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(Case closed!) 100,00$ Reward - 100,00$ Rançon (Dossier clos!)



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Old June 30th, 2014, 21:15   #31
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Originally Posted by drakar View Post
I had another chance when i was young
Exactly. While being young, we all make stupid mistakes (that includes me) and second chances are easily given in order not to fuck up his growing life experiences.

When you're 18+, you have quite the idea of what's good and what's bad in life. Especially when you're aware that the community in which you've been welcomed (airsoft) is based on honesty and friendship.

Give him a hand today, he'll might take your whole arm later on. I am those who doesn't believe in 2nd chances when it comes to robbery/theft/assault/violence/ect in this sport.

West Coast EOD Supporter. // Bang One, Bang Em All ! // In war, it's not who's right, but who's left.
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Old June 30th, 2014, 21:43   #32
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I shall receive the gun in a day or two.
I'll keep you in touch.

To make it clear, i was contact by an anonymous person with an anonymous email to tell me that the guy who stole the gun feel ashame of imself. He dont want the reward, just get is personnal life back where it was before that event.

It was a stupid mistake that he know is guilty of.
So i provide a safe adress to ship the gun.

He is grateful of the chance we gave him to fix is mistake.

So, i have absolutely no idea who he is and i dont want to know so i dont have to act like an hypocrit if you guys ask me question.

My quest was to get the gun back!

Now, i dont support such of behavior and never will be.
The victim is thankfull and give is forgiveness to the guy.

This case will be close. But we all learn something today, that the old days are gone. Hopfully just for a short period of time.
Special Unit Assault Team

" My counter-strike will be disproportionate"
"I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6"

Last edited by drakar; June 30th, 2014 at 21:48..
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Old June 30th, 2014, 22:14   #33
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Originally Posted by drakar View Post
I believe in redemption in some cases.
I believe in a good stiff beating in most cases.
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Old June 30th, 2014, 23:04   #34
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Under 18? first offense? sure, give him a second chance to get his life on track. Still there should be penance and respect for the crime so he truly appreciates the second chance.....or a beating.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old June 30th, 2014, 23:07   #35
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What I see here is a game host trying to help a player that attended his event find justice with the ressources he has. I see how a game host might want to keep untrusty players out of his events as I feel the frustration from all the players in the community to witness such a behavior... I was there in the safe zone when the victim realized his SCAR was missing, we were all chocked. However I don't believe it's the host's responsibility to enfore law in this case. I believe the victim is the only person in position to fill out a complaint if he thinks it's necessary.
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Old July 1st, 2014, 00:01   #36
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Happy to see the owner will get back his belonging

Would have it been me (does that sentence even make sense? Sorry it's my French's side coming out , I would be very thankful to Drakar who made this happen

While I do believe thieves should treated as such and agree with a lot of what has been said here, I wouldn't care as much about the thief as about the item itself, in that particular case

This doesn't need to become a lynch mob or witch hunt. The guy's is getting back his gun, the thief will probably think twice next time the thought occurs to him
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

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Old July 1st, 2014, 01:19   #37
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I don't know if this is the right thread to ask this, but the topic raised a couple of questions for me.

How do you guys normally police/store your gear during games? Do you gear up by your car and toss the rest of the stuff you don't need in the trunk or do you guys have a communal area where you gear up and leave the rest of your stuff there during a game?

I mean, how did the perpetrator get an opportunity to steal the gun? Was it just sitting there in the open or something? Figuring out how it happened might help people prevent a similar situation from occurring in the first place.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old July 1st, 2014, 01:47   #38
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The scar whas the guy backup gun, he let it in a safe zone partiaĺly hidden behind his backpack and his other stuff

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Old July 1st, 2014, 14:47   #39
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Originally Posted by Aegiis View Post
His name should be public. I want to know who I can and cannot trust.

