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Old May 26th, 2014, 09:00   #211
Frozen Tex
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Delenda Est Carthago
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Old May 29th, 2014, 15:47   #212
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Nice, looking good fellas
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Old June 2nd, 2014, 19:23   #213
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here are photos from our june 1st game. 13 people showed up, so finally getting good turn outs again. only sadly got photos of two people, but we had two go pro hero 3+'s and two tacyon HD's. Also had two knife kills, one was a bayonet kill done by philkensebben which was captured on film.

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Old June 10th, 2014, 03:47   #214
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Sadly not to many photos from june 8th game, turn out of 8 people. A lot of footage from two go pros and two tacyons to go threw and attemped to edit. mysticalhobo got some photos of philkensebben with his galaxy S5. phikkensebben try'd to get photos of me using my go pro hero 3+. we had not used it to take photos before so they turned out not as good as the ones taken by mysticalhobo's S5.

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Old June 10th, 2014, 14:45   #215
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Is that building in the background for repelling? We have something like that in CFB Shilo, I cringe every time I look at it..
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Old June 10th, 2014, 18:09   #216
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Sadly it's an old mine shaft a frame. We usually try to avoid showing it in pictures. We also avoid playing around it and every spring we are surprised when it is still standing. everything has been sealed so you cannot get inside the mine.

I have never tried though, teenagers and dumb tourists do climb to the top but the structure is questionable at best. If it falls during a game it will be our own real life levelution but when you walk by it you can hear the metal siding hanging off of it swaying in the wind. So I wouldn't personally try repelling off of it. There is some graffiti on the top of it that someone would have had to have had some balls to put there, or a set of climbing gear.
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Old June 10th, 2014, 18:37   #217
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That M9 looks hauntingly familiar...
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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Old June 10th, 2014, 18:48   #218
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Ah I see. Probably a good idea to stay away from it then. Maybe you can salvage it when it falls, lol
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Old June 10th, 2014, 19:14   #219
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We will defiantly post pictures when it falls, if the gnwt doesn't finally tear it down first. Our little Namm got his new glock 17 in, looked mighty nice this sunday. Nice pistols seem to be just multiplying here in the north

We will have to have a shotgun pistol & knife only game this sunday and post the pictures. We finally have someone to edit the footage we have taken so far. So we will soon post a couple videos of the highlights from this season up here so far. We have had some great and creative new game types to change things up for us, as well as some very funny knife kills and falls caught on camera.
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Old June 11th, 2014, 01:51   #220
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Where do you guys play at? I am currently here for work and have 2 or more guys that wanted to try our hobby.


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Old June 11th, 2014, 12:10   #221
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Originally Posted by e-luder View Post
That M9 looks hauntingly familiar...
That Type 56 is looking great as well! I am glad she is finally seeing some action! :tup::tup:
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Old June 16th, 2014, 07:23   #222
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June 15th game had only six person turn out sadly due to fathers day. We managed to capture a lot of footage and even more photos. So I am going to change up how I am posting every week. I will try to provide more information about the pictures and game types we played that day.
We have been playing the same game type called "Soup Nazi" to start off every day this season. It is a game that closely resembles a game of tag most of use played at school in gym class together. the rules are very simple once learned, and is a easy way to welcome new players we bring out to the sport. Well have also found that experience players here find it fun to play due to the randomness of each game of it played by them.

Every player starts off disbursed across the field out of sign of each player. This is because each player starts off the game as a "free agent" who once the game starts most shoot and tag in opposing players, or tag in any kneeling downed player into a team created and designated by a unique call sign (friendly fire counts). Once a hit player is tagged back into the game and given a call sign they most then shoot & tag in hit or kneeling players onto that team until they either consume every player onto it, or are absorbed by another team and given a new call sign. If a hit player takes a knee and is not tagged into a team, or by their old team within 60 seconds of being hit they rejoin the game as a "free agent" able to shoot & tag players onto a new team designated by a new call sign. If a player had already created a call sign and his teammates do not tag them back onto that team before they renter the game as a "free agent" then that player cannot re use a call sign already in use by his previous team. he can only rejoin the his previous team by being tagged back into the game by a member of that team, or shooting and tagging every member of it into a new team under a completely different call sign.
we found this game works well with a minimum of four players, larger groups of players may longer to finish a game. Small groups usually finish a game within 10 to 20 min depending on how caught's the players are. larger groups in our experience can take from 15 min to an hour to finish a game. A caught's or forgotten player can find themselves eating away at a hunting group and can soon re start the game entirely.

