular weekend is bad enough. I hate that parking lot.

I'm tempted to dig up some contact info of importance and raise a big stink about that incompetent answer. When you are charging 300$+ for your product that costs less than 30 to produce, you better have customer service that's on the ball.

When I had to get an ergo chair for my back... my local steelcase dealer dicked around on giving me a price since it seemed they rather deal with government contracts rather than 1 home office buyer. I emailed steelcase corporate and asked if there was another dealer in ontario or western quebec that valued 1 home office customer as much as a corporate customer.

I had 5 emails and voice mails within an hour from my local dealer.

Last edited by lurkingknight; October 2nd, 2012 at 12:08..
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Old October 6th, 2012, 17:48   #40
"bb bukakke" KING!
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sigh.. mini rant incoming.

as an asian, how do you run an optomitrist in an asian mall that has 80% asian patronage and NOT carry the entire asian fit lineup of oakley (if you are dealer)

I went through every place that sells oakley in pacmall and not one had asian fit radars.. just the standard ones that wobble all over my face cause I flat face and nose. Also called the oakley store in the eaton center and the trek store (who even lists them on the online store) and neither have them. the EC store said they do have special extra nose pieces but standard frame, but he had a feeling the asian radars were a different frame since the lens selection is different, and the other asian fit stuff had different frames.

So either I order them online blind and gamble shipping them back without trying, or I order a set of smith optics asian fit aegis for 1/4 of the price and it comes with 4 lenses and has milspec certifications.
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Old October 6th, 2012, 20:44   #41
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i got my radar's from the eaton centre store last summer after trying both the asian fit and the regular. the regulars actually fit me better than the asian fit ones. i found the difference between them is that the arms are set wider from that of the regular ones which reduces the tension on the sides of my head but that left the lenses sitting on my cheek bones. the normal arm width allows for some flex to reduce the curvature of the frame and lens a bit. it still takes a bit of fidgeting but once i do i just get a touch of tolerable contact with my cheek bones.
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Old October 9th, 2012, 14:05   #42
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
sigh.. mini rant incoming.

as an asian, how do you run an optomitrist in an asian mall that has 80% asian patronage and NOT carry the entire asian fit lineup of oakley (if you are dealer)

I went through every place that sells oakley in pacmall and not one had asian fit radars.. just the standard ones that wobble all over my face cause I flat face and nose. Also called the oakley store in the eaton center and the trek store (who even lists them on the online store) and neither have them. the EC store said they do have special extra nose pieces but standard frame, but he had a feeling the asian radars were a different frame since the lens selection is different, and the other asian fit stuff had different frames.

So either I order them online blind and gamble shipping them back without trying, or I order a set of smith optics asian fit aegis for 1/4 of the price and it comes with 4 lenses and has milspec certifications.
May sound stereotypical but are they selling legitimate goods?
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(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old October 9th, 2012, 14:28   #43
T_A_N_K's Avatar
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ESS Profle Asian Fit Turbo Fans
- Sept 29/30...24hr Milsim...Fall weather 4-20C. Sun/Sun-clounds/rain/sun

Had mine on about 99% of the game, unless i was cleaning the lenses from sweat. I didn't cut the foam from the top so that might have been the issue. Otherwise have them on for the entire 24 hours was pretty good. No issues whatsoever.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 09:39   #44
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Minor update.

I've been playing around with the ESS Asian Fit Profile Turbo fans with a Protec A-Alpha helmet.

With the goggles on they fit very well and are wear for a long time comfortable. They maintain a good seal and don't "stand off" from the face with the strap running on the outside of the helmet (my Bolle T800's kind of do that).

I thought the turbo fan would be blocked by the front foam of the helmet...but it isn't. The foam doesn't sit over top nor is it squished down onto the fan...there's sort of a wedge shape gap between the fan/top of goggles and the helmet. So there's still room for airflow.

The battery/fan button ended up pretty much right over the right ear...and there's no issues with using it.

With a surefire light on the side rails the elastic doesn't really sit well/evenly with the goggles up. I suppose with something else on the other side it'd be even. I can't imagine them staying put under with lots of activity. The rear strap retention clip/strap on the helmet is good won't lose the goggles if they slip off the helmet.

So far so good...but I haven't given it enough of a workout to see if the fog clearing ability with this helmet has been compromised.
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Old October 24th, 2012, 10:32   #45
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Glad to hear this positive review. I just ordered an ESS Turbofan Profile Asian Fit as well. Haven't received it yet, but looking forward to trying it out.

In the past, I used a JT paintball mask with Vortex fan. While it seemed to do the job okay, I found I got pretty bad tunnel vision with it (narrow field of view), and the protruding switch of the fan caused it to frequently get knocked on while being tossed around in my gear bag. More than one occasion, I've shown up at a game, with a dead battery in the fan.

This is besides the fact that it's a pain in the ass to have to rip the fan unit off the goggle just to change the battery. Every time I do it, one of the retention hooks weaken a bit, and half of them have already ripped off over the years I've had it.
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