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Who bought the WE M4 AEG?


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Old May 15th, 2012, 07:36   #16
Padkiller's Avatar
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I think you forgot to add that she was sexy!

Seriously, a first, I thought it was just another M4, but it seems to be pretty good afterall! Either way, if I was gonna buy another M4, I already have too much, I might take the WE!

Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
Redwolf airsoft did a very good review with their sexy new host. The WE is TM compatible and they actually added a spring decompression feature to their safe setting. A nice touch. Nothing sexier than a [sexy looking] woman disassembling an AEG!
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Old May 15th, 2012, 09:04   #17
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Originally Posted by THe_Silencer View Post
Redwolf airsoft did a very good review with their sexy new host. The WE is TM compatible and they actually added a spring decompression feature to their safe setting. A nice touch. Nothing sexier than a [sexy looking] woman disassembling an AEG!
Also the south african accent.

Naturally the Youtube masses are crying bloody murder (?!?).
"Mah check"

Now you know

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Old May 15th, 2012, 09:18   #18
Mr. Silencer
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
the WE AEG markings are just ugly puts me off buying one
+1 the trademarks are horrendous, but would be superb if going for a painted gun look.
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Old May 15th, 2012, 10:34   #19
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I was going to get the WE M4 and make a deep review of it but plans has changed. I found another brand new entry-level M4 with more options like RIS + grip + batterybox ( I'm using 7.4v 2000mAh 35C lipo and it won't fit in a standart M4 fat foregrip ) for the same price from another inland supplyer. It's the Javelin (made by APS) M4 EBB (I don't mind for the EBB as I'll desactivate it). In my opinion, they are equal to each other on paper (with their own pros and cont.)

The WE's & javelin's appears to have comparable pot-metal body but Javelin's comes with 7mm plastic bushings and WE's 8mm metal bushings (not bearings), not a big deal as I'll buy a set of bearing-bushings anyway. They shoot both in the 370-400fps range.

Bolt release works on both (easier to adjust hop-up). In my opinion, the spring decompression option on the WE is not the reason that you'll buy it (even compressed for a long time, you won't loose many fps, maybe 4-5, someone on ASC did a test if I remember correctly), you just have to fire 2-3 times on semi to do the same effect.

WE have one-piece metal hop-up, javelin's is plastic. WE's outer barrel is 14mm Negative but javelin's is 14mm POSITIVE.

Both have "ugly" trademarks, this is not a big deal for me as the "look" won't get my AEG more precise, nor more reliable :P Owhever, the javelins OEM low-resistant silver wire set is great and their magpul like pistol grip and the stainless steel inner barrel... but it will be changed.

In my opinion, if you have a small budget (220$-245$) and you plan to change some parts in your gearbox or the complete gearbox itself, get either the javelin (you can choose from CQB to regular lenght, RIS or not which is great because it's cheaper than buying the parts separately) or WE (only 1 config). For +30$ or so (265$), you get the King Arms, for +55$ (290$), you get the G&P. Just shop on canadian retailers website stores.

Personnaly, the WE's spring decompression option is not attracting me but it's STILL a competitive Entry level AEG platform. I would personnaly like to see WE to make OEM RIS config and CQB/M16 lenght, which would've made me buy this one.

*edit* WE M4 aeg available on said retailer

Last edited by Splashx; May 15th, 2012 at 13:37..
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Old May 15th, 2012, 19:05   #20
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Okay, so i tore the gun down today. Takes down like a normal front wire M4.
The only issue i had was removing the buffer tube. You need a very thin screwdriver to go into the small hole in the rear of the tube. There is no cap since it is a WE GBB buffer tube.

The internals were very nice, no sloppy excess grease. The bevel gear was interesting, There were a lot more anti reversal teeth then other brands i've seen. Both ends of the axle were hollowed out.

Compression was amazing, Shimming was neat. The cylinder head had softer than usual rubber on the impact side.

The bolt catch mechanism did not get in the way at all while reinstalling.

The spring detensioner was very simple. When moving the selector plate into safe, it mechanically engaged a lever that pulled the anti reversal latch away.

