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Old May 29th, 2015, 16:15   #1
Join Date: Apr 2011
US Big games

Hey guys, wasn't able to do a good search on the forums, let me know if there's a good thread that answers this.

I'm interested to check out some big games in the US, as I've heard they have whole training towns in use for these. My questions are: have you gone to any of these not far from Ontario that you've particularly enjoyed? And more importantly what are the rules of transporting Airsoft over the border? I know I'll need an orange tip for these, but should I disclose what I'm transporting over or just not worry about it and leave it in the trunk?
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Old May 29th, 2015, 17:23   #2
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Depends how much you're willing to pay and what kind of game you're looking for. Do you want a huge skirmish in a cool place, an objective-based game or an actual milsim?

As event organisers, you have:
- Lion Claws (skirmish) -
- Blacksheep (skirmish) -
- American Milsim (objective-based) -
- RAPTAC (milsim) -
- MilsimWest (milsim) -

There are a few others, but these are the biggest. Some of them call themselves milsim cause it's the cool thing to do. I won't get into that debate here, this is merely my personal classification. To really have a better idea of the playing style watch videos, read their rules etc.

Milsim West has traditionnally - as the name implies - been based out West (Washington state and neighboring states, mostly) but they've been expanding in the East with a game planned in Georgia and more coming eastwards. I'll be perfectly honest: MSW would be the only ones I'd personally travel that much for.

A caveat:
Blacksheep has recently been caught in a kind of scandal. Essentially, they advertised their thing as an event to help PTSD'd veterans, but it really was just a marketing ploy. Their recent event has been largely boycotted as a result and they're on the decline, and part of their paid staff decided to quit over that. Keep that in mind if you want to attend one of their events.
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Old May 29th, 2015, 17:42   #3
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Originally Posted by RussianHunter View Post
Hey guys, wasn't able to do a good search on the forums, let me know if there's a good thread that answers this.

I'm interested to check out some big games in the US, as I've heard they have whole training towns in use for these. My questions are: have you gone to any of these not far from Ontario that you've particularly enjoyed? And more importantly what are the rules of transporting Airsoft over the border? I know I'll need an orange tip for these, but should I disclose what I'm transporting over or just not worry about it and leave it in the trunk?
For some of the bigger games hosted on US Federal property you have to be an american citizen to participate sometimes, as they use part of their Federal property and non-US citizens can not be there. (This is taken from FAQ on Operation Lion Claws)
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Old May 31st, 2015, 11:33   #4
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
- MilsimWest (milsim) -

I'll be perfectly honest: MSW would be the only ones I'd personally travel that much for.
A milsim west game is definitely on my bucket list.
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17
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Old June 2nd, 2015, 06:14   #5
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Force recon has attended many of the big games in the states.From blacksheep,american milsim and lion claws and some from our team will be attending milsim west this June.To make a valid opinion on these games I would first say attend one and see wiitch one fits your playing style as they are all milsims to a degree and skirmishes.Milsim is a mindset on how you treat the game so with that being said attend one and make a valid opinion or watch you tube and be lost.
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Old June 2nd, 2015, 10:41   #6
Jbone 11 11
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Before anyone goes and gets themselves into something their not ready for...realize MSW events are 40hrs long AND you are humping your shit in with you...real cap as well. Say what you want about Blacksheep and his personal contriversies of late, but the game is challenging at 24 hrs. If any of you have ever attended them before than you will know how you feel after pushing through and reaching that 24hrs mark....but then add an additional 16hrs on to that....then you're into MSW territory.

That said, these big, long form games are not so tough to participate in. After all...this sport is about enjoying yourself as much as anything else. Crossing the border is not at all complicated or scary. Customs officials on both sides are more than ok with everything provided you follow the rules and regs. Shit....every single time I have come back from a US game the CBSA official at the border has always asked us if we won. So dont let the border crossing thing put you off. Anyone says otherwise, they are either full of shit or dont know what they are talking about..... (err...kinda the same thing...but you get the point). Commitment to having an awesome time is key however. Get your team together, get your gear and docs in order and get down there!