Our first Soup Nazi game was won in under 15 min by a team started by a newish player called duality. Team name "Indecisive"
The second game was won by a team stared by myself in under 20 min. Team name "handjob" which was awesome to hear grown men saying to each other. well taking in downed people and avoiding friendly fire.
The last Soup Nazi game was won by a team started by Philkkensebben
in just over 30 mins, by the last game people played more caught's and turned into a fire fight between two teams of three around a single building.

Our third game is a new type that borrows rules from a number of games we have try'd out over the last four years, we called this configuration of it "Kill Team" working title. photographed by Soupreme and his canon rebel T3. filmed by myself and duality on our go pro hero 3+ and mystical hobo using my tacyon HD.

A fire team made up of myself and Mysticalhobo had to eliminate a balloon at four different bases to win the game. Three defending players Yellowman, Philkkensebben and duality most defend each base until being hit and falling back to the next base and balloon, when all balloons are popped and bases captured then the game ends.

here is a picture of myself and Mysticalhobo resting before the game started and after the first three games of Soup Nazi.

I will post the pictures taken by Soupreme, myself and Yellowman and the results on the "Kill Team" game within the next few days.
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Old June 16th, 2014, 16:43   #223
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here are some pictures that myself & mysticalhobo took of ourselves using my galaxy S5 phone well we waited for the three defenders to set up the bases.

After waiting about 10 mins and getting a change in our mission by phlkkensebben. Soupreme join us as our action photographer and we started the game after Soupreme requested photos by what we call "burned out winnebago" and myself finding and diagnosing a problem in fitting a 7.4 lipo in realsword and getting that working after a 10 min delay to game start.

photos taken by Souprme with his canon rebel T3

Our assault on the first base's photos

After eliminating the three defenders our fire team destroyed the first balloon and regrouped for the assault on the second base.

This assault was fast but the defenders where dug in well and able to hold off our assault until Mysticalhobo was able to pick off two of the defenders and push them back.

Philkkensebben pinned us down from a consealed position, taking a couple of my lives until we managed to pushed into the building and destroyed the balloon. Phil couldn't close the distance fast enough and mount his counter attack.

Our assault on the third base was fast and with very little exchange of bb's, due to a by our fire team threw brush and hitting the third base from an unexpected angle. quickly eliminating Duality and Yellowman and ending with a fire fight with Phil caught behind an oil drum just behind the third base.

On mine and Mysticalhobos walk to the fourth base we took a tactical selfy using my galaxy S5 phone to help pass time for the defenders to set up at the fourth base.

we decided to go around the fourth base again after the success on the third, this avoided a full on suicide charge threw open ground. But could have been interesting if we had have had a long range capable platform or suppressing fire on the base for the charge. instead we hit it from an side we had yet to every try.

Thanks to Soupreme for taking all the action photos from this game, And to everyone who came out to make sunday June 15th's game so much fun. we hope to have the video footage from these games up for people to enjoy soon. Finding the time and the proper hardware to edit has proven tough for us has caused more then a few of us to give up. So if we do not get this footage up before the end of the season I will post it all as un edited footage for people to enjoy as much as we do over the coming winter. I will also post more pictures taken from June 15th later this week.
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Old June 20th, 2014, 18:03   #224
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Here as some of the best photos that Yellowman, Soupreme and Mysticalhobo took june 15th.

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Old June 23rd, 2014, 17:00   #225
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June 22nd game operation Drum Dance will go down as a day of fails, but a testament to commitment to play. Only a turn out of four people, Myself, Yellowman, Philkkensebben and Mysticalhobo braved the bad weather and smoke filled air from near by forest fires to go out. It rained the morning before we went out in town and not a drop on the field until the second we dropped off our gear to start to play. luckly Philkkensebben had two tarps in his truck for a just in case situation after learning from our previous seasons.
So only three games of Soup Nazi went down after we sat out the rain in our gear for 30 or so min.

The winners of the each Soup Nazi game
First game: Philkkensebben Team name: Ryan
Second game: Yellowman Team name: Scruffy
Third game: Bearsintheyukon Team name: Spit on me

Here are the only pictures I got from out shelter we made.

And these are the pictures taken from Yellowmans canon rebel T3I.
Both myself and Yellowman had issues with our camera and go pro being in the right settings so we apologize for the quality of the photos and the lack of footage from this weeks game.

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