Don't let him go scot free.
zero f-ing tolerance.

him and his friends who brought him to the game.
I'd like to know who hangs out with scumbags just in case.
For me the necessity to check my bags and stuff just to make sure nothing gets stolen during the game is a deal breaker.It sucks to no end.The turds who introduce this kind of mentality in airsoft should be identified and punished with zero tolerance.

the amount of laxism displayed in this thread makes me want to make my own investigation to know exactly who the piece of shit is and make sure I don't play with THESE guys, because it's a group of buddies, and with buddies, you never now.

Last edited by Jimski; July 1st, 2014 at 14:50..
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Old July 1st, 2014, 14:52   #40
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Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
I don't know if this is the right thread to ask this, but the topic raised a couple of questions for me.

How do you guys normally police/store your gear during games? Do you gear up by your car and toss the rest of the stuff you don't need in the trunk or do you guys have a communal area where you gear up and leave the rest of your stuff there during a game?

I mean, how did the perpetrator get an opportunity to steal the gun? Was it just sitting there in the open or something? Figuring out how it happened might help people prevent a similar situation from occurring in the first place.
right now I see a lot of trust from everybody involved.This is going down the drain at the speed of light if this case doesn't get dealt with properly.
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Old July 1st, 2014, 14:54   #41
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Originally Posted by drakar View Post
I shall receive the gun in a day or two.
I'll keep you in touch.

To make it clear, i was contact by an anonymous person with an anonymous email to tell me that the guy who stole the gun feel ashame of imself. He dont want the reward, just get is personnal life back where it was before that event.

It was a stupid mistake that he know is guilty of.
So i provide a safe adress to ship the gun.

He is grateful of the chance we gave him to fix is mistake.

So, i have absolutely no idea who he is and i dont want to know so i dont have to act like an hypocrit if you guys ask me question.

My quest was to get the gun back!

Now, i dont support such of behavior and never will be.
The victim is thankfull and give is forgiveness to the guy.

This case will be close. But we all learn something today, that the old days are gone. Hopfully just for a short period of time.
thanks a lot for you effort.You are too nice.
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Old July 1st, 2014, 17:20   #42
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Those that brought him to the game probable don't have anything to do with this, unless they are covering his ass after the case by knowing about the theft and not reporting it.

This remind me of a similar situation.

I went to a game in Toronto once with a few teamates back in the days. When we got back from the game, one of our team mate showed us what he'd "found" during the night game... A nice pistol. He wanted to keep it. After a small investigation, it was taken from a bag near our respawn. It belonged to a local player.

We had him return it to it's owner, by mail, after we made it public. The teamate was expelled from the team and it was know to key people of the bad deed he had done. He no longer play anyway.

I seriously hope it's something similar that happenned to the SCAR.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old July 1st, 2014, 17:22   #43
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Dossier clos - Case closed

Quelqu'un est venu porter le Scar Ã* un endroit sur dans ma cours arrière pendant que j'étais sur la job.

Reste plus qu'Ã* l'envoyer au proprio!
Special Unit Assault Team

" My counter-strike will be disproportionate"
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Old July 1st, 2014, 17:29   #44
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Envoi les images de tes caméras de sécurité.

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Old July 1st, 2014, 17:52   #45
formerly Qc_Sarado
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De plus en plus les games sont organiser via facebook, avec des dizaines de nouveaux joueurs sans aucune réputation. En gros des joueurs que personne connait.

Aussi longtemps que les game seront organisés au très très grand public ( oui il y a une différence entre une game public et une game que n'importe qui peut venir, surtout avec 50 jouers présents non inscrit dans le game organizer...) des évènements comme ça vont arrivés; vol, blessure( équipements protections inadéquats), altercation verbal/physique, etc.

Juste de même, j'étais surpis de voir plusieurs joueurs jouer avec des meshmask comme protection occulaire, je me souviens d'un gros débat ici ladessus, je crois. Mais c'est hors-sujet.

Anyway, bon move du gars qui a au moins rapporté le gun, malgré que c'est impardonnable (il aurait pu rester anonyme et bye bye le scar...)
Certified Level 2 BA Sniper
Anciennement Qc_Sarado
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