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Buying KWA LM4


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Old April 11th, 2013, 14:31   #1
mike_sinyard's Avatar
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Buying KWA LM4

Looking to buy a gbbr withing the nex two months. Im really interested in the KWA pts LM4 M4 magpul edition. The gun looks solid. The kickback is amazing. Everything about it looks perfect. BUT a couple questions. Is it worth getting the magpul edition. How much less is the stock edition?
Bang one, Bang em' all!
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Old April 11th, 2013, 14:43   #2
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I'm enjoying my LM4. KWA forums have ALOT of information.
As a comparison price wise. I got my LM4 for 420 +tax - free shipping. That was fairly soon after it was released.
I ended up putting a MOE grip - 50$ real steel
AFG - 30- fake.
CTR stock - 85 -- i think its a real steel
mbus sights - knock offs for 40
As for the rail - i put a dragonfire on mine - big ol' 16.25 inch - its a beast so i couldn't comment on that. Im also not a fan of the magpul rail/handguard.

but if you dont want to put magpul on it... then dont buy the magpul version. If you are going to magpul it anyway i think its cheaper to buy the magpul version.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 14:45   #3
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Depending on the site, about 100$ difference. G&P makes a magpul version as well and it's easyer to find parts for.
You have to be familliar with the smell of crap to understand someone with their head up their own ass.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 15:06   #4
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Hmm ok. Im seeing the magpul edition for around $450. If its only a few bucks then id just get that version. Any more than that id just go with the reg lm4. Also what mags do u run on it. Just the lm4 tin mags or pmags. I think theres a $20 difference aloooottt of money alone on mags
Bang one, Bang em' all!
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Old April 11th, 2013, 15:34   #5
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If you get the lm4, definitely look at the ra-tech steel tensioner arm and chamber sleeve, and the maple leaf hopup rubber. It's a whole different world from the stock setup, and the kits only like $20.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 15:35   #6
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Old April 11th, 2013, 15:45   #7
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I have 3 pmags and 1 stanag. just cuz the pmags can be bought in 3 packs for a lil cheaper than 1 at a time from hongkong.
as for the EVOII hop up tensioner as suggest above, they seem awesome! but are apparently sold out all over, unless you wanna buy the one that comes with the pistol barrel etc as they are interchangle able.

I also think the new lm4's. as in the ones being produced since the 'old' are all sold out lol have the hole drilled for the Bolt Catch Mod.

I highly recommend doing this mod. I waited a long time before doing it and the continual bolt releasing rounded my bolt and my bolt catch and now its VERY intermittent. The bolt catch mod is one of the best things you can do for the lm4 in almost every post ive seen or read.

Ive also got a RA-tech 6.01, and the npas installed. A cut down real steel A2 buffer so more recoil haha

ill probably look into the maple leaf bucking and the steel arm because the standard hop is ok. but not great. the improvement is apparently extremely good!

if you wish to take off barrel nuts etc. They are often locktite'd or super glued..or welded.. haha not welded but it honestly felt like it. Some people have litteraly torn their guns inhalf trying to remove the barrel nut so have a torch and proper tools to melt the glue or lock tite to be safe!
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Old April 11th, 2013, 16:15   #8
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Originally Posted by w1lp33 View Post
If you get the lm4, definitely look at the ra-tech steel tensioner arm and chamber sleeve, and the maple leaf hopup rubber. It's a whole different world from the stock setup, and the kits only like $20.
Just a note here, and I'm not sure if I'm right or not at all about this so it's a way of asking the question at the same time:

This chamber is clearly using the same system than the US version of the LM4, as the Asian version (I own the Asian Magpul Edition LM4) uses the older ball bearing system.

What I'm not sure about is, would that upgrade work out of the box with the Asian LM4? Or would I need to change the inner barrel? Or is it a no go?

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old April 11th, 2013, 16:27   #9
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Sorry I can't tell you if it will fit or not. I would assume you would have to swap the hop and barrel to make it work? But even then I'm not sure if it would fit. You could attempt to look at photos and compare?
All my knowledge has been gained from reading US forums. In the US the asia version isn't legal so it never comes up in the forums I read.

I know boobiem4h on youtube and kwa usa forums has fit some different types of hop ups including the ball bearing one to his lm4 but it is also the US version

Last edited by apilar; April 11th, 2013 at 16:28.. Reason: added info about boobie
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Old April 11th, 2013, 16:29   #10
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Originally Posted by apilar View Post
Sorry I can't tell you if it will fit or not. I would assume you would have to swap the hop and barrel to make it work? But even then I'm not sure if it would fit. You could attempt to look at photos and compare?
All my knowledge has been gained from reading US forums. In the US the asia version isn't legal so it never comes up in the forums I read.

I know boobiem4h on youtube and kwa usa has fit some different types of hop ups to his lm4 but it is also the US version
Yeah I've been lurking on KWA's forum since day one, but never got to have an really answer to this question

Thanks anyways


To OP:

Be aware of those difference; between US and Asian version; I suggest you go read those threads on KWA's forum. US version is supposedly a bit more reinforced, but is not 1:1 to specs with a real M4, while the asian is more on the spot...
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old April 11th, 2013, 16:49   #11
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If you are a MagPul fan go with the MagPul edition, in addition to the MagPul furniture, you get a MagPul body and the quality of it is stupendous.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 18:51   #12
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Originally Posted by Solo36 View Post
Depending on the site, about 100$ difference. G&P makes a magpul version as well and it's easyer to find parts for.
Yeah but G&P is using WA system which is ultra gas inefficient.

I'll take KWA or WE or KJW or WA system anyday
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Old April 11th, 2013, 19:48   #13
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I would definitely think that the Magpul edition would be worth it. My LM4 is the standard model, and it performs amazingly well. I do need to find that maple leaf bucking though. I'm hearing people are getting rediculously good accuracy with it. I would stay away from the Pmags, however. They cost more, hold 38 rounds, (two less than the STANAG's 40) and a lot of people have had major issues with them, myself included. Of the 7 mags I bought, 4 have needed to be taken apart, and only two of them have gotten back in my kit. The other two just refuse to hold gas.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 19:49   #14
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You have to change the barrel and hopup to the american style (non-ball bearing) The new style barrel has an extra notch around the barrel where the tensioner arm clips on to that the ball bearing style doesn't have.

What Boobie did on YouTube was dremel out a channel for the ball bearing inside the new style hopup chamber.

As for the Evo II being sold out, I got mine from Airsoft Taiwan, I actually bought the $40 kit that comes witrh the whole hopup and barrel for the m9 or g-series, and just took the arm, rubber and steel sleeve, and put the barrel and chamber aside.

Only downside with the Evo II, is that it has a really strong hop effect out of the box, like almost overhopping .3's with the hopup dialed off. So you have to (CAREFULLY!) bend the arm up a little bit, so that it's not pushing as far into the barrel right away. Gonna take some tweaking, but the difference in range/accuracy is stunning, and since I've had lots of issues with the stock brass arm bending all to hell, it's nice not to have to worry about that.

As an aside, I'm hoping to do the bolt catch mod on mine this weekend. I don't often release the bolt with the charging handle, but it bugs me that I don't at least have the option :-) Also thinking of doing the mod that adjusts the length of trigger pull, but we'll see how much courage I have with the dremel in my hand...
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Old April 11th, 2013, 19:51   #15
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@Danneichh: In regards to leaky Pmags, have you checked this video out? =

HOW TO: KWA LM4 PMAG Leak Fix - YouTube

Don't know if there's anythign in there you haven't tried, but thought I'd point it out all the same.
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