Originally Posted by BattleBorn
Ok, seriously Kungpow you're responsible for showing me this website... You can deal with my missus now!
Originally Posted by OPA Extreme
they look cool... are they real quality brand and the real deal ?
any brand/model that really sells for $160...if not a knock-off, is not likely to sell for only $38... the dealer cost would be more than that... Unless it's some model that didn't sell and getting rid of a poor product ?
I might be wrong, just that usually the real stuff doesn't sell that low... the manufacturer wouldn't sell it for that low..
I seen Oakley sunglasses for sale at these crazy low prices, and when emailed Oakley about it, they replied, it's that a registered dealer and knock offs.... So beware !
Again, I don't know about these gloves, be just do your due diligence....unless you don't care and just want $38 gloves.
Originally Posted by MultipleParadox
Got two pairs of the overlord ones
Definitely look like the real deal (in no way I would think that Rampart would sell any kind of knockoffs anyways)
Real comfy, provides a decent grip
They're made quite right though
Index finger is a liiiiiitle bit long for my hand which is unfortunate but I have that problem with most gloves anyways
Definitely worth the 38$, many times over
As for why they're that prices: they might be discontinued products, or rampart might just want to stop carrying the model or brand for whatever reasons, and they want to clear their inventory asap
They are definitely legit, I tried to light my hand on fire with one of these Nomex gloves on and nothing happened. The gloves that I bought were about to be discontinued thats why they are such a good price. However they are still backed by the infinite warranty. The fitment of the OR gloves are not the best, but imagine endless amounts of gloves with the backed warranty.
Rampart also has a
Kryptek special 50% off. Whoever still has leftover money could buy some sweet Kryptek gear.