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Best option for a all-around bang-for-buck performer?


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Old March 14th, 2018, 15:21   #1
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Best option for a all-around bang-for-buck performer?

EDIT: Decided I should start out with an AEG. Looking for something that's accurate, reliable and a good upgrading platform for the long run.

Hey guys, been out of airsoft for a while, have some spare monies now and looking to get back into airsoft. Looking to affirm some things I'm finding online, and also to get some new info.

There's so much new stuff. I'm probably looking to buy / build a solid gun. I will want to play a lot outdoors, and am looking to do some long milsim events, so I think AEG is the way to go, but I really love the appeal of the realism of GBBR's. I care most about accuracy and reliability. Realism is a big plus.

After some research, I'm getting that the best AEG's out there are the VFC Avalon, C&A Nemesis, G&G G2 line, Krytac. GHK & TM are the way to go for GBBR's and there's a new VFC release that's supposed to be better than all of them.

Is there an option to build something with a cheaper gun, but to put on something like a tightbore or magic barrel to match the performance? I watched a Spartan video on youtube comparing the Avalon and Krytac to show that the Krytac had better longer range accuracy. What's making it shoot better? What's the real difference at the end of the day from a Krytac to a cheap, well performing gun like a JG (not sure if these are still around)?

So for being able to play indoors / outdoors, something that is accurate and reliable, what's my best bet?


Last edited by Dragate; March 15th, 2018 at 10:44..
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Old March 14th, 2018, 15:37   #2
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An AEG and rhopped Prometheus/PDI inner barrel will be sufficent.

You can always purchase a well done AEG as well if your budget permits.
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Old March 14th, 2018, 15:44   #3
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assuming you want a gun that can last for a really long time with minimal work, VFC would be the way to go. They are TM compatible and finding upgrade parts are easy. replacing the hopup and barrel is probably the easiest thing you can do with minimal modification. anything inside the gearbox can be tricky so unless you are experienced avoid opening it, or just pay a local shop to open it for you.
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Old March 15th, 2018, 09:15   #4
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VFC 100% if you are looking for an AR-based AEG. You also have the good fortune of being located in Waterloo with one of the most renowned gun-techs in the province close to you.

Like Biorage said, an rhopped Prometheus/PDI inner barrel will be good enough. I'd add a MOSFET in there too and perhaps a snappier motor but that's entirely up to you.

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Old March 15th, 2018, 09:41   #5
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As DesMOND))o0o0o0o0o0 stated,

VFC -> AR/PDW platforms (Avalons are expensive IMO.. you can get a cheaper VFC and get a better FET installed for less)
LCT -> AK/G3 platforms

Mosfet goes a long way, simple 3034 fet will suffice, and let you run 11.1v without any issues, SHS 12:1 or 13:1 gears, SHS HT motor, and a SHS 14 teeth piston head is really all you need for great trigger response and budget friendly . (might as well go full shs though inside since you're paying a tech to open it up anyways! nozzle, tappet plate, etc.

AEG vs GBBR debate, best to have both in your collection.

GBB's while fun, do have a lot of down sides, mainly weight, ammo cap, and inconsistency per shot (less gas in mag, means less consistent funnel of bbs at your opponent). AEG's are always consistent, and will go where you want it to shoot 100% of the time, do not need to worry about your bb's dropping because your mag is running low on gas. Weather for GBBS are another factor (colder it is, worse the performance), but for indoors it is very fun, I tend to shoot less and make sure my shots count, as 30-40 rounds vs 50-160 round midcaps.

AEGs while a lot easier, once done, all you need to do is load your mags, plug in a batter, and go. GBBS you need to worry about dropping your mags, leaky mags, cleaning it, lubing it, storing it properly, and a lot of other factors. (which may be fun for you to tinker with) - in essence, GBB's are a lot more work, but if you have time to take care of them.

Both are about the same price once you factor in a fully done setup (new) GBB +Mags, AEG + internals + labour (mags are cheap)

Both have their ups and downs, if you're only thinking of one gun for both indoor and outdoor, I would suggest you go AEG, also mentionable, at any given time, a well done AEG's will outgun/perform anything.

Last edited by BioRage; March 15th, 2018 at 09:43..
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Old March 15th, 2018, 10:47   #6
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Sweet guys! Thanks for the info.

It's looking like VFC is doing well amongst the community.

VFC -> AR/PDW platforms (Avalons are expensive IMO.. you can get a cheaper VFC and get a better FET installed for less)
So the difference between a regular VFC AEG and the Avalon mostly is just the MOSFET inclusion?

Which would make a better platform for upgrading in the long-run? I'm not too interested in high RPS or FPS, just mostly reliability and accuracy, and small upgrades as tinkering for fun here and there.
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Old March 15th, 2018, 17:12   #7
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Old May 23rd, 2018, 00:03   #8
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Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous View Post
Yeah but those stupid receiver threads... and dust cover.
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Old May 27th, 2018, 10:49   #9
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Glad I looked as I was about to ask the same thing.

Time to find me a VFC.

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Old May 28th, 2018, 21:24   #10
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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VFC Quake is a great starter.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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