Sorry this is a very un-organized post. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
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Old May 15th, 2012, 19:52   #21
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Are there any proprietary parts that you can see?
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Old May 16th, 2012, 01:46   #22
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As far as i'm concerned.. no

Well, if you count the spring detensioner, unique gearbox, fake bolt release mechanism.
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Old May 16th, 2012, 14:44   #23
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That's good to hear. Sounds like a great starter M4.
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Old September 2nd, 2015, 21:25   #24
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Originally Posted by captainafternoon View Post
Okay, so i tore the gun down today. Takes down like a normal front wire M4.
The only issue i had was removing the buffer tube. You need a very thin screwdriver to go into the small hole in the rear of the tube. There is no cap since it is a WE GBB buffer tube.

The internals were very nice, no sloppy excess grease. The bevel gear was interesting, There were a lot more anti reversal teeth then other brands i've seen. Both ends of the axle were hollowed out.

Compression was amazing, Shimming was neat. The cylinder head had softer than usual rubber on the impact side.

The bolt catch mechanism did not get in the way at all while reinstalling.

The spring detensioner was very simple. When moving the selector plate into safe, it mechanically engaged a lever that pulled the anti reversal latch away.

Sorry this is a very un-organized post. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
I don't mean to revive an ancient thread but, i'm a little worried that i might have fucked myself....
i just bought one of these we m4 aeg (more specifically the WE M4A1 RIS aeg with rear-wiring, a "high torque motor" and shop-installed deans connectors) last week as my first airsoft gun (i'm a grade A noob) and according to the staff there, its a better entry level & noob-friendly gun than the gun i THOUGHT i was gonna buy (an APEX R5 Battlemod m10) just for the reason that it's pretty solid all around and that its easy for a noob like me to access the internals and take care of it themselves with just a little tech know-how (which i have).

EXCEPT the day i bought it, the only batteries they had left in stock were 11.1 Lipo batteries. So the staff member that was serving me offered me the only option they had at the time but also warned me that it would increase wear on the internals and such. However, having a little tech know-how myself, i said it'd build and install my own mosfet to protect the trigger. In that case, he said that it should run alright in my gun (without upgrade) so long as i don't go Rambo in Full-Auto and stick to semi as much as possible.

After watching some youtube vids the other day, i saw just how much damage a 11.1 could do to an improperly upgraded aeg...
Did i royally fuck up in actually buying that battery? Would you say that the internals are tough enough to run a 11.1 in the above mentioned manner or should i expect have my gearbox explode on me within the next weed and a half....? i have't fired it much at all actually as i had to take it in to the shop for a completely unrelated repair last weekend. when i go back i'm thinking of trying to return my (basically unused) battery and start looking for a lower powered one online somewhere.... Or am i worrying to much/overreacting...???

Thank You!!

Last edited by Tyranidalex; September 2nd, 2015 at 21:28.. Reason: more detailed info on the gun model
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Old September 3rd, 2015, 20:48   #25
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As long as you don't go crazy with it, it'll hold

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Old September 9th, 2015, 22:33   #26
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Over reacting.

Firstly, the WE AEGs of this original thread have nothing to do with your purchased gun.
Different design, different standards, different time.

Second, if you install a basic MOSFET, it will prevent any damage you will cause to the gun. Running a faster gun will accelerate the wear, meaning that you will go through a given amount of rounds faster. That's all the higher voltage will do. Semi or FA does the same once you install a FET.

As for "improperly" upgraded AEG, I ran 11.1v in a stock TM with some guarder metal bushings, home-made FET and M100 spring (350fps). Sold the gun after 3 years, and the next guy kept using the same 11.1v battery for an other year. That was as far from an upgraded gun as you can get. And no, TMs are not made for that, or better for that, in fact TM guns are designed to self-destruct when used over 300fps (Japan gun ban laws).

The newer WEs have a reinforced POM piston, silent-style head and cylinder head, CNC steel gears, high-torque neodyme motor, thick 16ga wires and heavy trigger contacts, with no electrical safety (one extra weak spot). Plus 6.04 tightbore and a decent hop-up rubber and chamber, but that's irrelevant to the battery.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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