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Buying KWA LM4


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Old April 11th, 2013, 19:57   #16
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Thanks! I'll have to have a look at that video when I get home. I've tightened the release valvs, which seemed to be the problem on all four. Two worked perfectly after, one started leaking from the fill valve, and the last one now leaks from both valves. :s Airsoft Taiwan you say? I'll check them out. What is it you need to do exactly to change the hopup? And I would have done the bolt catch mod, but I neither have the tools nor the skill with a dremel to tackle that thing. I will probably buy STANAGS now anyways. I made my LM4 geared towards a Marines type loadout, and I would rather have STANAGS. I just couldn't findbthem anywhere six months ago.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.

Last edited by Danneichh; April 11th, 2013 at 19:59..
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Old April 11th, 2013, 20:01   #17
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you have to dissamble the front barrel to get at the hopup. take off your rails, take off the barrel nut, and pull your barrel out. There's two grub screws on the top and bottom, loosen those off and you can pull the hopup chamber and inner barrel out.

I'll find you the thread on the KWA forum about disassembly, they have pictures :-)

UPDATE: here it is:
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Old April 11th, 2013, 21:19   #18
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Two of my pmags also leaked and took some work to disassemble and finally got them non-leaking. As far as buying from airsoft taiwan the ppl on kwa forums, specifically, Akira, who is a big name along with noobie in the forums had lots of problems ordering from them. But thas only one case. As for the maple leaf bucking I'm sure other retailers will have them back soon and save the 20$ and not get the barrel with it.

As far as the trigger mod goes. Some say it may weaken reliability down the road because you are essentially limiting the amount of contact that holds the hammer down.
But its your call. FOR SURE do the bolt catch mod! I love it!

And a note on upper disassembly. The barrel nut is on there super tight! Be sure to do it 'right' and smart or else you may find yourself very sad.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 21:49   #19
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invest in an upper receiver vice block. worth its weight in gold.

I heard that about airsoft taiwan as well, and was very sketchy about ordering from them, I actually ordered a second set from Redwolf (which also carries the kit) because I heard people weren't getting shipments sent from airsoft taiwan on time...

AST actually shipped my package first thing the next morning, and it got to me before my Redwolf order. So... I could be the fluke, but who knows.

Anyways, the set is instock here (for now at least):
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Old April 11th, 2013, 21:57   #20
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I thought the magpul version could only take the magpul lm4 mags. They were hella more expensive as well.

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Old April 11th, 2013, 22:00   #21
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Far as I know (and I could be wrong) both versions can use either mags. But if you had your heart set on Pmags, you can buy them in 3-packs from Airsoft Global, $170. Works out to $56 each, but you're gonna pay hefty in shipping...

I'm tempted to try and start collecting pmags, because when the KWA Masada comes out, regular stanag mags are gonna look wierd in it :-)
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Old April 11th, 2013, 22:07   #22
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Both mags do in fact work with both guns. Its essentially the same receiver and internal setup, just some flashy engraving on the receiver and different furniture. Hell, I would trade you my Pmags for STANAGs in a heartbeat. I tried a while back to get the barrel assembly out, and I discovered that my AR wrench doesn't fit. I was horrified. And I'll see about getting a bucking from Redwolf, to the best of my knowledge they are quite reputable.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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Old April 11th, 2013, 22:09   #23
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.... hm. how many pmags did you say you had again? :-)

--edit: Also, I've ordered from Redwolf numerous times, never had a single issue with them. and if you look around online, you may find the odd coupon code floating around for them as well...
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Old April 12th, 2013, 02:52   #24
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Thanks for the links and the info. I'll definitely try to get my hands on one now. I recall seeing boobie getting crazy good accuracy and distance with it.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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Old April 13th, 2013, 00:34   #25
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Bolt mod complete! Surprisingly simple to do, just a little nerve wracking dremeling and drilling... Works like a charm though :-)
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Old April 13th, 2013, 00:43   #26
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I'm jealous. I watched the walkthrough on how to do it, and thought it would be nice and easy, and then he broke out the dremel... Game Over.
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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Old April 13th, 2013, 00:55   #27
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haha, its only a teeny bit of dremeling... just shaving one section, and drilling a small hole. cutting the spring to the right length was the tricky bit.

Thought we had screwed it up when we tested at the end, realized after I got home that the reason the charging handle wouldn't release the bolt was because the mag was still empty, so of course the bolt stays locked.... Put a bb in the mag, and it worked perfectly. :-)

UPDATE: Check it out --> Lm4 charging handle mod - YouTube

Last edited by w1lp33; April 13th, 2013 at 00:58..
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Old April 13th, 2013, 01:51   #28
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Shoot me a pm I'm trying to sell mine
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Old April 13th, 2013, 11:53   #29
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how many mags do you guys carry on the field? especially those of you that run the pmags which weigh almost 2 lbs. a little heavier than a fully loaded real stanag. i carry 8 on my WE which is ok but for the lm4, it would be massive. the reason i asked is because i will definitely get the lm4 once they release the mega arms version.
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Old April 13th, 2013, 13:23   #30
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I carry eight. Seven Pmags, and one STANAG. I'm shooting for ten though. I short load my mags to 30 rounds, so my goal is to have 300 rounds (usually the limit in milsim games) on me. I'm built like a brick shithouse though, so I can't say I notice the weight much. :P
Primary: KWA LM4 PTR, Classic Army LWRC M6 A2, Classic Army G36E, AGM/Javelin MP44.

Secondary: KWA Mk. 4 1911, KWA Mac 11, Skeleton Sidearms 8" .357 revolver.
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