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Old August 17th, 2005, 11:42   #76
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Originally Posted by kymoz
To my opinion, you should ***AVOID*** at all cost the use of any kind of non-natural bug repellants. The cancer issue is no bullshit. Some of the DEET and OFF ingredients are the same as the ones in the ORANGE AGENT (strong vegetation killer that the US army used to destroy the Vietnamian forests during the war. The ORANGE AGENT still causes some malformations among the Vietnamian population )

Some of you might say "bullshit" again? Read and try this if you dont beleive:
Few years ago, I had nothing to do of my Sunday afternoon. So I went in my back yard with an OFF can (?) I then saw a bee flying arround. I shot ONLY ONE cloud of OFF on the bee. It fell on the ground, moved a few seconds and rested there montionless. "Funny", I thought, so I vaporizated every insect in the area (I was young). The day after, every leaf that had some OFF on had fallen dead and brown ( my mother never understood what had happenen).

If you still feel like putting OFF on your skin... then you're as Hardcore than Rambo... and as stupid.


The insect repellent "Off" is different than the insecticide "Raid". I guess you could spray yourself with insecticide but that might be unwise. :wink:

Two different products from the same company SC Johnson.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 00:28   #77
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Originally Posted by Laike
Being stupidly allergic to mosquitos (trust me, the amount of bites I recieved, still no immunity) I've discovered the most potent mix to control bite/swlling/itch is AfterBite (I never have found it to sting) with Tigerbalm, Cortisone, and Anti Histamines (Benedril etc). With that, I find myself not itching anymore, but feeling like a needle poking into the bites.

Anyways, I'll try the bounce theory next time I go out. I'll skip the deet and carry a few sheets of bounce, if anyone else wants to play guinea pig.

i hear u man. i'm allergic too and by reading ur post u do pretty much everything i do too except when i pop an anti histamine and i pop a cold medication too. when i got a bite last summer and went to the doctor to get a shot the doctor just told me to take a clariton and an advil cold and flu. apparently the chemicals when u take both is the same as getting the shot but not as extreme where as u can't work after.
the cordizone creame is really good. the over the counter isn't as stong as the prescribed one but boy does it heal quick. from insect bite to cuts and burns.....cordizone is a steroid for the skin....don't eat it.
to prevent from itching u guys should try nail polish or super glue. reason for the itch is exposure to air like a scab.....itches when it heals.

i've spent enough time in the hospital due to those damn squiters and i dont intend on goin back soon *knock on wood* so i use muskol. i have heard about the effects of deet like birth defects and cancer but i don't wanna go back to the hospital. i usually spray myself making sure all plastics are at least in the truck or 20' away. i learned that the hard way with my camera the first week i got it. i noticed that the aerosol spay does eat away at reflective strips on clothing also but i may be wrong.
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Old August 20th, 2005, 00:43   #78
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With all this talk about good ol' deet, I just remembered another alternative.
White mountain repellent, I haven't personally tried the stuff (Muskol non aerosol guy) but it is deet free.I actually saw it for sale last time I was Way up there, worth a try.
Gary Paul Johnston: on selecting a new MEU (SOC) 1911 pistol-Whatever happens,there's no doubt that a "few good men" will once again carry the finest combat pistol in the world and we can only pray that a lot of bad men will regret it.

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Old September 6th, 2005, 22:50   #79
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I dont know if this thread is dead or not but, when I went to Costa Rica two years ago, my parentes went on a shopping trip for supplies for the trip in edmonton I think, well that doesnt matter but they picked up some mosquitoe netting the kind you hang around your bed so and tuck in so no creapy crawlers get in, it also kinda looks like you would be royalty too, but the lady that sold them the netting told my parents to wash it in lice shampoo, she said the mosquitoes hate it. I just thought maybe next year I will try it with my gear since its too chilly now for the west nile freaks.
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Old September 6th, 2005, 23:17   #80
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To echo Grey. Deet is very bad for airsoft. My G3 has a nice thumprint melted in to the plastic stock from DEET. I use Naturapel, citronela based instead of DEET. It works really well (on me at least) and doesn't harm the finish of my gun. The downside, if you can call it that is you smell like lemon Pledge.
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Originally Posted by backspasm
"Did someone lose a condom, I found it in my shit"
Lightfighter can suck my cock. Fuckin' thieves!

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Old September 6th, 2005, 23:19   #81
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Originally Posted by Barf
To echo Grey. Deet is very bad for airsoft. My G3 has a nice thumprint melted in to the plastic stock from DEET. I use Naturapel, citronela based instead of DEET. It works really well (on me at least) and doesn't harm the finish of my gun. The downside, if you can call it that is you smell like lemon Pledge.
citronel can give your presence away. I spotted a few player this summer because of the citronel smell. It's quite strong and stay strong in the wind.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old September 6th, 2005, 23:21   #82
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sure yah did ninja boy
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Old September 6th, 2005, 23:26   #83
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Originally Posted by Barf
To echo Grey. Deet is very bad for airsoft. My G3 has a nice thumprint melted in to the plastic stock from DEET. I use Naturapel, citronela based instead of DEET. It works really well (on me at least) and doesn't harm the finish of my gun. The downside, if you can call it that is you smell like lemon Pledge.
Originally Posted by FOX_111
citronel can give your presence away. I spotted a few player this summer because of the citronel smell. It's quite strong and stay strong in the wind.
I'm a sniper. If you can get close enough to smell me, you're already dead.
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Originally Posted by backspasm
"Did someone lose a condom, I found it in my shit"
Lightfighter can suck my cock. Fuckin' thieves!

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Old September 7th, 2005, 00:46   #84
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Originally Posted by Barf
Originally Posted by Barf
To echo Grey. Deet is very bad for airsoft. My G3 has a nice thumprint melted in to the plastic stock from DEET. I use Naturapel, citronela based instead of DEET. It works really well (on me at least) and doesn't harm the finish of my gun. The downside, if you can call it that is you smell like lemon Pledge.
Originally Posted by FOX_111
citronel can give your presence away. I spotted a few player this summer because of the citronel smell. It's quite strong and stay strong in the wind.
I'm a sniper. If you can get close enough to smell me, you're already dead.
So am I :wink:
seriously, this thing smell pretty strong. You don't need ninja skillz to detect people using it.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old September 20th, 2005, 09:33   #85
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When i go fishing, I tend to use lemon juice on exposed areas (neck,arms, legs) and eat garlic the day before. Deet tends to weaken my fishing line so i don't use it.

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Old September 20th, 2005, 15:11   #86
Bob the Angry Potato
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Yeah, from experience, Deep Woods Off is probably the best I've used. While opening a rub-on pack in a tent before night-nav, 2 mosquitoes nearby just fell out of the air nearby and started twitching.
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Old March 9th, 2006, 00:33   #87
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Okay boys, that time of year is once again coming, where we need to be conscious of these wee bastards. My opinion is to stay away from banana's completely. There are other foods as well, but for the benefit of all the new people since last year, I figured it was time to reopen this.
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old March 9th, 2006, 13:17   #88
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I'd like to find out more about those electronic devices, if they actually work or not. I don't care about buying batteries, I'd just rather not smear myself in crap that either smells or wrecks my gun.
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Old March 9th, 2006, 16:09   #89
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Personally I just use netting... works for more than just misquetoes and when beetles land on the back of your neck you don't spin around shooting ((heh... would do that too...))... plus it probably help for camoflaguing specially if you make a ghillie out of it... don't know if that one was said...
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