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The CBSA are dogs trained by dogs.



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Old October 15th, 2013, 17:06   #1
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The CBSA are dogs trained by dogs.

"After suggesting that Canadian Border Service Agents have a tendency to be unfriendly, host Peter Oldring found himself on the receiving end of a verbal lashing from Officer Murray Swift.

Listen to hear the audio from their awkward exchange. "
What the F kind of interview was that? Who woke up and pissed in his cereal?

CBSA are a joke, these kind of people should not be able to reproduce.
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Old October 15th, 2013, 17:12   #2
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I agree; satire isn't funny if you have to explain it.

Oh no wait it's even funnier that way.
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Old October 15th, 2013, 17:30   #3
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I agree; satire isn't funny if you have to explain it.

Oh no wait it's even funnier that way.
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Old October 15th, 2013, 17:38   #4
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I want to believe this is farce.

Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
fé eða fjör hafa. Sjaldan liggjandi úlfur
lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.
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Old October 15th, 2013, 17:47   #5
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Maybe they can fix it with a series of workshops.

I think the problem all started when our very liberal public wanted shit to be explained to them in detail. Of course the CBSA are uptight, look at what they deal with all day. I have never had an issue coming back into Canada, I've been grilled going south a few times though. They should just go back to the way it use to be, when there weren't so many BS public Relations, bleeding heart, garbage to deal with.

CBSA: "Excuse me sir, but we need to go through your suitcase."

Some guy: "No, I don't want you to go through my stuff."

CBSA: "Sir please put your hands behind your back. We are going to put you in a little room, while we go through your stuff anyways. We promise to get you out of here as quick as reasonably possible."

They can smile the whole time. It'll be pleasant and quick, and there will be no more arguments, or other crap. I will admit though, the officer in the audio wasn't helping either side.
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Last edited by Ricochet; October 15th, 2013 at 17:59..
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Old October 15th, 2013, 17:50   #6
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
I want to believe this is farce.
Farce: Comedy that aims at entertaining the audience through situations that are highly exaggerated, extravagant, and thus improbable.

Satire: Vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, and society itself, into improvement
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Old October 15th, 2013, 17:57   #7
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At least once every 6 weeks I have customers who come to visit our Company. In nearly all occasions they are coming here to source work at our company for products and services they cannot get in the USA.

What does this give us? Jobs, money and Taxes.

The value of these visits to our company are based on tens of millions and employ a lot both internally and subcontracted.

I wish these border guards could see the damage they have done in some occasions. I usually hear about there experience after they arrive.

And, before you even think that "they are Americans" Fuck off, these are professionals who are well accredited, schooled and free of any need to be a dick. I have heard time and time again the boarder guard turned into a total dick for no reason.

These people aint coming to site see. They are here cause we have competed fairly against there home sources and have won.

It is starting to get old.

And for the record, I get the same shit heading south on business. For the same situation.

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Old October 15th, 2013, 18:00   #8
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What kind of business are you in?

I cross the border too.
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Old October 15th, 2013, 18:19   #9
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Manufacturing of medium to large parts.

Everything to the rear axles for the Giant 797 Caterpillar 400 Ton Payload Mining trucks, the Blow Out Preventers similar to the one that failed in the gulf of Mexico, to Wind Turbine Parts, Gas Turbine, Parts, Locomotive sub assemblies, Hydro Electric Dam Runners etc etc...

Even propulsion components for Nuclear Subs.

We are considered one of the largest in North America and easily the largest in Canada.

Its getting old to subject our customers to these ass hats. I get it if its once a year. Bad day+bad customer.

But clearly in the last 18 months this has become way more combative as the men (and women) visiting in some cases bring it up the minute they show up.

I try to laugh it off and do my job to water it down, but they are here to SPEND MONEY.

I think its pretty clear they should be treated with the respect they should. Especially when some of the companies these guys work for employ in excess of 150,000 people and have armies of sourcing people looking globally. All of which they selected our country for the source.

First impressions....

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Old October 15th, 2013, 18:30   #10
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Maybe they can fix it with a series of workshops.

I think the problem all started when our very liberal public wanted shit to be explained to them in detail. Of course the CBSA are uptight, look at what they deal with all day. I have never had an issue coming back into Canada, I've been grilled going south a few times though. They should just go back to the way it use to be, when there weren't so many BS public Relations, bleeding heart, garbage to deal with.

CBSA: "Excuse me sir, but we need to go through your suitcase."

