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Old January 2nd, 2013, 06:04   #181
Join Date: Jan 2013
Hello all,

I recently purchased my V2 ASCU and promptly installed it in my airsoft rifle. I broke off one of the wires on the data cable. I did
manage to solder it back on, but I was wondering where I could get a cheap replacement. (Ribbon connecter at a local Computer store maybe?)
I have another problem too. When I fire the weapon in semi or auto, the action cycles once then double beeps. My shimming is good, and I'm running a G&P M160 motor powered by a 11.1v 1000mah 20C lipo battery. My cut off lever engages the cut off sensor when I turned the sector gear. The selector plate isn't in the way and has been cut down to spec. I can't think of any other solutions.
Please help.
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 07:04   #182
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What spring are you pulling? The G&P motors aren't as strong as you'd like to think.
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Old January 2nd, 2013, 22:39   #183
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I'm using a systema 140 spring. Gears are from a guarder 150 FTK.
The weapon can completely fire one shot, but then the ascu double beeps. I have to unplug the battery and replug it in order to get another shot off.
I'll try to run it with a 120 spring and see if it works.
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Old March 5th, 2013, 21:55   #184
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Anyone knows of a canadian retailer that has these units in stock? Can't seem to find it anywhere...
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Old April 15th, 2013, 02:50   #185
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I'm currently pissed off at my ASCU gen2 .
I installed it shimed my gearbox perfectly .
And when I try to shoot it it doesn't one perfect cycle the it stops
I got a new cut of lever .I checked if the cut of is tripping the sensor
And it is but I notice there is like 1-2mm of extra movement .
I'm wondering does that sensor have to be tripped all the way up ?
And also I'm thinking as well the ascu sits kinda loose in the mechbox . Can that be a problem as well .

If anyone can help me on this plzz send me a msg .
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Old April 15th, 2013, 10:18   #186
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Location: Trois-Rivières
Did you cut the selector plate properly?

On my side, currently waiting for my GEN 3 to come in, the one that all fits in the gearbox with the empty mag hop-up unit, can't wait to see how it goes !!
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Old April 15th, 2013, 13:17   #187
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Yeah I believe I did . The selector isn't having any contact with the cut off
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Old April 15th, 2013, 13:24   #188
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Location: Trois-Rivières
The unit must be beeping when it stops? Last time I had a problem with the ASCU I've been able to pinpoint the issue according to the beeping chart provided by Airsoft Systems.
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Old April 16th, 2013, 22:35   #189
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Originally Posted by audi_bhoy View Post
Did you cut the selector plate properly?

On my side, currently waiting for my GEN 3 to come in, the one that all fits in the gearbox with the empty mag hop-up unit, can't wait to see how it goes !!
Im picking one up for my new build as well, imo they copied the raptor microswitch design and the hopup unit thing sounds gimmicky but if the hopup detection thing fails ill just install the unit alone lol
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Old April 17th, 2013, 12:48   #190
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Being all in the gearbox, it allows to rewire to the front much easier I guess too. Hopefully the hop up unit doesn't fail either !
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Old April 19th, 2013, 12:29   #191
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Thumbs down

The ASCU hopup and bolt catch system is terrible and there have already been many reports of failures on other forums and their own FB page. The plastic they use for the hopup is very weak and the "ring" at the front snaps easily when installing an inner barrel. Also the switch for the bolt catch is super fragile and mine already broke within a few presses of the bolt catch. Still waiting for AS to get back to me on this.

As for the ASCU itself the trigger response is MUCH worse with the Gen3. Myself and several others have confirmed its not possible to fire more than 5 shots/sec on semi no matter how quickly you tap the trigger, which defeats the purpose of the feather trigger in the first place.

Just a heads up for you guys.
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Old April 19th, 2013, 16:50   #192
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Location: Trois-Rivières
Just got mine too, seems that I'm missing half an inch on motor wires, and it required dremeling into the gearbox. I also need to find a new bolt catch since my customer had the classic army with the arm under the gearbox, and I don't want to destroy it so the switch would work.

EDIT: Everything is now installed and ready to go, but whenever I try to take a shot it will shoot once and beep twice. Either underpowered battery (Tried 7.4V and 11.1V Lipo, so it ain't this), bad shimmingonthe gears (Modify all stuck together gearset, not much chances), overtighten motor (tried even when unscrewing bottom motor plate to allow more play, no chance either), so the last option could be an underpowered motor... Will see after swapping this one if it helps...

Not impressed so far by the Gen 3...

EDIT 2: Still not working, shoots once and double beeps, tried a high powered magnets motor, still no chance. I wrote to airsoft system as it just doesn't want to work at all...

Last edited by audi_bhoy; April 23rd, 2013 at 20:27..
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Old April 29th, 2013, 09:18   #193
Join Date: Aug 2012
ASCU Gen 3 = Junk

I have installed the ASCU in my G&G TR4-18 and I agree... the semi-auto trigger response is terrible! I have talked to quite a few people who are noticing the same thing. Did they not test these before sending them out? I contacted Airsoft Systems and they told me to send it back and they would reprogram it. NO! You send me a new one and I will send mine back then... I don't want to go 3 months without my gun because your product sucks! I was also told to try a better motor, but I am running the G&P 120 right now. I tried an SHS High Torque and didn't notice much of an improvement... has anyone else? What about a Systema Magnum motor?
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Old May 9th, 2013, 14:07   #194
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ASCU problem

I have been repairing my friends two M4's (G&P) stubby killer/Special force (or something like that) Only thing i can say about these ASCU's... Horrible. Now i managed to get the stubby killer working, but i still got problems with the other one. The fires OK when its on semi, but when i move it to auto it stops firing. When i put it back to the semi it fires one shot when i switch Auto to Semi. I have checked wires like 50 times and they are ok. I was wondering that can the Cutoff lever cause the problem? It was firing ok some time ago but i had to open it because those crappy wires where ripped off.
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Old May 28th, 2013, 16:48   #195
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My Gen 2 just decided to lock itself open, I cannot figure out how or why... I just replaced the motor wires, everything is pristine, the only knick in that pesky data cable has been soldered and covered.

What bugs me most, is that I plugged it in, tested it, worked 100%, rebuilt the entire gun, fired 2 shots and then it locked on, had to rip out the battery because I know what would happen next if its a short. Unit was quite warm, wires fine, no shorts. So did my unit burn out and lock on?

Anyone had this happen before?
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