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Bizarre problem with FPS with my Dan Wesson 6" revolver.


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Old March 20th, 2016, 21:07   #1
The Legacy
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Bizarre problem with FPS with my Dan Wesson 6" revolver.

Hi there!

I've recently been doing some tool-less upgrades to a friend of mine's revolvers, as well as my own, due to their screaming out-of-box 450FPS velocity. Of course, these are not game-able in their current state. Mine is a 6" Dan Wesson, while his are shorter-barrel versions of the same gun.

I came up with a clever solution, that involved replacing the spring block, with a smaller block made of half of a cable TV end (the cable TV end has the guide pin go through the middle, while the outside holds the spring), which dramatically reduced the FPS to as low as a literal lob (ie. BB landing at 10 feet in a very visible arc), or even so loose as for the hammer to not lock in place. Where the cleverness comes in, is that I installed a re-shaped nut into the space between the spring section, and the outside, and put a screw in, with the head facing inward, which means that, by gently using a pair of plyers, I can adjust the FPS, meaning I can adjust it, depending on the game's requirements, or the weather.

So far, it's worked wonderfully in one case (the second one is pending). I currently have it set at 250FPS double-action, and translates to 350FPS when using the hammer. But, in the case of my Dan Wesson 6", for some really bizarre reason, regardless of what FPS I have the gun set at, when using the hammer, it fires at 450FPS, and doesn't change at all. I can literally be lobbing BB's at like 50FPS using double action, but will go through multiple sheets of cardboard using the hammer.

I'm not exactly sure what would cause this behaviour. What am I missing? Or what is special about this revolver, that this trick won't work like the others?

On a related note, should I be gluing a small washer or spacer around the valve, so that the hammer can only press it so far, and for so long?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Added pictures below, 3rd post.

Last edited by The Legacy; March 20th, 2016 at 22:05..
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Old March 20th, 2016, 21:48   #2
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Hah, looks like we independently came up with the same adjustable power modification. That little shelf under the spring block is just the perfect place to put a nut and screw for power adjustment: only differences are that I have the screw head facing outward so I can adjust it with a screwdriver, and also I just cut a chunk out of the midsection of the spring block and JB welded the two ends back together rather than cobbling a replacement together.
As for the power problem on single action, is there anything inside the whole hammer-strut assembly that the hammer spring can catch on? In single action the hammer goes back farther, I figure the spring might catch a protruding edge and compress against the edge rather than the top of the spring block.
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Old March 20th, 2016, 21:55   #3
The Legacy
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To help explain what I did, I took some pictures to help understand what I did to modify the guns. I will note that the modification works perfectly in one of the guns, and both guns have identical installations, so I suspect that it's not specific to the modification itself.

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Old March 20th, 2016, 22:01   #4
The Legacy
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Originally Posted by Bellerophon View Post
Hah, looks like we independently came up with the same adjustable power modification. That little shelf under the spring block is just the perfect place to put a nut and screw for power adjustment: only differences are that I have the screw head facing outward so I can adjust it with a screwdriver, and also I just cut a chunk out of the midsection of the spring block and JB welded the two ends back together rather than cobbling a replacement together.
That's awesome. I did it backward, as I didn't have anything on hand to 'cap off' the other end, so that the block had something to push on. The side benefit of my method is that you can't accidentally unscrew it to the point where it falls off. The obvious downside of course, is ease of manipulation.

As for the power problem on single action, is there anything inside the whole hammer-strut assembly that the hammer spring can catch on? In single action the hammer goes back farther, I figure the spring might catch a protruding edge and compress against the edge rather than the top of the spring block.
I don't think there is...and I've taken it apart a few times since then, so if it was a one-off problem, I believe it would have solved it.
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Old March 20th, 2016, 22:09   #5
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Hm. At this point I'd try dry firing it with the grips off just to see if there's any obvious differences between single and double action that might be caused by the modification.
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Old April 8th, 2016, 14:29   #6
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Hi again! I wanted to let you know that I'm still working on it, though I ran into an unrelated problem of my own doing during troubleshooting, which I'll hopefully be able to fix. :P

One question for both my gun and a friend of mine's: Where can you buy spare parts for WinGun products (such as Dan Wesson)? I've searched the internet thoroughly, and I haven't found anything yet. Specifically, I need a replacement hammer (my friend's gun; he dropped it last game), and a trigger assembly, if I'm unable to repair mine.
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Old April 13th, 2016, 20:46   #7
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Originally Posted by Zeroroaster View Post
You might want to try Buyairsoft for spare parts. Your 6" Wesson is the same gun as the Skeleton Sidearms unit. Even if it's not on the website, ask anyways. Sometimes they have it in the boneyard.
Perfect, thanks! They do indeed have the parts! However, I was able to fix the one part, so the only part left I need is the hammer. The trigger assembly I was able to repair, thankfully. Means I can finally resume troubleshooting this Wesson!

Not sure what's causing the problem on your revolver but something is letting that hammer go full stroke and full duration on the gas valve. Single action is slightly higher on mine than double action but they both drop proportionately when I adjust the trigger spring block.
Yeah, that's why I'm so puzzled. I did this fix to another revolver (I'm doing this mod to two of my friend's revolvers), and the one I converted, follows that logic perfectly (350FPS with hammer, 250FPS without, based on the desired setting I wanted). But this one...I've had it turned down so low that it was literally lobbing BB's about 1-2 meters, yet it was still shooting at 450FPS with the hammer. Yet, when I loosen it even further, it will no longer fire (due to lack of tension), and neither will the hammer.

It's truly puzzling.

Originally Posted by Bellerophon View Post
Hm. At this point I'd try dry firing it with the grips off just to see if there's any obvious differences between single and double action that might be caused by the modification.
I checked...nothing my modification did should affect the hammer/non-hammer firing methods.

Last edited by The Legacy; April 13th, 2016 at 20:49..
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Old April 14th, 2016, 21:24   #8
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Maybe? But if it sticks, wouldn't the FPS be different, or wouldn't it empty the Co2? I'll see about lubricating it.
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