Some guy: "No, I don't want you to go through my stuff."

CBSA: "Sir please put your hands behind your back. We are going to put you in a little room, while we go through your stuff anyways. We promise to get you out of here as quick as reasonably possible."

They can smile the whole time. It'll be pleasant and quick, and there will be no more arguments, or other crap. I will admit though, the officer in the audio wasn't helping either side.
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Old October 15th, 2013, 18:40   #11
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I went to the USA last fall with a bunch of buds for a Cherry Coke run, we literally came back with about 40 cases of pop, the border guards couldn't believe that was our primary reason for the drive, and spent an hour searching my truck trying to find something else..... Never did, gave me the speech that "I should make sure I'm not trying to hide anything" about 10 times, and kept asking what else I bought besides a meal and gas to get back home. Longest attempt to get back into Canada ever.

Going down the US border guard was great, asked what we were doing told him he laughed, asked him what the best route to the town we were heading to, he pulled out a map and drew a short cut onto it for us that knocked 45mins of driving time out, and even gave us a better border crossing to use on the way back since his would be closed by the time we did.

Same thing on previous trips, the USA guys are great every time I've cross, the Canadian ones ask a million questions and make one feel like a criminal hopeing to make you make a slip of the tongue in frustration so they can waste more of your time. All you have to do is change how you word the same thing to them 5 times already and there goes another 1/2hr of your life you will never get back again. I try to keep my responses to 5 words or less to them now.
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Old October 15th, 2013, 18:41   #12
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
I will admit though, the officer in the audio wasn't helping either side.
He's not really a CBSA agent.
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Old October 15th, 2013, 18:47   #13
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I can say my experience crossing the US border on business has and continues to be brutal.

The core of the issue they have with anyone on business heading to the USA, is protecting the jobs of the Americans. This IS one of the directive for Homeland Security.

I do not have the energy to argue with anyone on this on; you will have to trust me. We confirmed this through legal.

They are looking for any reason to prove you don't need a US worker to do your job, OR proof you should not have a location in the US to be the primary for taxes. (state too)

They have hammered me on too many cases to remember. And no, I am very well seasoned at making sure I am not even close to being a dick, and very co-operative.

I have a perfect record, born and raised in Canada and have passport with loads of stamps in the pages. (low risk)

"....Your life is ending one minute at a time..."

Last edited by Trev140_0; October 15th, 2013 at 18:50..
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Old October 15th, 2013, 19:01   #14
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Yep, I hate going to the USA. Well, more like coming back to Canada. Going to the US, the guards are quite friendly.

I usually make a trip to the border to pick up hay in bulk for my rabbit. Coming back, they would ask me the most ridiculous questions. Once I was stuck there for 4hrs, as they believed I was a pedophile, due to my pedobear sticker. They believed that sticker was used as a form of communication between other pedos. They searched my car, they confiscated my laptop for a 2months while "searching" for kiddy porn and made me drive all the way back to get my laptop back.

Lesson? They cannot take a joke, and they violated my rights. And some of these fellows are rather power hungry.
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Old October 15th, 2013, 19:12   #15
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IMO it's hit or miss...

I've actually never spent more than a few minutes at the Canadian border coming into Canada. And the security seems much more lax.

Going to the US on the other hand, I have had some go smoothly,while some that will ask a million questions.

Going in and out of immigration at an airport has always been smooth both in the States and Canada for me though.

Originally Posted by BloodSport View Post
I went to the USA last fall with a bunch of buds for a Cherry Coke run, we literally came back with about 40 cases of pop, the border guards couldn't believe that was our primary reason for the drive, and spent an hour searching my truck trying to find something else..... Never did, gave me the speech that "I should make sure I'm not trying to hide anything" about 10 times, and kept asking what else I bought besides a meal and gas to get back home. Longest attempt to get back into Canada ever.

Going down the US border guard was great, asked what we were doing told him he laughed, asked him what the best route to the town we were heading to, he pulled out a map and drew a short cut onto it for us that knocked 45mins of driving time out, and even gave us a better border crossing to use on the way back since his would be closed by the time we did.

Same thing on previous trips, the USA guys are great every time I've cross, the Canadian ones ask a million questions and make one feel like a criminal hopeing to make you make a slip of the tongue in frustration so they can waste more of your time. All you have to do is change how you word the same thing to them 5 times already and there goes another 1/2hr of your life you will never get back again. I try to keep my responses to 5 words or less to them now.
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