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Incident at SC Village


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Old January 27th, 2016, 11:45   #76
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6 out of 8 guys on my team has KC02's and 5 have moved to HPA on them. Only for the consistency that HPA gives them. They are semi only, and that is the way we play anyways.

HPA's are not the only guns with stupid ROF. There are many AEG builds that I have read about and seen that should not exist.

All the Manitoba field owners have been in a discussion over the last year on ROF limits, as well as moving to joules rather than FPS for chrono.

It's really simple. doesn't matter what gun you are running, be a dick, go home. Done.
Nothing says loving, like a head shot!
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Old January 27th, 2016, 11:46   #77
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post

I think Niagra Quarter Master has already banned HPA systems? .. or at least some kind of limit, unsure since they sell tippman m4's now.
I have absolute love for the tippman m4 because it is literally a scaled down version of the tippman 98 internals, it is rugged as hell but also even if you put it on full auto will not have a retarded rate of fire
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Old January 27th, 2016, 11:48   #78
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Grudge View Post
6 out of 8 guys on my team has KC02's and 5 have moved to HPA on them. Only for the consistency that HPA gives them. They are semi only, and that is the way we play anyways.

HPA's are not the only guns with stupid ROF. There are many AEG builds that I have read about and seen that should not exist.

All the Manitoba field owners have been in a discussion over the last year on ROF limits, as well as moving to joules rather than FPS for chrono.

It's really simple. doesn't matter what gun you are running, be a dick, go home. Done.
I totally agree though i still think if your running anything other than a support class gun you should be running semi only
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Old January 27th, 2016, 11:56   #79
a.k.a. Greedy
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Instead of banning HPA systems, they should introduce an ROF limit. With the high ROF builds possible today, and people exploiting joule creep, it seems current method of vetting guns for play has fallen behind the times.

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Old January 27th, 2016, 13:40   #80
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Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
Instead of banning HPA systems, they should introduce an ROF limit. With the high ROF builds possible today, and people exploiting joule creep, it seems current methods of vetting guns for play has fallen behind the times.
I agree it's not the platform's capabilities that is at fault. ROF limits are hard to do though... I'd much rather it be semi-only unless it's an LMG as others have stated. Of course, if you're like Pestobanana and his trigger finger+guns... It doesn't matter if it's in semi or not... The ROF is still gonna be through the roof :P
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Old January 27th, 2016, 15:24   #81
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Full-auto has its place, but like high FPS, or really anything else, it requires responsible use.

This whole incident has nothing to do with any of that though, this was strictly a decision made by an individual, the method or tools of the incident are irrelevant. laying charges is the responsibility of the kids family, however, it can be reported and the video turned over by anyone I suppose. The community banned the player(s), which was the right move, so I really don't see the issue. It was a jackass move and completely uncalled for. As for the whole "kids will be kids", that's a fine mentality, but only from a time where people were allowed to actually deal with problems and discipline other people's kids, but alas, no longer. The days of having everyone on the field shoot the hell outta the perpetrator, snapping his gun over your knee and then dropping him off to his parents, who'd whoop his ass and ground him for a month are over. As long as there's tolerance and no justice, shit will continue to slide south. I'll bet his parents try to sue the field for banning him, which was a trigger for his depression, and then try to sue everyone who posted or commented on YouTube and then give their kid his own airsoft field with the proceeds, guaranteeing he ends up being an entitled, maladjusted little shit-punk for the rest of his life. Yay!

As for the on-field FPS, RPS, joule-creep, temperature-swing, etc, I've been advocating for stronger rules and better testing methodology to keep everyone honest. As for HPA units, they aren't the bad guy, but controls should be in place.
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Old January 27th, 2016, 16:33   #82
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ROF Limits, FPS Limits, BLAH BLAH.

Real cap mags and ammo limited events solves all problems. Everyone shoots less.
Everyone has more fun.

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Old January 27th, 2016, 16:40   #83
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Originally Posted by ShelledPants View Post
ROF Limits, FPS Limits, BLAH BLAH.

Real cap mags and ammo limited events solves all problems. Everyone shoots less.
Everyone has more fun.

real cap ftw.
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Old January 27th, 2016, 16:59   #84
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I mean, yes, 50 rounds a second is fucking insane, and it goes up from there nowadays.

But auto is auto. If a guy dumps 150 rounds in 3 seconds, or 10... its still shitty to have happen.

The obvious issue with the guy at SC and the other RIP Kid videos is that these guys are fucking HOSING people without regards to hit calls or even in game players...

I train, and teach, people to shoot until hit call... and maybe a little more to make sure... but the posted videos are just guys who like to hurt others.

There is certainly a line to cross.

Therefore taking their ammo pool away is the simplest and most game efficient way to process them.

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Old January 27th, 2016, 19:14   #85
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So we all going to full-auto Friday next week at seige?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

*Busy signing for his packages*
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Old January 27th, 2016, 19:29   #86
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Real caps ONLY solve the hose/ROF limits, not the velocity and joule creep problems.
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Last edited by Ricochet; January 27th, 2016 at 19:35..
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Old January 27th, 2016, 19:46   #87
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Real caps ONLY solve the hose/ROF limits, not the velocity and joule creep problems.
typically people playing with real cap loadouts / GBBR are not someone whose FPS/ ROF are an issue - at least in the circle of players I play with / against

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Old January 27th, 2016, 20:27   #88
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Originally Posted by hollywood... View Post
typically people playing with real cap loadouts / GBBR are not someone whose FPS/ ROF are an issue - at least in the circle of players I play with / against

do not take a shot you would not want to receive goes a long way
Yes, it's nice to play with close knit groups, but not everyone has that luxury. No matter how you shake this the issue is people, period. Rules and sportsmanship are all well and good, but cheaters will cheat and jackasses will jackass. I think an absolutely intolerant approach to people like this is the key. Typically though, it's fields that are businesses where most players have no responsibility to one another where these issues arise, and although not all, many do not take a hardcore approach to certain issues so they don't scare away business.

To be fair the entire of Canada only has the population of California, so more people density, more problems. Also we've had some real winners in our communities as well. I won't mention any names, but there have been adult players who've intentionally overshot people who were already put, made threats of physical violence, ganged up on people, intentionally upped FPS after chrono, etc, etc, etc. So does this incident suck? Yes it does, but it is nowhere near the worst thing I've seen, even in Canada.
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Old January 27th, 2016, 21:04   #89
a.k.a. Greedy
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I think semi only is the way to go for indoors facilities (LMG's not permissible if they can't function on semi), I don't see why you'd want to restrict outdoor to semi only. Wouldn't be hard to check for ROF, people have to crono anyway. It can be changed on field, but so can FPS ammo caps and fire selectors.

If the question is honour and respect, we're most likely talking about people who wouldn't follow mag or ammo caps. Real caps can be fun and have their niche, TTAC is an excellent example. But I think you'd be hard pressed to sell real caps to even 1/4 of players out there. The shortcomings of BB's become very evident outdoors, and real caps become very limiting to gameplay.

I think we're all in agreement, we shouldn't demonize HPA systems just the asshats who abuse their capabilities. It's harder to justify a 10 second trigger pull than a 3 second pull, ROF limits would be a good way to limit some of the overshooting we saw in the links Delta posted, and address the growing complaints about HPA systems.
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Old January 27th, 2016, 22:58   #90
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Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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