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Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old October 24th, 2005, 20:57   #1
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Location: Burlington
Noob Airsoft Questions

Im new to airsoft and im thinking of buying a G&G GR16-A2-CARBINE from Rangers airsoft but i dont know what the difference between the G&G Aegs and the ISC Aegs, just diff make? Please help.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 21:00   #2
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G&G is based on a TM design just with G&G parts and metal body, whereas the ICS has a unique split gearbox design and field stripping method. They are both metal bodied and solid guns externally, and I can't speak about the G&G personally, but the ICS seems pretty solid internally too.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 21:04   #3
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Isn't Burlington in USA? If yes, why are you buying here in Canada? You'll have better prices in an US store.


EDIT: But there is a Burlington in US?
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Old October 24th, 2005, 21:06   #4
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Before the G&G M16 A2 and an ICS, you should get a Tokyo Marui because you are a noob in the airsoft. So if you very like the sport, after your first airsoft, you can get a full metal.

I recommend you to get a TM for the quality/price for a beginner.

- Tokyo Marui M4A1 (bought when airsofts had better times...)
- ICS M16 A3 (recently bought)

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Old October 24th, 2005, 21:10   #5
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Burlington is in Ontario. I dont have the money to buy 2 guns lol. So if im gonna buy something i wanna buy one that looks great and works great.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 22:03   #6
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if you shop on the websites for canadian airsoft retailers you'll find some sell ics for the same money as tokyo-marui. why, then, would you buy a tm? just google search or use the retailers on the "retailer banner". besides do some reading on g&g carefully before investing that kind of cash and talk to some retailers about them and see what their perspective is on potential problems and remedies.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 22:06   #7
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where the hell you saw a ICS the same price than a TM ?

I woud like to see it ! Usualy Tm are NOT the same price.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 22:12   #8
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one of the biggest reasons i dont want a tokyo-marui is because its not full metal) id like the realism on it
*edit* i dont thnk they are full metal
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Old October 24th, 2005, 22:17   #9
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Ozgur, If you buy an ICS just for the metal body, I'd say it is not a good idea. You pay more for an ICS than a TM because of the metal body, but I've heard many times that the ICS metal bodies aren't very good. If you really want a metal body, buy a TM and buy a good seperated metal body.

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Old October 24th, 2005, 22:30   #10
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Old October 24th, 2005, 22:56   #11
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Originally Posted by kymoz
Ozgur, If you buy an ICS just for the metal body, I'd say it is not a good idea. You pay more for an ICS than a TM because of the metal body, but I've heard many times that the ICS metal bodies aren't very good. If you really want a metal body, buy a TM and buy a good seperated metal body.


Yea, ever costed that out?

A Hurricane body runs over 300 dollars. The TM gun itself runs over 500. The ICS is like what? 600? Are the trademarks worth THAT much more to you?

I went with an ICS as my first gun (MP5-A4 actually). Very satisfied for the bit of plinking I've done with it so far.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old October 25th, 2005, 00:55   #12
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Originally Posted by firemachine69
Yea, ever costed that out?

A Hurricane body runs over 300 dollars. The TM gun itself runs over 500. The ICS is like what? 600? Are the rademarks worth THAT much more to you?

I went with an ICS as my first gun (MP5-A4 actually). Very satisfied for the bit of plinking I've done with it so far.


I'm not a newb, been playing for over 2 years and even I'd never chuck that amount of money into a gun. I'd find something in the Buy and sell ads first. It's like the humane society for airsoft. GIVE THEM A LOVING HOME! They're just as good as new guns!! (And you know they've worked in combat conditions right?)

Just bought me an M700 second hand. My G3 before that, I was the 3rd owner. Both Solid guns and upgraded to the tits minus the body. As a first gun...who cares?

Some people call them Terrorists. These boys have simply been...misguided.
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Old October 25th, 2005, 07:31   #13
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"one of the biggest reasons i dont want a tokyo-marui is because its not full metal) id like the realism on it
*edit* i dont thnk they are full metal"

Ok, the Tm is in plastic, but this isn't a cheaper plastic (ABS)
For the realism, for me, the TM have the same realism.

- Tokyo Marui M4A1 (bought when airsofts had better times...)
- ICS M16 A3 (recently bought)

Armalites and unicorns are a good blend... fcuk I want to be age verified!
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Old October 26th, 2005, 21:23   #14
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Originally Posted by firemachine69
Yea, ever costed that out?

A Hurricane body runs over 300 dollars. The TM gun itself runs over 500. The ICS is like what? 600? Are the rademarks worth THAT much more to you?

I went with an ICS as my first gun (MP5-A4 actually). Very satisfied for the bit of plinking I've done with it so far.
Yes, I know those are expensive. But if you got to spend 100$ more on a gun that has a not so good metal body on it, I'd say to save your money for a real metal body. The ICS A4 body has apparently a tendency to crack.

Anyway, I'm not talking about personal experience. Just read/heard/been warned about that gun. Firemachine seems to be very satisfyed about his. I am just giving my opinion. Wasn't it the thread's goal?

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Old October 27th, 2005, 15:11   #15
Mr. Barlow
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well then go for classic army

*although i hear they're equally as flimsy.

Bottom line is anyway you look at it when you put that much money into something it is a risk. Just like a car, buying a gun is not an investment, as soon as you use it the value decreases. If you take good car of the gun, then it will take good care of you. If you want full metal then I would go for the ICS. What you should be asking however is how does it perform which VARIES FROM GUN TO GUN.

You can stick your head up a bulls ass to see the quality of the meat but wouldnt you rather take the butchers word for it? :razz: :smack:
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