Just one thing.....IF any of you DO go down to US games remember this: Canadian Players have a solid reputation down south, and for good reason. You WILL be carrying that reputation on your shoulders when attending any US games. Screw that up and and you're screwing it up for all of us.

a.k.a. Sandman

Last edited by Jbone 11 11; June 2nd, 2015 at 10:44..
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Old June 2nd, 2015, 21:29   #7
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Well Said

Couldn't be stated better PWOR and SANDMAN. I have been on over 10 MILSIM's south of the border...all challenging even the one that I thought was a clusterfuck but we as a Team persevered and had PWOR said MILSIM is a state of mind.

Milsim West is an OP I want our TEAM TO GO AS A WHOLE TEAM. 40 hours OP with a constant Tactical Awareness Scenario (changing through out the battle). This is a challenge that I endeavour, would love to go down with Dobby in June on this one but its time off work which is the problem....again MILSIM is a state of mind, with that being said I went a 30 hour OP 3 years ago and it ended of being a flop but in the end we all had fun.

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Old June 2nd, 2015, 21:34   #8
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Originally Posted by Jbone 11 11 View Post
Before anyone goes and gets themselves into something their not ready for...realize MSW events are 40hrs long AND you are humping your shit in with you...real cap as well. Say what you want about Blacksheep and his personal contriversies of late, but the game is challenging at 24 hrs. If any of you have ever attended them before than you will know how you feel after pushing through and reaching that 24hrs mark....but then add an additional 16hrs on to that....then you're into MSW territory.

That said, these big, long form games are not so tough to participate in. After all...this sport is about enjoying yourself as much as anything else. Crossing the border is not at all complicated or scary. Customs officials on both sides are more than ok with everything provided you follow the rules and regs. Shit....every single time I have come back from a US game the CBSA official at the border has always asked us if we won. So dont let the border crossing thing put you off. Anyone says otherwise, they are either full of shit or dont know what they are talking about..... (err...kinda the same thing...but you get the point). Commitment to having an awesome time is key however. Get your team together, get your gear and docs in order and get down there!

Just one thing.....IF any of you DO go down to US games remember this: Canadian Players have a solid reputation down south, and for good reason. You WILL be carrying that reputation on your shoulders when attending any US games. Screw that up and and you're screwing it up for all of us.

Never been harassed at the Border...USA Customs was the only group that wanted to see my guns that was in 2011.

Canadian Customs has been cool...2012 they were articulate in questioning about what I did while I was down there but when he saw or Y 38's and Vir receipt for perfume we were on our way home.
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Old June 3rd, 2015, 11:09   #9
Jbone 11 11
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"Vir receipt for perfume we were on our way home." LOL! Smart man....please the wife...Happy Life!
a.k.a. Sandman
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Old July 8th, 2015, 13:16   #10
Join Date: Apr 2011
Oh Vir

Thanks for the help guys! Will be on the lookout for a good game.

Is there a good article on what papers I would need with my airsoft guns if any? Obviously I need a passport, but what else?
Do I need to buy orange tips for all my guns?

Thanks again!
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Old July 8th, 2015, 13:35   #11
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QKLee11 posted this before:

"You have to get your AEG, GBBR and GBB Y38. This is a green form (big as a card) which is obtainable at a CSBA Office. Do not use the one at 1 Front Street, they no longer Y 38 any Firearms (whether Real Steel, Airsoft and Replica's etc anymore, any type of Fire Arm is no longer allowed in 1 Front St anymore for Y 38.

Go to Pearson Airport Terminal 3, the Office can be found at the end of the Terminal. Just went there today, "The Service was totally outstanding, the CSBA Officer knew the rules and was willing to do it right away"...however I left my Guns out in the Parking lot with my Rifle Case locked in my Jeep (just a precautionary, didn't want to be walking around an Airport with a Systema, KWA M 4 and 2 KWA GBB pistols in a RIFLE CASE for all to see, plus I didn't know where the Office was at lol). James and I were in out in a matter of 10 minutes (had a converstion with the CSBA Officer.).

Just leave your AEG's/GBBR/GBB Locked in your vehicle in a case or bag (James brought his brand new in Box in). Then go to CSBA Office, tell them what you need, a Y 38 to transfer your Airsoft Weapons to the USA. Once confirmed, go get them and bring them in. Gives them a bit of warning that your coming in with guns, then again your in an International Airport, go figure that out.
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -

Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17
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