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Any good camo painters in Toronto?


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Old December 2nd, 2012, 02:43   #1
MooseHead92's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Question Any good camo painters in Toronto?

Morning (very early morning) ladies and gents

I'm looking for a good paintjob artist that can help me out. I'm getting a new AEG soon and I want to smack some camo on it... however it's a very specific camo pattern and seems more difficult to do than most patterns I've seen while digging through the Internetsh for ideas.
I have attached a photo. It's a real steel G36, from what I understood it was initially painted for use in Afghanistan. Then these guys took paintbrushes and stuff, fingersmudged it, probably offered ceremonial sacrifices to the God of War, and gave it a makeover to blend in with woodland areas better. The result is wicked. Looks much more realistic than any standard camo pattern short of the semi-ghey hunting ones. Makes that G36 look battered, dirty, muddy, crusty, and SEXY.

I'm interested to know if anyone with the proper skills and availability can possibly do a test-run of that pattern on a few parts I have (I have a Bulgarian Waffle of Death, stock black, can use it as a test-bed... plus an disused metal M4 mag, same stock black) just so I can see how the technique holds on to metal and ABS. If that goes well, I'm looking to get a G&P LMT, or something close to that, looking the same. I'll add some extras myself after the paintjob, like some sexy ghillie shreds and stuff to make it deathly.

Anyone interested in making some bucks, let me know. The camo looks like it requires more patience, skill, and materials than others. If you got the hoo-ah and if you don't mind the added weight of a few extra dollar bills in your wallet, I am more than willing to entrust you with my gunchild.

Thank you for reading. Cheers!

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Last edited by MooseHead92; December 2nd, 2012 at 02:46.. Reason: the photo.
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Old December 5th, 2012, 11:30   #2
Socks's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
looks to me like it would be easy to do yourself

base coat of tan, and some ink dry brushed on to darken it and add texture

its probably a lot better looking because of the photo composition then how it would turn out
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Old December 5th, 2012, 11:35   #3
ShelledPants's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Toronto, On
Base coat tan, dust with od, then spray a piece of cardboard with a thick helping of brown and use a sponge to brush it on.


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