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Full Auto and Milsim


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Old December 27th, 2016, 20:41   #1
kaotiskt's Avatar
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Full Auto and Milsim

I have been to two Milsims so far in my airsoft career, and both have had rules of only MG's are allowed full auto, typically Assault Rifles, Handguns and obviously Sniper Rifles are single shot.

So my question is this, are typically full auto handguns (aka the 93R or similar) and small SMG's (like an Uzi/MP7) style guns allowed in Milsims with full auto? Depends on the Milsim?

I just got a a full auto PT99 and I don't recall ever reading that these are not allowed in full auto?
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Old December 27th, 2016, 20:57   #2
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No full auto means no full auto, with the expceptions of faithful replicas of real world LMGs. Period. The rule would be completely redundant otherwise. All airsoft guns have the same potential for range and accuracy, even pistols, both thundercactuses and mine M&P 9s are reaching 230ft (it takes them a while to get there but they get there), the rule is there to give an advantage and add utility to LMGs, allowing people to do the same thing with pistols, obviously with a great less amount of ammunition just takes away from that. Certain game scenarios and hosts may permit you too do so, but that is the reason why most milsims have that rule. Most people playing milsims would shoot semi auto without being told to anyway.
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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Old December 27th, 2016, 20:59   #3
Red Dot
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Totally depends on the ruleset. Some games force everything other then MGs to semi and others allow FA but not in buildings, etc, etc. Typically I've found that if there are no ammo loadout restrictions most guns are required to stay in semi while realcap games allow more flexibility.
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Old December 27th, 2016, 21:25   #4
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Cool, thanks very much for the replies.. was really just one of those moments of thought. I like the idea of semi only, but was just curious. I'll save the full auto for my home field than
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Old December 28th, 2016, 21:01   #5
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Entirely depends on the specific game and the person who's running it. Doesn't make any sense to ask here in general.

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Old December 28th, 2016, 22:57   #6
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Hey, we "call" our 2-3 day WW2 events as full immersion, not milsim, which is basically the same thing but we also reenact WW2. Sometimes rules dictate that if you are hit and not recovered by your own you could be out for several hours. I've seen guys go back for an hour or so only because they wasted all their bbs and than got shot running empty looking for resuply. I've been there myself. Use FA or semi, everyone is limited to certain amount of ammo (not much for airsoft I have to tell you). You chose to go FA on that StG and spend it all during first engagement spraying, oh well. Your personal problem and your squads problem because they now have to feed a mate who just went through all their ammo. You can't reload unless you pull back or someone will bring it to you.
Some of milsim modern airsoft events ran by certain people in Ontario stipulate that once you hit and not recovered you can pack up and go home or sit at the parking lot and drink beer for the next 36 hours. So yea, you get my drift. You got certain amount of ammo for primary or secondary. Use it as you please. Once you run out - there is no more, unless you take it from someone else or your team hits a score. That's my personal opinion on a term milsim.

Last edited by 666; December 28th, 2016 at 23:02..
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Old December 28th, 2016, 22:59   #7
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Gives LMGs more of an advantage in a way.
Only difference between an AEG and an LMG is the box mag. So being able to use full auto make it more advantageous in being able to cut down a squad running between buildings.
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Old December 28th, 2016, 23:14   #8
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Gives LMGs more of an advantage in a way.
Only difference between an AEG and an LMG is the box mag. So being able to use full auto make it more advantageous in being able to cut down a squad running between buildings.
In a modern life LMG has more of an advantage over an assault rifle because of it's higher capacity mag as well as an option of using standard assault rifle mags, no? Limit regular AEGs to it's standard capacity mags (30 per mag/45 for long RPK mags) and "normal" carrying capacity of mags for a specific weapon. Say, 300 rounds for an AK, 400 rounds for an M4. You can't realistically carry more on you and run with it, can you? Simple as that. People will stop spraying and will mostly use semi, I've seen it evolve from 2004 speed ball type things that last 5 minutes at most to guys going at it for 24 hours because they only have 300 bbs on them. If you limit people, they will only go FA for two reasons, to suppress during a confrontation or they are about to be shot.
I mostly attend WW2 themed events where we don't have LMGs and an MG cannot be fired on the run or standing etc. MGs have way more ammo and usually only provide cover and suppression as per original tactics. Even than, guys with airsoft Garands, Thompsons and so on were able to drain dug in MG position this summer. Took them really long time but at the end we ran out of bullets because we were surrounded.

P.S. Sorry, I didn't mention the fact that an M4 with 100 round drum mag should not be considered an LMG to begin with. If it's not airsoft form of a support weapon than I shouldn't play a role of one.

Last edited by 666; December 28th, 2016 at 23:28..
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Old December 28th, 2016, 23:55   #9
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LMGs still only use 200 round belts though lol

Back when everyone actually ran lowcaps, and had 70 round mags, and LMGs used 2000 round boxes, and the very idea of a gun shooting more than 1100rpm was just laughable fantasy, it all made more sense. Cause then we'd just chastise people who wasted their ammo away in full auto at 900rpm from their 5 lowcaps.
Now with midcaps and 35rps, it's more annoying and more dangerous to just let every tom, dick and assbut use full auto.
In the words of a polarstar user "I have it set to 30rps for faster trigger response" *proceeds to do nothing but 3-10 round burst*

However, that being said, even in games where full auto is allowed on anything (more realistic), I've never felt handicapped using semi-only. More accurate, waste less ammo, if I have to attack a fort full of guys blasting full auto at me, I can just wait till they all run out of ammo.
60rps? Means you gotta reload some time.

The mandatory semi-auto is also a safety measure, but most importantly it forces people to actually aim. Because aiming is milsim. Unless you're playing a force that believes in life jackets and blind firing, then it's totally not milsim.

Last edited by ThunderCactus; December 28th, 2016 at 23:59..
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Old December 28th, 2016, 23:58   #10
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That's a totally weird rule, I've never encountered it here.

Usually rules will involve low/realcap mags and total ammo restrictions, with LMGs having access to higher capacity mags (boxes/drums) and higher total ammo count -- albeit there are specific rules as to what can be accepted as a LMG, i.e., an M4 with a drum is not an LMG.

The end result is that if you want to blow your limited ammo away in full auto you can, but you'll need to reload more frequently and you'll run out of ammo faster (I've even seen some events where there were rules for resupply, so when you ran out of ammo it wasnt as easy as going back to camp and reloading).
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Old December 29th, 2016, 02:15   #11
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Typically I've seen rule sets along the line if what Drake says. Ammo and/or mag capacities aren't just based on weapon type, but mag type, meaning you don't get a 'X' round limit. For instance, one high-cap, 8 mid-caps, or unlimited low or real caps, while LMGs are allowed one or two box mags, etc, is common. If RPS is a problem, then game hosts should set a cap for it. Full-auto or not is typically more of a sportsmanship issue, but not overshooting a target is also kind of a loose rule. Full-auto is only effective in a few select circumstances, because it's just an ammo dump and not as accurate, so it's generally avoided by experienced players. LMGs in many cases don't have a semi function or only stay effective the as a support weapon due to size and weight versus an assault platform, do it can be an advantage if you have the round capacity to back that up, but once again it all comes down to the game host and their vision for the game. Out here, many fields restrict full-auto by your proximity to the player and by what velocity class your gun falls into. It can really vary field to field and game to game. Some games have the same basic limits for all types of weapons and it's the players responsibility to make their gun work for them, such as no specific advantages given to LMGs, snipers, etc. As far as realism goes, either your going with literal realism, such as thirty rounds mag or whatever, or you go with what works best for the game dynamic.
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