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Old November 11th, 2005, 00:14   #1
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Stupid Kids

I was on my lunch break from work yesterday when I heard on the radio about a lock out at the GP Comp school because of a kid with a replica hand gun, on the radio they said it was an airsoft gun then this morning they said it was a pelet gun, and the News paper just says replica hand gun
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Old November 11th, 2005, 00:29   #2
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you should have seen the havoc it wrought. 15 rcmp decended (including swat team) on the high school which was in total lock-down. i was working at the catholic high school that day and at the same time as this went down they sent a cruiser to that school as well. many charges laid against the 16 and 17 year old males involved, including possession of a weapon dangerous to the public (?), public mischief, and other unknown charges. they have a dec. 19 court appearance, and were suspended indefinitely from school. the funny thing the principal is my neighbour and has no idea what lurks within. the media mentioned "gas-charged airsoft replica handgun" on wednesday, but today it was a pellet gun. no idea yet what it really was and what the result will be.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 01:34   #3
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Well, looks like a couple of idiots will have a hard time finding a job now...
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Old November 11th, 2005, 02:35   #4
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Originally Posted by mcguyver
many charges laid against the 16 and 17 year old males involved, including possession of a weapon dangerous to the public (?)
Someone with the exact law could fill in the blanks, cause I cant remember what they are. But say if you help up a bank with an airsoft and got caught, you get charged as if it were a real firearm. I believe if it looks like one, its treated like one in the courts.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 09:13   #5
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Pfft. This one's slipping into the dark (provided the kids aren't stupid and shut their fat traps, and let the lawyers do the talking), all charges will likely be dropped (unless the kid was stupid and aimed it at someone's head, as opposed to just showing it off to a friend).

Fact is, it's not CONSIDERED a weapon until it is used as such, e.g. pointing it at someone to instill fear in them in their belief that they're possibly facing a real firearm. Even a half-ass DA can fight off "showing off" to almost any judge as youth stupidity.

I'm guessing they'll bargain though, publicly apologize, and do 40 hours of community service each. Educated guess, my aunt was the secretary in the youth court system.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old November 11th, 2005, 09:22   #6
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It's incidents like this that tends to justify the treatment handed out to the stooges that show up here on a much too frequent basis.

Funny how the media jumped to the Airsoft description, then corrected itself. Looks like we're a little too popular for my liking. As much as I like the health of Airsoft today, it's probly better in the longrun if it all went underground and dissapeared again.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 11:17   #7
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Originally Posted by surebet
Well, looks like a couple of idiots will have a hard time finding a job now...
Their records are cleaned at age 18/19. Their crimes may still be viewable, but they cannot be refused a job because of that crime.

Or so the RCMP officers tell us (before they attempt to give us a job).

EDIT: however I'm not sure if that still counts if they are tried (sp?) as adults.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 11:41   #8
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Not quite, but you got the right idea.

If they commit a non-serious offense (e.g. NOT aggravated assault or robbery, stuff like shoplifting), they can apply for a liaison (I think it's called?), which is basically, a pardon, when they turn eighteen (they can apply later as well, although it's usually smart to do it ASAP).

They do not "automatically" get a "pardon".

They get a leniancy where the type of offense is sealed for I believe five years, and at the end of that period, the offense gets pardoned.

Example (pretty common actually):

Bob shoplifts, or attempts to, but gets caught, arrested, charged, and convicted, at the "tender" age of sixteen. He has just turned eighteen yesterday. He now applies for a leniancy clause, and, unless exceptional circumstances, or multiple offense of the same nature, or more serious offense appear, the "theft under $5000" which is viewable in the CPIC system, will become a (roughly) "past non-violent offense". Five years from now, Bob re-applies, and once again, granted he has not commited more or graver offenses, is granted a conditional clearing from the charge(s). His record now comes up as empty.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old November 11th, 2005, 12:24   #9
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Possess weapon dangerous to the public peace is a charge laid when you are carrying or are in possession of a device that, ostensibly, could be used as a weapon but you have not yet done so. Typically laid when there's a perceived threat of someone up to no good.

For instance, let's say you're carrying a baseball bat down the street. If you're wearing a jersey, sneakers, and carrying a baseball and glove, it's doubtful such a charge would be laid. However if you're sauntering along with a posse of youths dressed in gang colors, it's a good bet you're not off to the diamond for some batting practice. If it walks like a duck.... Possess weapon dangerous would likely be laid after the officers interviewed (pursued and caught? ) the subjects.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 18:32   #10
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My apologies (sp?). I was mistaken.
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Old November 11th, 2005, 18:41   #11
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Their records are cleaned at age 18/19. Their crimes may still be viewable, but they cannot be refused a job because of that crime.
I know if I was an employer, and found out about a incident like this. I would refuse to hire the person. (You just tell them "sorry, you did not meet the qualifications" and leave it at that)

I can't measure my sig so I got this stupid tag line instead.
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Old November 13th, 2005, 04:22   #12
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Sigh... Kids...
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Old November 13th, 2005, 08:09   #13
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Increadiably stupid...
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Old November 15th, 2005, 23:28   #14
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Why can't we just beat the crap out of these kids? I mean if you looked back 30 years ago... a kid did something like this, his ass would be red for a year! But now the kids have the run of the show, because "WE'll call social services"... I'd say fine and go on vacation when the SS took the kid away.... anyway the biggest problem is really discipline and instruction... kids don't go hunting no more... they're barely allowed to now adays... my grandfather nearly got charged because I carried his rifle for him (he couldn't walk to much in the woods... so I carried it empty)... but even empty it was still a weapon and no 13 yr old can have the responsibility to use it... even though when I was 9 I could break down that .308 and rebuild it in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.... fast enough for a kid but anyway...

No one respects no one no more, and no one teaches anyone no more. I've met so many kids playing online games like Counter strike and Day of Defeat who beleive they know all but all they did was play video games with VERY poor representations of real weapons. Like sniper rifles, you have to dope your distance, correct your windspeed and all that... in a game its point click shoot reload... and then they have no real accuracy to the weapons in use... like the .50 cal sniper rifle... if I wasn't mistaken that rifle is illegal to use on a person... so says Geneva... blah blah blah... bottom line...

WHO THE FUCK LETS THESE KIDS GET THESE DAMN GUNS!?!?!... Its the same as that Clinton bitch saying "Games are too violent for kids so stop making them entirely"... why don't people like this get up off their damn ass and stop the KIDS from playing the games instead of the games from existing... putting LOTS of people out on the street with out a job, killing a huge industry and ruining alot of our damn private lives...
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Old November 16th, 2005, 15:54   #15
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stupid kids yay
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