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A Sight for someone that has Strabismus


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Old April 4th, 2016, 18:45   #1
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Unhappy A Sight for someone that has Strabismus

Hi guys, i recently started airsoft and so i bought a G&G cm16 Raider-L with a Holographic sight from eotech. The problem is that : Whenever i look into my eotech sight, The dot/crosshair isn't in the window, it's out of it! I wear glasses since i'm born because i have strabismus, which means that : When you guys look into a sight, both of your eyes visions crosses so that it makes 1 and only vision. But for me, it's like having 2 visions so it dupplicates the dot.

I did a quick photoshop montage to kind of explain how I see the sight
Link :

So basically, even tho i asked one of my friend to zero my sight, for me it's useless because i don't see it in the window! So if there's anyone out there that knows a little about strabismus or eye problems in general, feel free to help me because what i have is really rare and i didn't found anyone that has the same problem as me. If you think that there would be a solution to that, or a type of sight that i could buy, let me know because i really love airsofting.. But not being able to use a sight is... Making me sad honestly..

Also, sorry if this is really unclear, i tried to explain it the best as i could... And also.. I'm french so it makes it even harder..
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Old April 4th, 2016, 19:41   #2
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Originally Posted by Mashmalow View Post
Hi guys, i recently started airsoft and so i bought a G&G cm16 Raider-L with a Holographic sight from eotech. The problem is that : Whenever i look into my eotech sight, The dot/crosshair isn't in the window, it's out of it! I wear glasses since i'm born because i have strabismus, which means that : When you guys look into a sight, both of your eyes visions crosses so that it makes 1 and only vision. But for me, it's like having 2 visions so it dupplicates the dot.

I did a quick photoshop montage to kind of explain how I see the sight
Link :

So basically, even tho i asked one of my friend to zero my sight, for me it's useless because i don't see it in the window! So if there's anyone out there that knows a little about strabismus or eye problems in general, feel free to help me because what i have is really rare and i didn't found anyone that has the same problem as me. If you think that there would be a solution to that, or a type of sight that i could buy, let me know because i really love airsofting.. But not being able to use a sight is... Making me sad honestly..

Also, sorry if this is really unclear, i tried to explain it the best as i could... And also.. I'm french so it makes it even harder..
If you're going to be doing CQB with a red dot, it won't be very important. You should be able to nail things with iron sights within 100 yards anyway.

I hate to recommend this, but have you thought about sniping? It's highly not recommended but you usually don't need both eyes for sniping in cases where you're just looking out the one scope with the one eye.

There are physical limitations that restrict candidates from enlisting in armed services in cases such as these where there are occupational hazards that present themselves to yourself or yourself to others in some cases. I would highly advise against using this sight and switch back to iron sights.

Stupid question: can you still aim properly/hit things using the "aimpoint" out side of the window? :P
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Old April 4th, 2016, 19:59   #3
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1 eye closed? Or slightly squinted? I'm right handed but left eye dominant. I have to squint a little on the left eye for both eye opened shooting with red dots. I can also shoot low magnification like that, up to about 4x.
Good luck!.
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Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old April 4th, 2016, 20:05   #4
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Si tu fermes un œil, est-ce que tu vois le dot Ã* la bonne place? C'est pas la fin du monde tirer avec juste 1 œil, ya plein de monde qui le font.
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Old April 4th, 2016, 20:14   #5
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
If you're going to be doing CQB with a red dot, it won't be very important. You should be able to nail things with iron sights within 100 yards anyway.

I hate to recommend this, but have you thought about sniping? It's highly not recommended but you usually don't need both eyes for sniping in cases where you're just looking out the one scope with the one eye.

There are physical limitations that restrict candidates from enlisting in armed services in cases such as these where there are occupational hazards that present themselves to yourself or yourself to others in some cases. I would highly advise against using this sight and switch back to iron sights.

Stupid question: can you still aim properly/hit things using the "aimpoint" out side of the window? :P
Yes i thought about sniping but, spending another 300$-400$ to buy another gun kind of scares me .-. And i also don't have money right now soo...

And Nope, i tried to aim with the dot outside of the window but it's clearly not accurate and doesn't work :/

Last edited by Mashmalow; April 4th, 2016 at 20:34..
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Old April 4th, 2016, 20:15   #6
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Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
1 eye closed? Or slightly squinted? I'm right handed but left eye dominant. I have to squint a little on the left eye for both eye opened shooting with red dots. I can also shoot low magnification like that, up to about 4x.
Good luck!.
I'll try with one eye closed, I hope it works because i really wanna use my sight^^ thanks for the advice!
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Old April 4th, 2016, 20:17   #7
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
Si tu fermes un Å“il, est-ce que tu vois le dot Ã* la bonne place? C'est pas la fin du monde tirer avec juste 1 Å“il, ya plein de monde qui le font.
Je vient d'essayer et oui je voit le dot a la bonne place. Mais j'ai entendue dire que les viseur holo doivent être utilisé avec les 2yeux ouverts, c'est tu grave?
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Old April 4th, 2016, 20:20   #8
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
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One eye closed should do the trick. If you dislike looking through the sight because of how much it darkens the image, try using a reflex sight instead of an Eotech replica.

