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New Echo 1 M14 with MAJOR problems


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Old March 13th, 2014, 12:07   #1
Join Date: Dec 2013
New Echo 1 M14 with MAJOR problems

There are currently multiple problems that I am having with this gun, the place that I got it from will not refund/exchange it as it had been over 14 days until this problem happened (I'm new to airsoft and barely used the beforehand but a policy is a policy) so fixing the gun is the only option.

1) The first time a problem occurred was a week after I got the gun. I was shooting it outside on semi (the only mode I had ever used on the gun (not once switching to fully automatic AT ALL since the time of purchase) when all of a sudden the gun started firing fully automatic, and it wouldn't stop. I checked to see if anything had changed but everything seemed to be the same, and after about 30 seconds of going off fully automatic (trigger was not stuck, etc) it finally stopped and went silent, I shot a couple rounds after that and back to semi it went. I was using the battery that came with it at the time and decided to try out the newer, higher powered one that I bought from the same store and everything seemed to be fine for the next week of 10-15 minute shooting sessions in the backyard (I did this because the last gun I got from the store a CYMA M14 completely stopped working 1.5 weeks after I had bought the gun, and this was the replacement and I didn't want to deal with the same problems if I went to a game) until the next problem came.

2) I was playing at ultimate airsoft for atleast 3 hours with no problems whatsoever, everything was going great. During one of the breaks in between games I decided to shoot my gun fully automatic for once, since I never tried it out on this gun and RIGHT AWAY there were issues. The gun make a crunching noise and the shots did not come out like fully automatic WHATSOEVER. Instead, they were delayed at irregular intervals. I went back to semi automatic right after that because I did not want to cause more harm, and it seemed to work fine at the time so I kept playing, a round later the entire thing came falling apart. Every single shot I did on semi made a crunching noise and was delayed a good 0.2-0.4 seconds before exiting the barrel, sometimes it would shoot once and make the sound, then not shoot again. Right away I got off the field to ask the manager if he knew what was wrong, they tried a few different batteries and the problem persisted, the day was done.

3) I didn't touch the gun for a few days following the issue but after a week I finally tried it out again, after 10 shots the semi automatic gun went fully automatic again. The store that I got it from (Toronto Airsoft) had been closed for a move for well over a month, so bringing it in to get it looked at wasn't an option, and when I finally did yesterday they tried it out and it seemed fine. Not wanting to pay at least $80+ extra for a gun that I had only used once, I decided against waiting an entire month for them to fix it, as they were short on technical staff and decided to just try it out until it messes up again, a day after. Now the gun is getting stuck in fully automatic randomly while shooting on semi, AS WELL as making crunching sounds and not shooting/delayed shots VERY FREQUENTLY the last time I tried, which was 5 minutes ago.

TL;DR: Echo 1 M14 is making CRUNCHING NOISES that either delay the response on when I shot or skip the registered trigger being pulled down altogether, as well as going FULL AUTOMATIC at random without a way to stop it for 30 seconds everytime

*EDIT* : This is a stock gun from Toronto Airsoft, which when I went in yesterday told me all of their guns had to shoot over 366 to enter the country, and the airsoft manual itself said I would be around 380 with the ECHO 1 M14, however the speed checker thing at ultimate airsoft found that my gun was consistantly shooting 350, or a little below. Just posting this in case this is an important detail

Last edited by Brandon_Lam; March 13th, 2014 at 12:10..
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Old March 13th, 2014, 12:14   #2
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Show us a video of the gun shooting in fully automatic
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Old March 13th, 2014, 12:18   #3
"bb bukakke" KING!
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once that crunching noise happens stop shooting (too late for you but for future reference)

semi or fully don't matter, the gears do the same thing, there's just an extra bit that happens in semi to reset the circuit so it stops firing. This process was interrupted, didn't occur or was ineffective... meaning the mechanism is worn or the trigger portion that the mechanism resets was physically stuck and not releasing to break the contact, causing your run away.

