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Airsoft while living on college residence?



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Old June 27th, 2016, 05:37   #16
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"If you find yourself sitting in your obsessing over airsoft you are doing College wrong. " this is very just getting back into airsoft now and Im 28....last time i was playing fantasy combat was in high school
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Old June 27th, 2016, 09:33   #17
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How much stuff do you have to begin with? I am able to pack all my gear in a small backpack and fit 2-3 guns in my gun case. If you can do that, it may worth taking the risk and keeping them in your dorm.

If you ever decide to do this, decorate your gun case with artsy logos or things that go in long carrying cases EXCEPT gun related stuff.

All in all, I think it is better for you go in without your stuff in the first month and assess the dorm. once you are comfortable then move your stuff in.
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Old June 28th, 2016, 20:44   #18
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Originally Posted by devbro View Post
How much stuff do you have to begin with? I am able to pack all my gear in a small backpack and fit 2-3 guns in my gun case. If you can do that, it may worth taking the risk and keeping them in your dorm.

If you ever decide to do this, decorate your gun case with artsy logos or things that go in long carrying cases EXCEPT gun related stuff.

All in all, I think it is better for you go in without your stuff in the first month and assess the dorm. once you are comfortable then move your stuff in.
Well I won't be bringing everything.. I have a few BDUs, two sets of kit, batteries/magazines everywhere, giant box of various weights of BBs, a dozen large style ziplock bags of tech parts for AEG/GBB, a milk crate of various small gear, a pile of various big gear, a plastic meme-shot shotgun, pistol, and three rifles..

I'll more than likely bring bbs/batteries, tech parts, two rifles (sell the rest), a BDU, a set of kit. Leave it there.

Still torn on whether to leave it or to take it, I'll be 8 hours from home so we'll see.
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Old June 28th, 2016, 20:49   #19
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Originally Posted by Theesire View Post
Well I won't be bringing everything.. I have a few BDUs, two sets of kit, batteries/magazines everywhere, giant box of various weights of BBs, a dozen large style ziplock bags of tech parts for AEG/GBB, a milk crate of various small gear, a pile of various big gear, a plastic meme-shot shotgun, pistol, and three rifles..

I'll more than likely bring bbs/batteries, tech parts, two rifles (sell the rest), a BDU, a set of kit. Leave it there.

Still torn on whether to leave it or to take it, I'll be 8 hours from home so we'll see.
I'd bring and store all of my gear and parts and equipment, etc in my dorm room. Pretty much everything except the guns themselves. Try to find offsite storage or someone off campus to hold onto the guns for you. Maybe find some well established community members near the region you're going to be studying and see if they're willing to hold onto your guns for you.

I'm running the airsoft club at the University of Waterloo this term and that's what I tell all the members. Could you risk storing your guns in your dorm room? Sure, but it's certainly better not to. (I don't tell them this... It's against university policy so I tell them "No guns on campus PERIOD". That way if there's trouble, the club shouldn't be held liable and it's due to the individual member's actions although universities can be MOST unreasonable when it comes to stuff like our hobby and sport... Hopefully will never have to deal with something like that.)

Last edited by Datawraith; June 28th, 2016 at 20:53..
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Old June 28th, 2016, 21:18   #20
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
I'm running the airsoft club at the University of Waterloo this term and that's what I tell all the members. Could you risk storing your guns in your dorm room? Sure, but it's certainly better not to. (I don't tell them this... It's against university policy so I tell them "No guns on campus PERIOD". That way if there's trouble, the club shouldn't be held liable and it's due to the individual member's actions although universities can be MOST unreasonable when it comes to stuff like our hobby and sport... Hopefully will never have to deal with something like that.)
Airsoft club?.. Now there's an idea.. I've not looked to see if my college has one, I'll look in to it.
Someone else suggested just leaving my gun in my car, which I wouldn't fully mind but that post about the crossbow is shitty. I can only imagine the kinds of people who run and scream at anything that even resembles a gun, like the horror stories from some fellows from a particular weapons board
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Old June 28th, 2016, 21:22   #21
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Originally Posted by Theesire View Post
Airsoft club?.. Now there's an idea.. I've not looked to see if my college has one, I'll look in to it.
Someone else suggested just leaving my gun in my car, which I wouldn't fully mind but that post about the crossbow is shitty. I can only imagine the kinds of people who run and scream at anything that even resembles a gun, like the horror stories from some fellows from a particular weapons forum
If there isn't one, look into making one. I'm actually quite surprised at how many experienced players we managed to gather and how we're retaining a core group of members that were beginners but are gaining more experience.

