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CQB vs Field


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Old January 22nd, 2013, 12:51   #1
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CQB vs Field

well since the purchase of my new gun I am now very excited to get out there and play. There is a cqb game close to my house with the ASG guys that I really want to check out.

my question is how "easy" is it to make my gun CQB (fps) compliant? do I just need to change the spring? and everytime i go from CQB to field is this what I do?

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Old January 22nd, 2013, 13:02   #2
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Best bet is to pay a gun doctor to do it if you don't have a quick spring change gearbox. It's not necessarily hard and you could always try before you go to a gun doc but I personnally find that the 20-30$ it might cost you to have it done is better than an hour of internet searching and whinning about things not working out for you. Not to mention that you need a chrony to measure the final resulting FPS after the operation.
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 13:02   #3
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Depending on the gun will make a difference but yes you will nust need to change the spring if it is an aeg.
Once u change if down to 350ish (if that is the cqb limit in bc) u can just leave it like that. 400fps for outdoor isnt a goal it is a limit. U can play outdoors efectively with 350fps and 400 wont make u more effective.
As for how easy is it. It isnt all that hard to swap a spring but it can be dificult depending how handy u are (im a prety handy guy overall but the time i tryed to rebuild a gearbox i did a horrid job of it so i havent tryed it again) id suggest a gun doc do it for u. Once it breaks then is a good time to try your hand at it because heck its alrdy broken so u may as well try. But there is no point tryin to swap the spring on yer own and messin up on shimming or somethin and wind up strippin gears or piston teeth or who knows what else.
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Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 13:04   #4
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If youd like to see what is involved in a rebuild.
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 13:06   #5
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Hectic is right about the outdoor FPS. 350 can be excellent if your gun has a good hop up. I have an M4 that is straight as an arrow and has good distance but barely shoots 320 FPS.
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 13:13   #6
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Thanks guys. I do need to get the chrono. At present I have an all stock vfc mfes quake. I'm assuming it shoots around that 350 range but until I chrono I don't know for sure.

In regards to the fps I believe that the CQB field requests 330 or less. So from the sounds of it I will need to switch springs back and forth depending in where I want to play. For the first time a gun doc is great idea but for consistent play spending an additional 30 dollars per week would add up pretty quick.

I will definitely go over the tutorial provided.
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 13:34   #7
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You don't need to change your spring to play outside. You change it once to meet local indoor regulations of your field and you stick to the same FPS outside.
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 15:36   #8
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Even 330fps youll be fine, a stock TM M4 shoots like 280 or somethin and performs well indoors and out, Unless you want to have a gun for indoor and one for outdoors just stick with 330fps youll do more harm then good tearing down the gearbox so often youll wind up needing a gearbox shell prety soon as the threads for the screws that hold it together will wear out prety fast especially if you have a cheaper gun like a JG Echo1 Cymay DBoys that type of thing cause it for sure wont have a cnc aluminum or stainless gearbox in it. itll be pot metal of some kind.
Stick with the 330fps save up some cash and buy a seccond gun and you wont have to worry about spring swapping.
WHat gun do you have?
Lets say you have an M4 like most guys gety for their first aeg. even if it is a CQBr type m4 you may find it to be prety akward to use effectively indoors ao you may wind up wanting to get another gun anyhow.
Been a while scince i played indoors but I know the first time i played was with an m4, that week I bought an MP5SD6 and even with the slither stock the damn long ass front end made me an easy target approching corners and such so i converted the front to accept a flash hider instead of the silencer it was a bit better but in the end i wound up mostly just using my pistol or a mac11 i later got, a pistol or a small smg like an mp7 mp9 mac10/11 mini uzi even an mp5k is far more effective indoors then prety much any aeg is its easyer to manuver easyer/faster to aim easyer to "slice the pie" (somethin you do when comming aroud a corner in a hall or approaching a door in cqb) and remain in cover at the same time. just think how far even the shortest rifle/carbine will stick out in front of you while aiming and holding it downwards as you come around a corner means your shot befor you can even raise your gun never mind aquire a target.
Dont worry too much about fps right off the bat. make sure you are not above the lowwest limit for the fields you want to play at
(ie your cqb field) and play some games you will figure out what it is you need/want and can adjust your gear accordingly at that time.
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Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 17:16   #9
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thats very true. why do i need to set fps separately. as long as i meet the requirements of the indoor field im good to play outdoors too.

