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I've got a few questions about games and rifles to pick from.


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Old November 7th, 2005, 10:49   #1
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Cold Lake Alberta
I've got a few questions about games and rifles to pick from.

Ok, I would like to know if skirmish games are friendly to any package/mix of camo style/Rifle

What I mean is can I be dressed up as a canadian soldier, yet use an AK as my weapon of choice instead of an M4 or M16. or do I have to have the the correct package for the more serious skirmish games? (i.e)("Canadian soldier caries a C7 so a tm m16 is neccesary not an AK")

I just really like the AK and dont want to end up looking goofy on the field being in canadian camo and carrying an AK.

Another question I have is which rifle is better between the TM AK47, and the M4 or M16, I would like a longer range weapon for the summer for skirmish events if I ever go to any. I know the barrel length on the AK is over 400mm which makes it pretty decent.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 11:04   #2
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For the most part it doesn't matter that much, and for that matter, even more organized events usually only put cam restrictions on teams for frendly/foe differentiation or to add to the feeling of the event, I havent' seen a lot of weapon restrictions as far as type, beyond the in Country boys. Hell I run CADPAT and an AUG.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 11:27   #3
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Ya, just decide on your camo (often decides which team you will end up on, at the LZ here, it's always woodland vs. cadpat, and marpat/OD tends to fill out the smaller team of the two) and then use whatever webbing, weapon, etc. you feel like.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 12:08   #4
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There are usually no set rules. People match gear and weaponry for authenticity. Concerning the other part of your question, most people would recommend the AK. The M4 isn't bad, but the M16 has some durability issues due to its length and older design. They both have weaker mechboxes in comparison to the AK. Some people will poke fun at you for mixing equiptment, but it really doesnt matter.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 12:31   #5
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Originally Posted by fantastix
There are usually no set rules. People match gear and weaponry for authenticity. Concerning the other part of your question, most people would recommend the AK. The M4 isn't bad, but the M16 has some durability issues due to its length and older design. They both have weaker mechboxes in comparison to the AK. Some people will poke fun at you for mixing equiptment, but it really doesnt matter.
Great to know!!!, thanks for the info guys, and for thoes who make fun of me for mismatching, I'll throw on some urban camo, a balaclava and pull some terrorist gihad on your ass :twisted:... j/k
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Old November 7th, 2005, 12:33   #6
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Only problem with the AK is that upgradability is a bit of an issue as far as external accessories.

Fantastix is right, myself for example, next year, I'm working on building up a German kit, mostly because I want something that matches and I like the G36. Flectarn is cool too.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 12:36   #7
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The G36 is an option, but I want something with a longer barrel for more accuracy, I mean I can always upgrade but I still love the old school styling of the AK47, mind you I'll make a home made wood kit and throw on a scope of some sort. thats about it for external modifications. the rest would be internal like metal bushings and a spring.
I can always paint the fake wood black and have an all black AK.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 12:38   #8
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Oh, don't get me wrong, the AK is a sexy rifle. I love em'. I just like the G36, somethin' about it, probably gonna build up a second front end for mine so I can have a long accurate barrel for out door games, and something smaller than an AUG for CQB.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 14:45   #9
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Originally Posted by nemesis_83
The G36 is an option, but I want something with a longer barrel for more accuracy, I mean I can always upgrade but I still love the old school styling of the AK47, mind you I'll make a home made wood kit and throw on a scope of some sort.
FYI, here are the barrel lengths.

CA36E: 495mm
TM-AK47: 455mm

There's also the new SLR105 from Classic Army. It should have the same barrel length as the TM AK, but with higher stock FPS.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 15:53   #10
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My 50 cents or as we in Canada say half-a-loonie
I got both M16 and AK not long ago. Maybe I got a bad AK or something, but head to head M16 outperforms AK47 hands down.
Barrel wobble was not a issue so far on 16, but I use no sling, and take care of it while carrying. It carries bb's further and its much more precise on single shot than AK.
With full honesty AK dissapointed me, even more, after only one game it already needs repairs cause the butt of it has a crack. ;-)
They both stock, but AK not for long I guess :rrr:
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Old November 7th, 2005, 15:57   #11
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This question was something I also asked myself at the start. I decided the MP5 was for me because Canada and U.S. has them.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 20:32   #12
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I use American Anti-Nightvision camo from the 90's and shoot a p90. It really is not that big a deal. Some guys are really heavy into impressionism but for the most part we are pretty chill.

Paying also sufficent attention to third personell.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 23:35   #13
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The M16A2's barrel length is 509mm - and in this game with most all guns created equally out of the box - barrel length is range. There's not much you can't precisely hit with a M16A2, a tightbore 509mm and .25g's.

One thing that's nice about impressionism, aside from the LCF - is mag sharing. It saves your ass and keeps you in the fight in some games and skirmishes.
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