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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old December 27th, 2014, 19:47   #1486
Join Date: Mar 2014
Pretty much what everyone else has said (cheaters, shit like that) but I have one no one has probably said yet..

When I see players with their stock not pressed into their shoulder, but rather resting on top of it.
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Old December 30th, 2014, 23:26   #1487
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People telling me they banged me so Im dead and me shooting them doesn't count (in cqb).

Canadian airsoft prices and asshole cbsa officers(50/50 with this, had a great guy the first time, wasted loads of time the second).
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Old December 31st, 2014, 00:26   #1488
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Originally Posted by dmitril View Post
People telling me they banged me so Im dead and me shooting them doesn't count (in cqb).
Yea, I hate this "mercy" crap.. airsoft involves shooting people... cant handle CQB point blank shots, dont come to a game..
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Old December 31st, 2014, 00:40   #1489
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I'm not a fan of all these p* units popping up now adays. I wouldn't even go as far to say they are a pet peeve of mine, but I don't much like them. Air lines are one of the reasons I left paintball.

That said, the thought of a permanently mounted p* machine gun on a fixed possition, or a vehicle turns me on somewhat.
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Old January 2nd, 2015, 10:07   #1490
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Vehicle mounted Polarstared Minigun hooked up to a SCUBA tank, for the win.
Guardians of Asgaard
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Old January 2nd, 2015, 13:31   #1491
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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That's a huge pet peeve of mine as well, turning airsoft guns into paintball guns. There's a reason we all stopped playing paintball and went to airsoft. Ya know how people move their families from poor, diseased ridden, tyrannical and war torn countries to Canada for the peace, healthcare, and education systems? Well a polar star is like that person arriving here and going "wow! It's so nice here. Well, might as well start some mass genocide for no reason.".
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old January 2nd, 2015, 14:21   #1492
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post
People who refuse to believe that their gun will perform optimally unless their FPS is <1 lower than the field limit.
+1,000,000 on this.

What also gets to me are those idiots who think a Co2 pistol with a damn silencer shoots within "CQB limits"...
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Old January 7th, 2015, 23:25   #1493
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1) People putting 500 fps springs in their guns and telling you its for range and accracy...
2) people asking why airsoft barrels arnt rifled
3) mock suppressors being used to extend the barrel length
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Old January 8th, 2015, 11:30   #1494
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People that put BNIB on the sales thread and then right after put only test fired or plinked or ranged or only games it once or only a few scratches from mounting a scope or feeding a mag.

People that are so lazy (not cheating, lazy) to walk back to spawn so they walk 10' into the bush and spawn back in.

Game organizers that are not organized!

People who run up to you point their barrel in your face and ask why they can't run their bolt action without taking the course first.

The line "camelbak's are stupid and heavy, damn I'm thirsty"

This is more of a love then a hate item but nothing is worse (better) than the group that shows up with their brand new never fired shiny clear soft gun that they were so proud of and the look on their face when they see what everyone else has.

The 90lb saw gunner, my favorite line from gone in 60 seconds comes to mind. "Hunny you can't drive, I can't swim, i know i cant, so you know what I do I stay my black ass outa the pool" lol.

The whack a mole player... They pop up, You hit them, they pop down, they pop up, you hit them, they pop down. always a classic and why I started running cameras with zoom.

Blatantly stupid friendly fire... Example, the entire tan team running towards you with the Green teams flag obviously you open up on them with the saw gun, kill every last of them them, stand up and cheer and high five the guy your with... It still has not sink in o wait I'm also wearing tan, did I just screw up? (True story)

Saved my favorite for last, the guy who shows up late and boxes other vehicles in because there was no close parking left.
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Old January 8th, 2015, 11:43   #1495
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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My brother once tried to convince me a canteen was better than a camelbak because it was lighter....hah
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Old January 8th, 2015, 12:09   #1496
"bb bukakke" KING!
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"Is that a KWA?(aeg)"
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old January 8th, 2015, 12:14   #1497
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Kids who watch all the sponsored-to-shit SoCAL vids and then ask you to install those parts in guns.
How much are your miracle barrels? What do you mean they're over-hyped???
I've never heard of SHS. Can you use magic box parts? What about angel custom? Matrix?
Can you get me literally every Elite Force product known to man?
I change primaries like other people change socks.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 11:01   #1498
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1. Players who buy Gucciflage, helmets, plate carriers just like the SOF flavour of the month, and more pouches than there's use for all in the name of looking "Operator" yet this player runs an AEG with a lipo and 120 round micaps. If you want to play like the big boys get a GBBR (polar stars don't count), real cap mags and try carrying an actual 300 round rifle load out.

2. AEG's.......period

3. Any mag capacity larger than real capacity

4. Players that don't understand the true beauty and gift that being part of a team/brotherhood brings to you, the team, and even the community as a whole.

5. The word MILSIM. If Airsoft games were set up like real military training ops we would all sit around looking off into the distance, rain or shine, waiting for an attack from an undisclosed number of enemy forces, at an undertermined time. Some times the attack would never come. That's real MILSIM. Renegade once used the term BATTLESIM to describe a couple of his larger events. I feel this term held more weight to describe large scale events than MILSIM.

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Old January 9th, 2015, 12:07   #1499
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Film-Sim is my favorite word. A few action packed hours of non-stop gun fights and explosions.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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Old January 9th, 2015, 15:24   #1500
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Originally Posted by DBspotter View Post
1. Players who buy Gucciflage, helmets, plate carriers just like the SOF flavour of the month, and more pouches than there's use for all in the name of looking "Operator" yet this player runs an AEG with a lipo and 120 round micaps. If you want to play like the big boys get a GBBR (polar stars don't count), real cap mags and try carrying an actual 300 round rifle load out.

2. AEG's.......period

3. Any mag capacity larger than real capacity

4. Players that don't understand the true beauty and gift that being part of a team/brotherhood brings to you, the team, and even the community as a whole.

5. The word MILSIM. If Airsoft games were set up like real military training ops we would all sit around looking off into the distance, rain or shine, waiting for an attack from an undisclosed number of enemy forces, at an undertermined time. Some times the attack would never come. That's real MILSIM. Renegade once used the term BATTLESIM to describe a couple of his larger events. I feel this term held more weight to describe large scale events than MILSIM.
Can't agree with you more. This is also a reason why I'm a bit tired from airsoft in Vancouver.
Velocity, Distance, Acceleration, Time...

A gun has them all...
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