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Tactical Combat Boots


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Old November 9th, 2005, 19:09   #1
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Tactical Combat Boots

So, I'm looking for good tactical combat boots. In my search I have heard the name Magnum pop up reoccurringly, and accompanying that, "Stealth". After checking out the Magnum Stealths, I realized there are two versions, (I and II) and now I am hardpressed figuring out which to purchase.
Version I has that classic uniform and graceful style
Version II has a more rugged, functional look, and being the second version, has, assumingly, better specs/features and is improved.

I love the visual grace of the original Stealths, but am also intrigued by what the Stealth II's have to offer in terms of functional improvements.
Please, if anyone has any insight of the quality and features of these two boots (or can suggest any other equally as good boot) it would help me out considerably!!

Here are the two versions for comparison:

. . . . . . . . . Magnum STEALTH . . . . . . . . . vs . . . . . . Magnum STEALTH II . . . . . . . .
. .

"And the Lord said unto John, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."
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Old November 9th, 2005, 19:54   #2
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personally I hate mangums. worse on my feet then the issued combat boot. can't have actual field use for them either. get wet easily, and they could fall apart on you after owning them for a year (just figuring since they're for airsoft only maybe they'll last you?) .
look at rockies, same price range and a whole lot better in my mind.
or if you really want to go big; danners are the way to go.
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Old November 9th, 2005, 21:02   #3
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hmm, from their website it seems they supply the USMC with combat boots.. cool thanks for the tip!
p.s. looks like the Strike 8 GTX is now in the running too!

"And the Lord said unto John, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."
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Old November 9th, 2005, 21:09   #4
aka daijivu
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what size are you looking for? I have a used one, low/mid cut size 11, 1 viper size 11 and 1- 91/2 all leather with thinsulate. selling them cheap. let me know if you're interested. thanks.

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Old November 9th, 2005, 21:15   #5
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Your magnums will wear out after a year, year and a half or so. (This was what I have seen over 2 pairs @ Daily Use, not anything crazy, work in security.)

If you need a pair of boots for daily use or just want them to last, go with Danner or Matterhorn (Cove Shoes/Boots).

Out of the two "Stealths" I'd pick the second one. I personal like the box toe better then the other one.
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Old November 9th, 2005, 21:40   #6
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I've found that Magnums are like Nikes for my feet. No break-in time, perform quite well, and wear out quickly.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 00:49   #7
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I have magnums boot. I use them in CQB because they are lighter than issued combat boots. BUT they are not very confortable. They don't stay in place aon your feet weel. The laces undo themself easely and they skeek on wet floor and sometime on dry floor.

The sole is too hard and make noise when walking. When you run with them, they are too hard on your feet.

basically, they look good but are not very good at keeping you top shape for work. After 8h of patrol with them, you will hate them already.

They are not waterproof too.
OK for summer, Bad for winter and wet weather.

if it's for simple CQB, get them, for professionnal duty, stay away.

I got mine for 75$ at R Nicholls.
I saw them for sale at 125$ someplaces else... so watch for the prices.

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Old November 10th, 2005, 10:31   #8
Brian McIlmoyle
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Light weight Tactical Boots

Like magnums.. Original Swat... are designed to last about a year in duty use. for wear 2 or 3 time a week in urban environments.. you may get 2 years out of them.
They are not really designed as a "field boot" so much as a duty boot.

You trade durability for weight in boots such as these.. they don't cost that much.. so it is not unreasonable to expect to replace them every 18 months or so.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 17:38   #9
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Of the two companies, which would you prefer, Original Swat's or Magnums? (which are you sporting now brian?)
Also, how much is a reasonable price to pay for a pair of Swat's/Magnums/Danner?
(Fox, did you get yours at $75 for a great deal, or is that about the standard price?)

p.s. what is a steel shank? The majority of these boots seem to advertise it and Bookshelf says it is the part of the sole under the instep, but I can't imagine it being very comfertable having steel in that area...

"And the Lord said unto John, 'Come forth and receive eternal life.' But John came fifth and won a toaster."
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Old November 10th, 2005, 17:48   #10
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by |2enegade
Of the two companies, which would you prefer, Original Swat's or Magnums? (which are you sporting now brian?)
Also, how much is a reasonable price to pay for a pair of Swat's/Magnums/Danner?
(Fox, did you get yours at $75 for a great deal, or is that about the standard price?)
I have original swat 9 inch side zippers... If I was buying again .. I would not bother with the side zippers.. never use them.

They are light weight.. comfortable... and so far problem free... My feet do get tired in them after about 10 hours.. but that is probably more to do with me not being that used to being on my feet all day. I paid I think $120 for them

I would not recommend these boots for field use.. I think that the lightweight materials just won't last outside.

Fof outside .. I'm thinking Danners ( always wanted a pair) but I am not sure I can justify the cost when surplus CF boots can be had for $40 and fresh insoles for an addition $20.

Bass Pro shop is a good source for boots of all types .. they have the full line of Original Swat, and they have a good selection of the Danner line.

Beaver Surplus has a selection of Magnums.. along with the aforementioned Surplus CF boots.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old November 10th, 2005, 17:49   #11
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I still have my CDN issue wet weather boots with 200 gram gortex. These things have been through hell and back and they are still extremely good boots. I think beavers surplus sometimes gets them in around the 80.00 bang for your buck IMO, Unless your looking to spend the $$$$....if thats the case go with danner's or matterhorns. I would stay away from magnums and swat boots......

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Old November 10th, 2005, 17:56   #12
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by MORGUE
I still have my CDN issue wet weather boots with 200 gram gortex. These things have been through hell and back and they are still extremely good boots. I think beavers surplus sometimes gets them in around the 80.00 bang for your buck IMO, Unless your looking to spend the $$$$....if thats the case go with danner's or matterhorns. I would stay away from magnums and swat boots......

100% agree for field use... for inside.. or urban CQB (which is what I focus on) the Magnums and Swats are good.

For a field boot.. you want durability, water resistance, support, and protection for the foot, all things that the light weight duty boots don't do a good job of.
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old November 10th, 2005, 18:19   #13
Mike the great
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My field boot of choice would be good old mk 3's with the softest vibrem sole. The CF issue gortex is good but i find them bulky.
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Old November 10th, 2005, 18:42   #14
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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(Fox, did you get yours at $75 for a great deal, or is that about the standard price?)
I think the price was pretty standard. I saw them a 125$ in some surplus stores.

R Nicholls usually have good prices.

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Old November 10th, 2005, 19:02   #15
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shblama! my review on the matterhorns that I own and use every day.
just and update on that review; I'm still on the same set of boots so it's been at least year and a half and I've only seen some minor wear on the heel of the boot.
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