@hectic - i just purchased a VFC m4es quake.
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 20:39   #10
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I really do think a lot of your weapons' range comes down to the hopup. An AEG with a finely tuned hopup can usually outdistance anything on the field. Case in point, the first airsoft gun I ever bought, a Classic Army G36E, shot right at 300 with .20's. I ran .25's in it, and that thing could reach out farther than most of the players around me. 330, if you take the time to properly tune your hopup, will be just fine. Congrats on getting a VFC, by the way. That thing should last you a good long while.
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 20:49   #11
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You should look up videos online if you want to do it your self. First go to youtube and type ''How to disassemble m4 v2 Gearbox'' or look for ''mechbox'' on youtube, they have videos which really help.

In Cqb the fps limit is mostly around 350 +/-, I would recommend getting A m90 spring, 20 fps more indoors doesn't really matter, m90 springs put less stress. so why not?

Also you don't need to get a chrono, look up the Pop Can chrono, works real well, look for the video that Airsoftgi made, really helpful.
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Old January 22nd, 2013, 21:07   #12
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i put the link up there is no need to search they have a video for just about every gearbox there is and include removeal from the gun and how to shim and all the how to's u could ever need.
and a popcan chrony is okay for getting an idea of what yer gun shoots but doin thay and findin out yer gun shoots "around" 350 then gettin the the indoor facility and being turned away because yer shootin 365 isnt all that helpfull especially for a new player. Some of the guys who have been around a long while can probably be trusted to use a slightly hot gun safely but nobody is gonna let "the new guy" who has little to no experiance use a hot gun maybe +5 fps but thats about it the are more likely to make a bad choice in a heavy fire fight and hit someone with a long burst or in the face/head area and cause injury. Most hosts wouldnt risk that i dont think thats why limits are set to begin with so folks dont get hurt.

Originally Posted by Andre_1999 View Post
You should look up videos online if you want to do it your self. First go to youtube and type ''How to disassemble m4 v2 Gearbox'' or look for ''mechbox'' on youtube, they have videos which really help.

In Cqb the fps limit is mostly around 350 +/-, I would recommend getting A m90 spring, 20 fps more indoors doesn't really matter, m90 springs put less stress. so why not?

Also you don't need to get a chrono, look up the Pop Can chrono, works real well, look for the video that Airsoftgi made, really helpful.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old January 23rd, 2013, 01:14   #13
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Originally Posted by Danneichh View Post
I really do think a lot of your weapons' range comes down to the hopup. An AEG with a finely tuned hopup can usually outdistance anything on the field. Case in point, the first airsoft gun I ever bought, a Classic Army G36E, shot right at 300 with .20's. I ran .25's in it, and that thing could reach out farther than most of the players around me. 330, if you take the time to properly tune your hopup, will be just fine. Congrats on getting a VFC, by the way. That thing should last you a good long while.
Thanks Danneichh! the VFC is a very cool gun. and as a first gun it was a bit pricier but all research that I did suggested that it would be something that would last for a while and I could grow into.

definitely will play with and tune the hop up if I change out the spring. another member suggested to just get another gun specifically for CQB. that could be an option as well.

Originally Posted by Andre_1999 View Post
You should look up videos online if you want to do it your self. First go to youtube and type ''How to disassemble m4 v2 Gearbox'' or look for ''mechbox'' on youtube, they have videos which really help.

In Cqb the fps limit is mostly around 350 +/-, I would recommend getting A m90 spring, 20 fps more indoors doesn't really matter, m90 springs put less stress. so why not?

Also you don't need to get a chrono, look up the Pop Can chrono, works real well, look for the video that Airsoftgi made, really helpful.
unfortunately the field that we are on (CQB) and the organizers have made it mandatory that anything shot inside needs to shoot at 330 or under. the idea for the m90 spring would be cool since it would put less stress on the internals. never heard of the pop can chrono but will look up some clips.

Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
i put the link up there is no need to search they have a video for just about every gearbox there is and include removeal from the gun and how to shim and all the how to's u could ever need.
and a popcan chrony is okay for getting an idea of what yer gun shoots but doin thay and findin out yer gun shoots "around" 350 then gettin the the indoor facility and being turned away because yer shootin 365 isnt all that helpfull especially for a new player. Some of the guys who have been around a long while can probably be trusted to use a slightly hot gun safely but nobody is gonna let "the new guy" who has little to no experiance use a hot gun maybe +5 fps but thats about it the are more likely to make a bad choice in a heavy fire fight and hit someone with a long burst or in the face/head area and cause injury. Most hosts wouldnt risk that i dont think thats why limits are set to begin with so folks dont get hurt.
yeah being turned away to play for the first time would not be fun. Im all about player safety. this is a game after all. personally I have no issues complying with the rules of the field or the organizers. really just looking forward to have some fun and meet some new people.

Thanks again guys for all the tips and info

Last edited by boogiebot; January 23rd, 2013 at 01:30..
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