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Old July 20th, 2015, 11:58   #61
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Ottawa/Gatineau NCR
My duty weapon is a Sig 226 R-DAK. Since getting it, I am considering giving up my 2 glocks to get a SOLID 226 - I am torn however between TM and KJW. They seem to be @ the top of the list to get the closest to what I use. Obviously neither one will have the double action capability but it would be nice to have something that feels familiar at all times even when playing on the field or re-certifying on the real steel.
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Old July 20th, 2015, 12:18   #62
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Originally Posted by spddmn View Post
My duty weapon is a Sig 226 R-DAK. Since getting it, I am considering giving up my 2 glocks to get a SOLID 226 - I am torn however between TM and KJW. They seem to be @ the top of the list to get the closest to what I use. Obviously neither one will have the double action capability but it would be nice to have something that feels familiar at all times even when playing on the field or re-certifying on the real steel.
Neither will have the same exact trigger feel as reel steel, however both are double action. From what I see & hear, the TM has an impeccable reputation. The KJW is a great as a TM clone and pretty much 100% parts compatible. The KJW is also less expensive and easier to find.

I'm sure others here can fill in more specifics differences between the two.

I personally run a heavily upgraded KJW P226R but I use TM P226 mags exclusively. They are the bomb! In a year & a half of use I've had no leakage issues whatsoever with minimal maintenance required. They're more expensive and sometimes hard to find in stock but they're worth it!

In terms of size I understand the TM/KJWs are fairly close to 1:1 but are a few millimeters wider in the slide. Having said this, mine fits my Blackhawk Serpa (RS Sportster model) just fine.

I'll leave it to someone else to jive in on the KSC/KWA M226 PTP. The only thing I know about it is that it supposedly true 1:1 scale and designed for training purposes.
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Last edited by ShadowTwoSix; July 20th, 2015 at 12:22..
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Old July 20th, 2015, 14:31   #63
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Ottawa/Gatineau NCR
Thanks Shadow - I really appreciate your input - I would prefer the 226 R simply because I am hoping it will fit in my safariland Stage 3 holster. If so I can buy it through work at a reduced cost and get one for airsoft. I love the safety features on it, and the retention is amazing on it. I just have to find a local store so I can actually handle it so I can see for myself the difference. It's clear it won't be like real steel since my trigger pull varies by almost 2lbs from the 1st to the 2nd trigger pull. The hunt continues
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Old July 21st, 2015, 10:48   #64
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For your purposes, I'd get the KJW.

The TM won't feel right in both weight and blowback with the plastic slide (even though yes, I know it is good plastic) unless you have the money for an aftermarket aluminum slide.

If you get the KJW, buy a spare knocker valve ($15) because a lot of KJW Sigs have their stock ones blow up real fast. Don't let that turn you off though, because it's a quick and cheap fix and they work well after the replacement.

As for KWA... Never liked them very much. They shoot well out of the box, but are proprietary and the hopup rubbers they come with are really soft, so if you get even a little bit of silicon on them, they'll swell and rip.

Also, some real steel grips will do wonders on a Sig (or any airsoft sidearm).
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Old July 21st, 2015, 11:21   #65
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Ottawa/Gatineau NCR
Noted - Thanks for the breakdown - My only problem with real steel grips on the Sig is the Sig generally has a 1 piece lower and don't have exchangeable grips - I was considering however putting Hogue grips on there because I love the feel. Unfortunately due to the nature of my duty pistol, I am not permitted to make any modifications what so ever.
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Old August 7th, 2015, 12:08   #66
Join Date: Jun 2015
O.P.P.currently use the 229 but will be switching in the not so near future to the glock.
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Old February 12th, 2016, 15:46   #67
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Location: Ontario
I've asked an officer what his standard issue was, he said Sig. I dunno if they are aloud to carry their own of choice or not. This is South Ontario
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Old June 27th, 2018, 04:06   #68
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Fort Smith NT
Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
Didn't know Burnaby RCMP were carrying glocks; I know for certain they carry the S&W 5906 as that distinctive silver frame & black grip is hard to miss.

New West is municipal so I'm not surprised.

CBSA should have the PX4 storm and not the M&P, though they look somewhat similar holstered I guess.
The RCMP issue the S&W 5946 the DAO version of the 5906.

Last edited by fortsmithman; June 27th, 2018 at 04:08..
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