I wouldn't advise keeping guns in a car... Heard way too many horror stories of people breaking into cars and stealing things, and I consider my rifles to be way too damned expensive to risk that.
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Old June 28th, 2016, 21:54   #22
Short Round
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I will ask again, which "Northern Ontario" college are you referring to?
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Old June 28th, 2016, 22:00   #23
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Originally Posted by Short Round View Post
I will ask again, which "Northern Ontario" college are you referring to?
Sorry friend, I'd rather keep it private to avoid any association between this account and my future college life. I'm sure everyone in this thread wouldn't go out of their way to report anything but it's a public forum which anyone can create an account on.
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Old June 29th, 2016, 11:37   #24
Short Round
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Originally Posted by Theesire View Post
Sorry friend, I'd rather keep it private to avoid any association between this account and my future college life. I'm sure everyone in this thread wouldn't go out of their way to report anything but it's a public forum which anyone can create an account on.
Well if you are that paranoid don't bring your airsoft stuff to college hahaha

Jager > Airsoft
Bagina or Benis > Airsoft
More Jager > Airsoft

^ That is the only thing you should be worrying about

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Old June 29th, 2016, 13:14   #25
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If you are that paranoid why did you post this in general and not the age restricted sections that only those who have gone through AV can see......

If you are that paranoid, leave your shit at home with mommy and daddy for safe keeping.

nuff said.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old June 29th, 2016, 20:25   #26
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Oh buoy anon wouldn't list his college how paranoid of him

Thanks for the help, lads, until this big load of shitposting at the end.
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Old June 29th, 2016, 23:58   #27
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Originally Posted by Theesire View Post
Oh buoy anon wouldn't list his college how paranoid of him

Thanks for the help, lads, until this big load of shitposting at the end.
LOL, my thoughts exactly....why do people need to know what school your attending to help address your (perfectly reasonable) question...? im guessing their advice for your situation will vary depending on which school your attending. I bet if you disclose your major, you'll really find some presumptuous members who will make blind judgements of your character when they have no idea who you are, take bloodsports comment for instance, i dont know much about either of you guys yet i get the impression that bloodsport thinks that your a spoiled rich kid who has a "mommy and daddy" who will look after yours guns while they pay your tuition... College often involve many adult themes, however, so maybe this bloodsport has a valid point and this should be an Adult thread...oh wait he's just being rude

ANYWAYS, if you are only 8 hours from home i would bring two of your more discrete guns, play some one-on-one tag with one of your more trusting newlyfound-friends at a responsible location, never let the guns be made visible on campus or even away from that responsible location, then if you feel that general interest is growing faster than negative concerns maybe ask those interested in it about starting or joining a club...I never would have even thought of getting a club going at VIU. I left all mine at home "with mommy & daddy" (then they divorced after 25 yrs and through em out or sold them with the house or something horrible). Still, i wouldnt have had them with me until i was living off campus...Then again, im pretty sure that i was the only black man living on my campus, besides these two Nigerian exchange students.. so i had enough other unwanted character judgments bestowed upon me while living on campus...Unfortunately i left airsoft alone for a few years, but i did do some paintballing with some of the guys from the Hist department...Nevertheless 18-24 were the best years of my life, and i hope you enjoy Uni as much as i did!
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Old June 30th, 2016, 00:21   #28
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Originally Posted by mikebarkski View Post

ANYWAYS, if you are only 8 hours from home i would bring two of your more discrete guns, play some one-on-one tag with one of your more trusting newlyfound-friends at a responsible location
I may be very new to the sport and not be at all knowledgeable, but this sounds like the last thing you'd want to do.

Something tells me that passerby's seeing two kids slinging guns at each other might be a bit counterproductive if you're trying to be discrete about things.

That being said, my university also has(had?) an airsoft club so chances are you'd be able to eventually get enough interest for it if you talk to people.
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Old June 30th, 2016, 01:49   #29
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Originally Posted by Naien View Post
but this sounds like the last thing you'd want to do.

Something tells me that passerby's seeing two kids slinging guns at each other might be a bit counterproductive if you're trying to be discrete about things.
i think you mistook comment...if there are other people "passing by" at your spot then you failed at finding "responsible location"

Im starting to think that if i were to ever move back to a city i would just have to drop this hobby...kinda like 4x4ing, you just cant do it in the city. Its fairly cheap hobby (and way more fun) if you dont take it so seriously
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Old June 30th, 2016, 11:01   #30
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Bloodsport's comments were not aimed a being rude, just direct. People on here don't typically hide information such as where they are going to school, because not only could someone find out, but maybe they also went there and can give insight or learn something about the school. You certainly don't have to share that info, but this community is reasonably small. That being said, you're asking for our blessing to either avoid or get around the rules when the only ones you should be asking is your school itself. Blood's comment was "if you're so worried about it, then leave it at home". There's no assumption of your lifestyle, nor a judgement on not sharing your school's name.

Your schools rules are what they are, you either decide to follow them or not of your own volition. Every time something negative happens that's airsoft related it throws us all into negative light.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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