Other options include:
-Learning to shoot by looking down the length of the barrel, which is highly recommended for CQB anyways.
-Using eye-safe lasers if your field allows it
-Using an actual scope
-Using a pistol instead of a rifle (in CQB)

Or, a funny, yet interesting thought: Get 2 sights next to each other and aim through them both

Last edited by Handsonic; April 4th, 2016 at 20:24..
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Old April 4th, 2016, 20:32   #9
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Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post
One eye closed should do the trick. If you dislike looking through the sight because of how much it darkens the image, try using a reflex sight instead of an Eotech replica.

Other options include:
-Learning to shoot by looking down the length of the barrel, which is highly recommended for CQB anyways.
-Using eye-safe lasers if your field allows it
-Using an actual scope
-Using a pistol instead of a rifle (in CQB)

Or, a funny, yet interesting thought: Get 2 sights next to each other and aim through them both
Thank you for your reply! I just bought a laser and it works pretty good, but i wanted a sight anyway ^^ But what do you mean by an actual scope? Could you send me a link ? (If possible)

Right now at my local field we play cqb because of the weather, but soon we're going to play outdoor, so a pistol would be kind of useless ^^

And yes, that's a funny thought xD I wonder if it would work haha!
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Old April 4th, 2016, 20:53   #10
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Originally Posted by Mashmalow View Post
Je vient d'essayer et oui je voit le dot a la bonne place. Mais j'ai entendue dire que les viseur holo doivent être utilisé avec les 2yeux ouverts, c'est tu grave?
C'est vrai pour les viseur du fer et aussi les viseur holo parce que un Å“il est pour regarder le viseur et l'autre pour regarder l'objet on veut frapper.

Excuse my french I am not fluent...
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Old April 4th, 2016, 20:53   #11
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Originally Posted by Mashmalow View Post
Je vient d'essayer et oui je voit le dot a la bonne place. Mais j'ai entendue dire que les viseur holo doivent être utilisé avec les 2yeux ouverts, c'est tu grave?
Oui, ils sont fait pour te permettre d'utiliser tes deux yeux, ce qui est difficile avec la majorité des iron sights. Avoir les deux yeux ouverts t'évite d'avoir une vision "tunnel", ça te permet de voir mieux ton entourage. Mais ça change rien Ã* la précision de tes tirs.
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Old April 4th, 2016, 20:59   #12
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Alright thanks guys! I have a game this week end so i'll test out if it works well ^^ Thanks again everyone!
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Old April 4th, 2016, 21:56   #13
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
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A scope is like a sight but has magnification and usually looks something like this:

You have to close one eye to aim down a scope, and there is no laser being projected on the glass like with red dot sights (most of the time).

Last edited by Handsonic; April 4th, 2016 at 22:12..
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Old April 4th, 2016, 22:14   #14
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Not always Handsonic. I run a scope (Bushnell 1-4x) and I can use it with both eyes open at any of those magnifications. Obviously, it's not as effective as a short dot scope (those are awesome by the way, need to save up for one) or a red dot sight, but you can still run them with 2 eyes open (it does take some getting used to though).

Mashmalow: That's a pretty interesting condition! My advice would depend on the environment you like to play in or are likely to be playing in. If it's a nice big forest/woodland/open outdoor field, aim with one eye down a scope or a magnifier paired with a red dot and it should work. CQB is a little more difficult; I would just get iron sights and aim down the barrel (or add a flashlight and just watch where your BBs go).

Side question out of curiousity, how would aiming a pistol work for you? Would you see 2 images of the rear and front sights?
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Old April 4th, 2016, 22:21   #15
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
Not always Handsonic. I run a scope (Bushnell 1-4x) and I can use it with both eyes open at any of those magnifications. Obviously, it's not as effective as a short dot scope (those are awesome by the way, need to save up for one) or a red dot sight, but you can still run them with 2 eyes open (it does take some getting used to though).

Mashmalow: That's a pretty interesting condition! My advice would depend on the environment you like to play in or are likely to be playing in. If it's a nice big forest/woodland/open outdoor field, aim with one eye down a scope or a magnifier paired with a red dot and it should work. CQB is a little more difficult; I would just get iron sights and aim down the barrel (or add a flashlight and just watch where your BBs go).

Side question out of curiousity, how would aiming a pistol work for you? Would you see 2 images of the rear and front sights?
The field where i play outdoor is a huge forest, so having a magnifier could really help me i think. I'll try to find one not too expensive, so if you have one that isn't really expensive, give me a link ^^

As for cqb, that's what i used to do, i bought a cheap flashlight so i could watch where my bbs where going, but now i got a laser so it's gonna be much better ^~^

And about your question, i can aim totally fine with a pistol since it's far away enough from my eyes
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