Your crunch noise has not so much to do with that... it's just the gears tried to cycle before the piston was full forward again. STOP TRYING TO SHOOT THE GUN.

You'll almost definitely need a new piston, and inspection/replacement of the cutoff lever.

Possibly new gearset depending on damage... hard to say what you've done to the geartrain with all the shooting through compression jams and PME.

Take it to a reputable tech.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 13th, 2014, 13:20   #4
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Stop shooting the gun, got it.

The people at Toronto Airsoft said just keep using it until something catastrophic happened, lol.. plus they said that they were really short on tech this month, so I won't be going there to get this repaired. Where can I find a reputable tech person in the GTA?
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Old March 13th, 2014, 13:22   #5
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What part of the GTA are you in?
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Old March 13th, 2014, 13:41   #6
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Originally Posted by Brandon_Lam View Post
Stop shooting the gun, got it.

The people at Toronto Airsoft said just keep using it until something catastrophic happened, lol.. plus they said that they were really short on tech this month, so I won't be going there to get this repaired. Where can I find a reputable tech person in the GTA?
Does TA not have warranty on it?

You can message GBBR, he's an amazing gun doc located in the GTA.
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Old March 13th, 2014, 13:44   #7
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Scarborough, but I would be willing to drive 30-45 minutes if there is a place that does really good service/decent price. Toronto airsoft is charging $50 + part prices, which to my knowledge is the cheapest deal. The only other one I know of is Ultimate Airsoft, which is charging I think $50 first hour, and $10 or $20 every other hour + price parts, so I'm hoping there is a cheaper place, but I'm fairly inexperienced with this, I wasn't expecting to have to deal with this a few weeks after I got my first gun since I heard really great things about the internals of the echo 1 m14 to begin with.

Last edited by Brandon_Lam; March 13th, 2014 at 13:47..
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Old March 13th, 2014, 13:45   #8
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TA warranties it for 2 weeks, however I only started encountering these problems a little before the 3 week mark when I was using the gun for a longer period of time during my first airsoft game.
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Old March 13th, 2014, 13:46   #9
"bb bukakke" KING!
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you just lost the airsoft lottery... without tuning any gun out of the box will blow itself up.

With tuning, it may not blow up for a while. :P

knock on wood for my builds.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 13th, 2014, 13:54   #10
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GBBR is in Scarbs, Brimley & Finch area.
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Old March 13th, 2014, 13:56   #11
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The worst part is it was the second m14 I got from TA that died internally on me in less than a month, the first time it was a lot quicker though. Do you have any tips/suggestions for future guns/when I get this one fixed to avoid this again, or other problems?
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Old March 13th, 2014, 14:07   #12
"bb bukakke" KING!
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all of them can and will experience issues you describe. Some makers are a bit more reliable but in the end you still have to do the same mods to them for reliability.

All my personal guns get a full gearbox gut as soon as it gets into my hands.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 13th, 2014, 14:11   #13
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Find someone reputable on this forum, that does AEG work. Pay one hour of their time to give the rifle basic maintenance/tuning. Any reputable technician will know what to do to prevent failure.

I personally do the same as lurkingknight ^ full opening and tuning from day 0.

After that, this is Airsoft, stuff breaks at random, there's no avoiding that. It *should* not break however if tuned properly.
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Old March 13th, 2014, 14:15   #14
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I think you just got really unlucky, got myself a echo1 m14 soccom 16 last year and it worked really great for the whole year shooting straight and far at 350 fps, and he got throw around , hit on wall, rock , empty propane bottle and still work. Never done any mods it was a great stock gun shooting way more accurate than most of the rifle i saw stock

And the echo1 is mostly cyma repack with a better hop up and QC , so if you wanted to avoid cyma you should not buy echo1 again for their m14 and AK.
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Old March 13th, 2014, 14:15   #15
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Well first step is to stop buying CYMA guns
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